god is a product of human weakness

There are many times faitheads claim people like Einstein as being members of their fold. I am sure this is mainly due to ignorance. Here we have Einstein in his brilliance saying god is a product of human weakness.

The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weakness, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still purely primitive, legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation, no matter how subtle, can change this for me. For me the Jewish religion like all other religions is an incarnation of the most childish superstition. And the Jewish people to whom I gladly belong, and whose thinking I have a deep affinity for, have no different quality for me than all other people. As far as my experience goes, they are also no better than other human groups, although they are protected from the worst cancers by a lack of power. Otherwise I cannot see anything “chosen” about them.

Letters of note

About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

45 thoughts on “god is a product of human weakness

  1. Even if Einstein were a theist, it doesn’t do anything for their main problem – a lack of evidence.


  2. archaeopteryx1 says:

    “I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it.”
    — Albert Einstein —


  3. aguywithoutboxers says:

    A perfect way to start a new week, my Nairobi brother. Einstein was on point as to the human need for immortality. Humanity is notorious for the need to perceive itself superior to all other species and therefore too important to merely die. Be safe, friend! :).


  4. melouisef says:

    Interesting a piece from Einstein that I have never read.


  5. Mordanicus says:

    The problem with quote mining, is that Einstein had a long and productive life and hence he would have had many thoughts which he expressed to others. Like any other person, he might have changed his mind from time to time. Even if we could prove that Einstein believed in god at one point in time, then it would still not matter much if he changed his believes afterwards. So the theist should be careful with calling Einstein as a witness for his beliefs.


  6. I’ve read numerous writings by Einstein on god and religion. He was, at most, an agnostic. He did not believe in a personal deity who followed his every move, wiped his metaphorical butt, and loved him like a second momma. He’s known to have said, of quantum physics and how it connects to the rules of the universe he discovered, that god doesn’t play dice with the universe. Meaning there are rules for everything that make sense, it’s just that we do not know them all-yet. Theists interpret that as his loving some god or other when, indeed, it was just him using a colloquialism many people use. I say “god damn” all the time, but I do not believe in a god to damn anyone with. I’ve also read and heard theists describe Hitler as an atheist. They claim this is what made him so evil. Nowhere can I find any evidence of Hitler being an devote atheist. Stalin, yes, but not Adolf. I’ve found ample evidence to quite the contrary on Adolf. People cherry pick to make reality as they want it to be in order to make it THEIR reality. Skeptics do it too. It is a trap and all must be wary of it. Einstein, though he made great bagels, was not a theist-at least not in the slightest way some theists claim he was.


  7. Tish Farrell says:

    A human sensibility/ or rather a ‘fallen angel-expelled from paradise and eternal life’ syndrome does seem to be a common theme in so many cultures’ myths and cosmologies. As with your previous post, Noel, the question remains – why do so many human beings have this impression of ‘immortality lost’, or of ‘immortality to be gained’ and of a god person being responsible for both states. We most of us understand this concept, even if we don’t remotely believe it. Who put this idea into our heads or does it come ready made with the human organism, and has it been ‘writ larger’ over time – so that what started out as some sort of survival response became inflated into a longing for the whole heavenly host to gather us in for ever and ever. Can’t imagine anything worse personally. All that overbearing odor of sanctity. I’d rather be compost. At least lovely things would grow out of me.


    • makagutu says:

      Tish, this is so well put and I wish I had an answer to the question.

      However, it has been suggested that god was an answer to ignorance. Man was ignorant of causes and names phantoms to be responsible. It has also been suggested that god could have grown from family or individual totems, from a village tyrant, among others. I don’t know really but I would like to have a word with the men who modeled god in their images and why women were not consulted.


      • Tish Farrell says:

        Ah-hah! Now you’ve put your finger on it. Once of course, perhaps back in the Paleolithic, god was the mother – Earth Mother – the source of creativity and endless regeneration. She appears in the very earliest versions of the Greek Demeter and Persephone tale. Such a positive, life and death accepting belief if one is going to have a belief. But somehow we decided to kill the Earth Mother and make money and misery instead.


        • makagutu says:

          You say this very well.
          Ancient Greece and Rome, I think were very civilized societies, even their gods were not tyrants.
          This capitalist, male god who is also a tyrant and bigot hasn’t served humanity well. It has behaved like a bad computer programme. It has answered no questions it was hoped it would answer and it name a lot of blood has been shed.


          • Tish Farrell says:

            ‘a bad computer programme’ I like it. A corrupted file ๐Ÿ™‚


            • makagutu says:

              Yes. Corrupted file more like it. Reminds me once in a campus my computer was attacked by virus that corrupted all files and folders. More like god virus as Hitchens used to say, poisons everything.


          • Brian M says:

            I like the Gnostic concept of “demiurge” in which the Abrahamic deity is a fallen, corrupted fragment of an ineffable “transcendent” godhood who in His childish spite creates a corrupted, imperfect physical universe to get back at his Mother. ๐Ÿ™‚

            But computer virus is cool, too!


  8. john zande says:

    “although they are protected from the worst cancers by a lack of power.”

    How prophetic of him, for how has Israel acted to those around her since gaining power?


    • makagutu says:

      Very prophetic. But then this has been true for almost all cultures. Give the guy power and you are in dogs. Look at the case of the Americans, they left Britain complaining of the overbearing church among other things. They got the power and worked hard to fight all dissent.


  9. Eric Alagan says:

    I suppose four hundreds years ago they would have burned him at the stake!


  10. Arkenaten says:

    In several ways, Old Einie was full of paradox.
    Good post.


  11. What if the existent of God and religion is a conspiracy?


    • They are. They’re conspiring to turn all humans into winged snow people and have us fly them around the galaxy creating tax-free property for them to exploit forever. They are also conspiring to remove the genitals of every woman alive and keep them in an iron box. This way, they can utterly and completely dominate women’s sexuality in any way they deem fit. Didn’t you know all this? I thought it was pretty well generally known info. The NY Times covers it like, EVERY day, and The Chicago Tribune has a section on it daily as well.


    • makagutu says:

      That would mean the brain behind it actually had a plan and an end in mind. We call it a big sham or fraud in hindsight


  12. Aquileana says:

    Hello Makagutu.

    This is such an interesting post… I am now thinking that, according to your insights here, Nietzsche’s quote “God is dead” would imply the end of weakness and hence, human redemption…
    Great spotlight here.
    Best wishes, Aquileana ๐Ÿ˜€


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