I think ignorance should be punishable

We learn in Genesis that once in a while, that is before he chased away the tenants of the small garden, he would take a walk in the afternoon to see how his creation was doing. I was doing my stroll in blogland this afternoon and found a post which was well written and a comment that has informed our choice of title and this will be made clear in a short while.

The OP is an attempt at a response to an atheist who questions whether a person who let his enemy torture his child was worthy of any respect/ worship. This is in reference to Job about whom, if we are to believe the bible, became sport for god and the devil to test how long he would last in his belief if all he had were taken away from him.

Those who have read the book know Job is described as being faultless. If there is any question that we should get an answer for in this book, it is to know why Job, and by extension we, suffer. Anyone who, in defense of his god, argues we suffer because of our faults has surely not read the [sic]good book.

Why does the believer defer to faith and not knowledge? Why must the theist always defer to this tactic when the facts he is presented with are uncomfortable? Is it not more honest to say there is no answer than to ask us to have faith?

It is a long stretch of imagination to read in Job the hope for a future Christ, one born of a virgin. There is nothing in Job that can be read to mean he is making a prophecy of a future Messiah.

Now, the comment that informs the title to this post is written by a person who I believe thinks atheism is only in America. The world is a big place, atheists are found everywhere, and no, for the umpteenth time, they don’t hate god. On the contrary, they lack a belief in any god or gods.

There is no difference in believing in a god who thinks suffering is the best way to meet results and believing in a fiend whose modus operandi is pain.

I don’t know the expectations of Americans, however, any reasonable person who believed in an all powerful, benevolent and provident god wouldn’t be asking for too much if they asked they be well provided for. What would be the use then of believing that you a provident master and you suffer like one who has no such master? Isn’t this madness?

The best response to the statement that

I also believe that the majority of the modern American militant atheists are NOT actually atheists. They believe in Him, yet they hate Him. If you TRULY believed that there was no God, and there was no meaning to life, and when your body dies, you simply wink out of existence, then there would be no point in anything whatsoever.

is to say there are actually no theists. If one believed they were headed for heaven, they wouldn’t be holding on to life as hard as they do even in the face of terminal illness. If there were true theists, they would be praying more than they are actually doing and we would have them concerned more seriously in finding out which of the many religions is the correct one for insurance against finding oneself in the wrong place. And I think if they truly believed the words found in Mark, none of them would work, they would live like birds expecting their god to provide for them. Being non-believers, they pray halfheartedly knowing all they believe is a lie and do it only for show. They work their asses off because no god is going to bring food on their tables.

It is beyond irony for one who believes a being, with the help of a magic wand and a few words created all there is to turn around and make a mockery of the sciences he seem to have no idea about.

If the book of Job was to answer any question for us, that question should at least have been why we suffer or worse, why good men suffer. It doesn’t. God doesn’t. When presented with the opportunity to give that answer, he tells Job to STFU!

In my opinion, the book of Job doesn’t answer why we suffer.

About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

47 thoughts on “I think ignorance should be punishable

  1. aguywithoutboxers says:

    We suffer because we are an emotional and feeling species. We are not the only ones. Wound an animal and they, too, suffer. It is indeed ignorance that tries to convince us that the reason we suffer is due to our belief system, or lack thereof. If theists want to convert us to their way of thinking, then offer us proof that their beliefs erases pain and exhausts suffering.

    Excellent argument, my Nairobi brother. Good Monday to you!


  2. Great post Mak. The Book of Job shows us what a cruel, childish monster the OT god is. It is a despicable piece of writing. Horrible that there are idiots who believe shit like that explains anything other than the frontal lobes of bronze age men trying to make sense out of a world they did not remotely understand. Pain is because we are here. It is part of being. It sucks, but it just is. And this bullshit theists pull when they insult my intelligence by saying non-belief in magical invisible guys, aka, gods, does not exists makes me want to do some serious ass-kicking. Theists, as you say do not exist. No one believes in gods. If they did, they wouldn’t be so deeply troubled by we who do not.


  3. archaeopteryx1 says:

    Well stated, Mak! How do we know that the next tsunami that takes thousands of lives, isn’t just part of someone’s celestial bar bet?

    Plus Job was given a new family, which it implies is supposed to make everything all OK – much like when your child’s dog dies and you rush out and buy him/her a new pet. Thast doesn’t make it OK! He/she LOVED


    • makagutu says:

      Oh yes. How do we know the Haiti earthquake wasn’t a celestial bet to see how low they could bend over baclwards in their worship?

      I don’t know whether those who think job a great story have no problem with the death of his children so that a god could assuage his ego.


    • this replacing of the family always has me reading God’s part in Job with a Godfather accent. “Some day, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to do a service for me. But until that day, consider this justice a gift on my daughter’s wedding day.”


      • makagutu says:

        If there was a time Job was to go ballistic, here was the right opportunity. He has been made a pawn in an ego trip, his family killed and then the god gives him a new set!


  4. archaeopteryx1 says:

    Don’t know what happened, the damned thing posted itself before I was finished!

    It was supposed to read:
    “That doesn’t make it OK! He/she LOVED that dog!”


  5. ladysighs says:

    I think my Sunday School encounters/teachings must have skipped over Job. The teachers probably thought nobody would believe that chapter anyway. I just remember doing a lot of giggling in the class. 🙂


  6. john zande says:

    A bazzilion points for the title, my friend!

    And you’re right: When a theist posits that without belief in a sky fairy life can have no meaning is to exercise such tremendous ignorance that they should be punished, severely 🙂


  7. Tish Farrell says:

    I find it amazing that some people don’t see the point of existence unless there is something better later. Sounds to me like a cosmology invented by capitalist bankers – the want, want, want that holds us forever in thrall. I’m just pleased when I can wake up and look at the sky, or find cabbages in my allotment in December. Why are such things NOT ENOUGH? As ever, a thought-provoking post.


  8. “I also believe that the majority of the modern American militant atheists are NOT actually atheists. They believe in Him, yet they hate Him. If you TRULY believed that there was no God, and there was no meaning to life, and when your body dies, you simply wink out of existence, then there would be no point in anything whatsoever.”

    typical lies told by a theist in order for them to feel better about themselves.

    very nice rebuttal to the theist. The book of Job is a very good example of a god that is a vicious blowhard, no different than Zeus, Ares, etc.


  9. kcchief1 says:

    “And you’re right: When a theist posits that without belief in a sky fairy life can have no meaning is to exercise such tremendous ignorance that they should be punished, severely”

    Thank you JohnZ for your comment above. It allows me to quote one of my favorite authors, one more time. 🙂

    “As ignorance was its mother and the source-spring of its world power, it is bound to cherish ignorance as its patron saint and monitor forever, for the breath of knowledge would wither it away.”
    — Dr Alvin Boyd Kuhn on Christianity —


  10. ratamacue0 says:

    When presented with the opportunity to give that answer, he tells Job to STFU!

    In my opinion, the book of Job doesn’t answer why we suffer.

    This. Hard.


  11. emmylgant says:

    Well put Noel.
    Job’s suffering helps diddly in explaining the world. Sure doesn’t make the case for a caring, loving god!
    A believer should get the point that he is inconsequential, that shit happens and none of the workings of god is about him anyway. So buckup, shut up, and perhaps it will stop if you just sit there, surrender and wait.
    Waiting for the good will of the slave master is such a good life strategy for happiness and fulfillment! Can’t you see how happy and content all those believers are?
    Is my sarcasm showing?


  12. shelldigger says:

    There was a time when I went to church semi regularly. The Job story, as well as a few others, always had me wondering in my head…wtf?

    How a preacher can spin these terrible tragedies, atrocities, genocides, and murders into a good, great, wonderful, thing…is kind of scary when you think about it.

    I often had a sick feeling in my gut as I looked around seeing the people nodding their heads in agreement. I am so glad my attempt at religion did not take. I cannot understand the inner workings of a creationist mind. It is like the logic chip has been removed and replaced with a believe the bullshit without question chip. These people vote!


  13. shelldigger says:

    Hey, wait a minute. If ignorance is punishable then I need to know where to go recieve my punishment.

    Far too many things I do not know. I haven’t given up though…


    • makagutu says:

      To be ignorant and not know it, is what has to be punishable. To know you are ignorant about something means you can or are willing to be educated on that something


  14. Aquileana says:

    Great post … Well it is punishable or related to punishment according to the Bible as Eva ate the red apple from the tree of Knowledge and wasn’t allowed to do that…
    Hugs!, Aquileana 😀


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