things that piss me off

  1. The African heads of state
  2. Our good for nothing legislators
  3. Slow or non existent internet connection
  4. Our useless judiciary and other constitutional bodies
  5. The fourth estate
  6. The churches tax exempt status
  7. Tribal clashes
  8. Lastly a world that appears to be peopled mostly by sheeples.

About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

53 thoughts on “things that piss me off

  1. Mordanicus says:

    As a European I would replace point 1 with: The European leader delaying a serious solution of the Euro crisis


    • makagutu says:

      most times so called leaders don’t appreciate the urgency of a problem. They have stashed money in the tax havens so they sort of fuck everyone else!


      • Mordanicus says:

        Dutch politicians are mostly cowards with little imagination. Every time things comes difficult, they let the government fall and ask for new elections. Or when though questions are raised they resign and hope that their successor will solve the problem.


        • makagutu says:

          those are an interesting group of politicians. If you can’t solve a problem quit and hope those who come after you will resolve it, how convenient!


          • Mordanicus says:

            On average it take ten to fifteen years to solve in issue in the Netherlands.


            • makagutu says:

              I think you guys should try a new method that would help reduce the time it requires to resolve some of the important national issues.


              • Mordanicus says:

                Too many political parties, too many interest groups, too many trade unions, too many conflicting interests. No that wouldn’t happen any time soon, maybe if the monarchy collapses and a new constitution has to be written.


                • makagutu says:

                  To write a new constitution in peace time is quite hard, the common argument being, why fix it if it ain’t broken and given what you say about your politicians, it would require a constitutional crisis for that document to be redrafted.
                  It seems we are becoming a two party state though in practice there are several parties. I think before the last section the count was something at 100+ and some didn’t even have representatives in the house. The biggest interest group we have is MPs bellies, it supersedes all others.


                  • Mordanicus says:

                    Precisely, therefore nothing will change here in the Netherlands. Even if should decide to change the constitution, too many people wants too different things. We have rewritten the constitution back in 1983, and the result was practically the same as the previous constitution of 1848. Basically only the language and the sequence of chapters was changed.


                    • makagutu says:

                      then all you can hope is a crisis that would result in a overhaul of the entire document. Or hope that the politicians don’t mess up things beyond where they already are!


  2. john zande says:

    South America has some shocking leaders, but there is one extremely bright light: Josรฉ Mujica, President of Uruguay. The man is quite brilliant and has foregone all the trappings, choosing to live in his beaten up old farm house in the countryside. He donates 90% of his salary.


  3. Ishaiya says:

    ‘Sheeples not peoples’ – I like that, and it’s unfortunately true!


  4. themodernidiot says:

    Ok, now give me ten things you love and that make you happy ๐Ÿ˜‰


    • makagutu says:

      Oh dear, this is a tough one but let me try.
      1. My family, they are great. My sisters are fun to be with, my brothers are interesting, my daughter an interesting bundle of joy, my girlfriend a very fine lady and my old man is a man we get a long with.
      2. my office: i work in one of the best places one would want to work at
      3. my colleagues: very kind people
      4. my friends: very kind people
      5. my wordpress friends: they make my days
      6. beethoven music: it is music you close your eyes to see
      7. philosophy; i don’t know how a person can live without it
      8. picnics: a time to just be lazy and concentrate on birds and scenery
      9. architecture: it is a way of life
      10. politics: affects how we live
      and a bonus number
      11. any good movie any day


      • themodernidiot says:

        well done. i am so pleased that you have a daughter! that means we have a woman who will grow up and make the world better because her father taught her how, and because she will follow in his footsteps ๐Ÿ˜€


  5. ladysighs says:

    As I scrolled down the Reader, I read the title of the post.
    Was I ever surprised (and pleasantly shocked ) when I found out that you were the author. You have never ever given any indication of this pissiness in anything I have read by you before. And I have read quite a bit.


    • makagutu says:

      Maybe sometimes it appears in code :-P. The African heads of states are planning to export impunity, our MPs are milking the coffers dry by demanding to paid so much money while they contribute very little to the economy and so on!


  6. aguywithoutboxers says:

    I am so very thankful that my name isn’t on your list! Much love and naked hugs!


  7. violetwisp says:

    Oh dear, I think you could relocate that list to most anywhere in the world. Except for the slow internet connection, which just piles on the frustration I imagine!


  8. lahacienda says:

    Your comments are hilarious! I agree with another commentator, I haven’t read such a pissed off post before. If I replaced #1 with Greek politicians (the lowest form of life in my opinion), and the internet connection – which is decent – with crippling bureaucracy, I might have written the post myself.


    • makagutu says:

      I think all politicians must have the same parents or go to the same school where they are taught to shit on everyone’s face and at the same display the highest level of idiocy. It appears it is one profession where as one stays longer, the more stupid they become. I read about Rome through the eyes of Cicero and one sees, at least before the fall of the empire, a political class concerned with the welfare of the citizens. I don’t know what and when things went wrong.

      Well again, am usually a bundle of joy :-P. Most African heads of state are a-holes! In most countries they change the constitution at whim to stay longer in power, they don’t know what it means the rule of law and for home, they have through appointment of their cronies, favoritism entrenched tribalism and corruption in almost every sphere of life.


      • lahacienda says:

        yes – they even seem to be making the same speeches. The point you make about Cicero: I’m thinking it might have to do with the fact that democracy as a political system was still rather new and politicians were more interested in exploring it. Same in Ancient Athens. I read Plato and Aristotle and I weep. None of those aspirations and ideas apply in modern politics. It’s sad but true.


        • makagutu says:

          Tell me, was the financial mess the legislators and bankers put the country in been sorted out?


          • lahacienda says:

            It’s not even close to being solved Makagutu and I’m not sure it ever will. The same people who mismanaged the money are still in power. There’s even an ex- Prime Minister who’s running around ivy league universities making big money by giving lectures about the Greek crisis – same guy who was running the country when it went bust.


            • makagutu says:

              That’s really sad. One wonders then why didn’t he put these ideas in place to avert the slide into financial crisis! I know I don’t like politicians


            • Mordanicus says:

              Maybe he can explain how and why he did ruin the country better than any one else.


              • lahacienda says:

                Exactly. I think he’s trying to insinuate that it’s the fault of speculators who decided to attack Europe through it’s weakest country – Greece. As if Greece was well governed until then. He’s a clown. Mind you, his father AND grandfather were also PMs. Talking about nepotism. Sorry for elaborating so much about Greek politics – it always puts me in the mood for a good rant…


  9. Real real me says:

    Some things are funny, it’s weird that they still exist.
    By the way, I didn’t know you have a daughter.


  10. emmylgant says:

    I like your list. Rant on Noel! I stand and clap in your cheering section.


  11. niquesdawson says:

    I Like. Lakini Hiyo No. 8. Sichaelewa…


    • makagutu says:

      Sheeples is a cross between sheep and people, who depend on shepherds to think for them, tell them what they can and can’t do and so on. I hope you get it now ๐Ÿ˜›


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