Easter is approaching

and we have questions.

1. If Moses was inspired and the book of the law was lost and destroyed and later written by Ezra, was he [Ezra] also inspired and if yes was the inspiration of Moses important? [WE are granting for argument’s sake Moses walked on the planet]

2. HOW was David ancestry important in the life of Jeebus if he was born of the holy spirit?

3. How long was Jeebus’ ministry?

4. When was he born?

5. Where was his ministry based and how many times was he in Jerusalem?

6. Was he falsely accused?

7. When did he die?


About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

54 thoughts on “Easter is approaching

  1. Those are some pretty basic questions. I want to know a bit more depth on the christ: What was his take on socialism? How did he feel about affordable health care? Would he feel comfortable at a megachurch? Did he have anything to say about fast food – perhaps of the chicken variety? I could go on and on.


    • Ron says:

      Glad you asked. I’ve already collated that info here. (Note; page may take a while to load.)

      Based on the gospel accounts, Jesus was a flaming liberal.


      • The christ was a flaming liberal in the same way that the KKK is a civil rights organization, at least by today’s standards.

        When believers ask what I would accept as evidence of a god, if the christ were real, he could have fixed all this 2000-ish years ago with statements like:
        – slaveowners will not be allowed in heaven
        – sexual orientation inequality will get you thrown in hell
        – women are equal to men, or you go to hell
        and so on. He didn’t do any of that. All he had to do was make sure it got written down. If you look at societal state before the christ and after, nothing changed. It’s as if there were no christ at all. Sure, his bit of rebellion seems to have caused a new religion but it thrives on the same evil the old one does. For all the claims that the christ was _the_ ‘Christ’ the overall effect of his time on the planet made no difference at all, and by claiming to be the ‘one true god’ he probably made things worse.

        Not very effective, didn’t save the Jews and probably made society worse. I wouldn’t hire the guy.


      • makagutu says:

        Ron, that is actually interesting.
        You are a walking encyclopedia!


    • makagutu says:

      These are all important questions. I hope some Christian is up to the challenge


  2. Daniela says:

    I have no answer to any of those questions … but I do say ‘Hi’ to my friend here -:)!


  3. Eric Alagan says:

    Everything was ‘inspired’ including the murderers chosen as popes and who subsequently oversaw the torture and despatch of thousands – drowned and burned during that period of madness.

    Divine inspiration, indeed!


  4. aguywithoutboxers says:

    These and countless other questions have been asked through the ages and still linger as it seems no one has the answers. The followers of this particular belief system offer nothing more than the lame and weak “divine inspiration” reasoning. After almost 2,000 years of the same defense, it loses most of the pretense of justification. Even supposing that any part of the entire myth is perhaps partially true, there is still no positive proof that any of it actually happened.

    Naturally, I am unable to provide any evidence to support the legend. The only inspiration I can imagine is probably based on indigestion.

    I hope all is good with you, my Nairobi brother. Perhaps you have some more photographs to share with us of your latest adventure? 😉


    • makagutu says:

      These people are in trouble.
      Since they began by saying Mary was visited by an angel, they had to have an empty grave to make the story look legit but after years of critical thought, we have come to the point where we say an empty grave doesn’t work in their favour.

      I have been well. When there are more photos, I will share them


  5. hitchens67 says:

    Thank you Easter bunny, for crawling up on a cross and bringing us all chocolate eggs!


  6. mixedupmeme says:

    Not too many answers coming forth. 😦 Perhaps you need to repeat the question.


  7. NikkiJR says:

    I will try to answer… 🙂
    Let’s see number one…

    I would say yes to number One. Even if Moses’s testimony was destroyed; Yahweh would restore it through Ezra. Both would be equally important because they are both inspired by the same author. Both are also unique and equal in importance and they share the same message.
    The law was established with Moses, and every prophet after that was to confirm it and lead or keep the people within it. Having a part of this awesome calling is an honor.

    One night after watching a wretchedly sorrowful show about human trafficking; I prayed and asked Yahweh to use me to help end the terrible suffering in this world. My own happiness meant nothing if it meant that I could have part in making a difference. He answered my prayer by opening my eyes to His righteousness, and giving me a chance to learn and do His will on earth.

    The ancients to the modern chosen people are to do just that. To give the true hope to the world, and to show them through our own transformation the power of the Almighty Yahweh. He transformed me and that in itself is a miracle.

    continue to number two…


    • makagutu says:

      There is no indication that Ezra was inspired to rewrite the law book. In all fairness, I don’t even know what it means to be inspired and how it differs from other forms of writing.

      If for you to act against something you perceive as a wrong, you need to pray first, by all means keep praying.


      • NikkiJR says:

        Yahweh isn’t without His testimony. He has been dealing with man since the beginning. He always chose the children of mankind who choose to live in harmony with the spirit within them. He always chose those who choose to do right.
        His testimony resides with those who keep His instructions in their hearts and minds.
        I have just learned that three of us at the assembly were reached by Yahweh at our darkest hour.
        Not wanting to die yet not wanting to live this wretched life as we are taught. HalleluYah.
        Just like me He offered them true hope, and showed us all that there is another way to live. If it were just me I can understand your disbelief, but please understand. I am from the inside of religion and you are on the outside. I come to you to tell you that you are right! You are right about corruption in religion. But having lived my life from the inside and having actually read the text, unlike most believers. I can attest that its not within the text as you suspect. What corruption that is there was put there by man to make you do as you do today. But Yahweh can break your disbelief. He can show anyone truth.

        Yahweh is alive and He does speak. You must be willing and you must desire to hear.


        • makagutu says:

          Is this Yahweh you talk of omnipotent and omniscient?

          As I have said before, if prayer helps you see light on dark days, all the best to you. In my view, talking to oneself in the hope that someone is listening is madness.


  8. NikkiJR says:

    Answer two:

    David was a beloved child of Yahweh. David completely trusted Yahweh since he was a child. A man after Yahweh’s own heart.
    Yahshua is the last of David’s lineage, and His existence fulfilled the promise found in 1kings 9:5, Psalm 132:11, 2 Sam 7:16, jere 33:17, 1 kings 2:33, 1 kings 3:6,

    Since Yahshua had no life outside His ministry: no wife, children etc. He is the last and only King of peace born of David’s blood mixed with Yahweh’s spirit forever and ever.
    This is my answer to number two.


  9. NikkiJR says:

    Three: Yahshua’s ministry..

    I would say three to three and a half years when He personally preached it. Just going by memory. I am almost as old as He was when He died and brought back to life by Yahweh’s power. HalleluYah.

    As far as His teachings through others? Golly I couldn’t even guess properly. Perhaps 2200 years or more? Although not all of His teachings were taught for quite some time.


    • makagutu says:

      There is no agreement on this either. You see, since this story was embellished along the way, there is no agreed date for his birth, place of birth, parentage, place of work and so on.


      • NikkiJR says:

        Has any atheist truly read the Bible before reading all this commentary? I mean actually read it all the way through. Cover to cover no skipping around.


        • makagutu says:

          I read the bible and only read the commentary later. Where is the problem?


          • NikkiJR says:

            So you’ve read the entire thing cover to cover before reading anything that speaks against the Bible? Or after?


            • makagutu says:

              I am yet to finish the book. What does it matter?


              • NikkiJR says:

                My point is this: don’t atheist’s pride themselves as free thinkers? You read the opinions of others, who more than likely did the same, before ever reading the Bible for yourself. You’re mind is already influenced by the doubt that was put into your mind so all you see is the doubt that others convinced you to believe.

                Can you honestly claim that you ever read that bible with the intention to see if it is true?Or did you simply want to read it with an attitude to pick it a part to prove to yourself that your view was correct; when you have already accepted an opinion without even forming one of your own?


                • makagutu says:

                  You realize that is not what I said. The commentaries I have read of the bible either deal with issues am familiar with or with parts I have read. In your opinion, someone must read the entire bible to know it’s BS?

                  Why should I read it thinking it’s true? It should speak for itself. I shouldn’t have any preconceived notions and only go where evidence takes me to.

                  You have made a conclusion about me without knowing where I have come from.


      • NikkiJR says:

        It’s no embellishment. I have used Yahshua’s name in prayer for healing, etc. And my prayers have been answered and my sufferings were ended. Faith as a mustard seed is all you need.


  10. NikkiJR says:

    When was Yahshua born? We suspect during the feast of tabernacles. Here is the link:


    It has some info on the topic.


  11. NikkiJR says:

    Five: Wow you really do have some questions. lol
    You like making me work! It’s okay. I should know this. I will come back to this one cause I have to dig… Off to the rest!


    • makagutu says:

      You enjoy your rest.
      It is good to ask questions.


    • NikkiJR says:

      I have to admit I am kind of confused on the first question in the question number five. So I will answer the best I can by my understanding. The first one is that Yahshua’s ministry was based in Galilee ( I say this because it began there, but it was taught in all of Israel (land).

      Now this second question is a little tricky because Yahshua has been to Jerusalem 3x a year since the day he was born, for Yahweh’s pilgrim feasts. Actually He was most likely there four times that particular year. Except in His 33rd year of life before death He only attended Passover which is the beginning month of Yahweh’s year. So that make Him there 98 times for sure. Since He would be there for Yahweh’s feasts; it would make sense that He used His time there to preach as well. Two birds with one stone…
      So during His ministry he was there 10 times during His ministry before death.That is going by the age He began His ministry at 30. After His resurrection He came back and revealed Himself to His followers. So that would make: 99 times in all.

      These are calculations done, by my own knowledge and study of the bible. They may or may not agree with others who have attempted to do the same thing.

      I am happy to find these answers! I needed a sabbath assignment. Thanks for that.


      • NikkiJR says:

        I wish I could edit my answer. I mistyped the comma after, the word done.


      • makagutu says:

        I didn’t mean to confuse you. I don’t think he was in Jerusalem those many times as you mention during his ministry. The evangelists seem not to agree on the number of times he visited Jerusalem and that is Mathew and Luke. I will get you the relevant verses in a bit.


        • NikkiJR says:

          He would have to be. He celebrated all of the holy days as required otherwise he would not have been perfect in His obedience to Yahweh which would forfeit not only His culture, but His mission.

          Since He is the perfect example of obedience to Yahweh’s instructions, and He is the perfect lamb without spiritual blemish. He did go to Jerusalem faithfully, and by my calculations it should have been that many according to His age.
          Christianity doesn’t accept Yahweh’s holy days and they are ignorant of most the teachings of the Torah (OT).

          You do the math. Every year there are 3 feasts that all Jews were to travel to Jerusalem to celebrate while there was a temple standing. Besides His circumcision, His first year he visited Jerusalem 3 times. Okay, every year after that up to His death which was on Passover, the first feast of the Holy year. He visited Jerusalem only three times a year every year of His life.

          So four times first year
          Three times every year until He was 33
          His 33rd year he only made it to one feast.
          Wait..perhaps two cause he arose after Passover and that is during feast of unleavened bread. I believe he did eat too…
          But that’s the same year shortly after he died. Ok yeah. I am confident that my answer is correct.

          Did you come up with the same numbers? I used a calculator. Lol


          • makagutu says:

            It is his family we are told used to go to Jerusalem for the feast days. In the duration of his ministry[granting that the gospels are true] we can’t know who to believe on the matter. We don’t know whether to take Mathew’s word or Luke’s word but since they were supposed to be there and they don’t agree. I can’t take any of their testimony and you shouldn’t!
            Besides you make up this 33 year life. Where is the citation for it and do all the evangelists agree on it?


  12. NikkiJR says:

    Yahshua was accused of blasphemy according to the JEWISH beliefs that no one, but the holy of holy’s could dare utter Yahweh’s name.
    BTW Yahweh’s words say different. But Yahweh did remove His name from the pagan Jews as He explains in:
    jer 44:26

    So was He falsely accused? By Yahweh’s instructions YES. By the false doctrine taught by the religious Jewish leaders? No


  13. NikkiJR says:

    I know I know! On a Wednesday.
    This has how I learned:



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