comic relief

After those long posts, it is time for some comic relief and to help us do this, we will turn to an anonymous author who had this to say about Christianity

the christian religion, as generally practised, presents itself as one of those monuments of ignorance and credulity, which the wisdom of the present generation is probably destined to overthrow and to substitute a system more simple, more pure and more agreeable to the dictates of reason.

The bible, upon examination, we shall find deficient in many of the virtues ascribed to it. As a human composition, its merits have been greatly overrated; it is exceeded in sentiment, invention, style and every other literary qualification.

The obscurity, incredibility and obscenity so conspicuous in many parts of it, would justly condemn the works of a modern writer. It contains a mixture of inconsistency and contradiction, to call which the word of god is the highest pitch of extravagance; it is to attribute to the deity that which any person of common sense would blush to confess himself the author of.

Thoughts on the christian religion by a deist

About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

22 thoughts on “comic relief

  1. john zande says:

    Nice. Who said this?


  2. ladysighs says:

    I would like to read his views on all the other religions too.


  3. Tish Farrell says:

    Oh I like it. So tersely put. Such succinct reasoning.


    • makagutu says:

      Christians will tell you if you see any of the above in the bible, you are reading it wrong

      Liked by 1 person

      • Tish Farrell says:

        I think I would find that deeply annoying, Noel 🙂


        • makagutu says:

          It is annoying my friend. It isn’t long ago when I was told if I could study bible exegesis it would all make sense, there would be no absurdity in talking donkeys


          • Tish Farrell says:

            Exegesis – that would be someone ‘better informed’ telling you what it means??? Luckily I went to a school where the bible was taught only from a historical perspective and where passages were explored it was only in connection with actual people and places, and in relation to particular customs. More like ethnography I suppose. I found it rather fascinating in that respect. Probably why I went on to study prehistory.


            • makagutu says:

              exegesis is someone with a direct line to heaven and a manual.
              We had a bad education. An education that is geared towards getting employment. Sometimes I think I should go back and ask for refunds

              Liked by 1 person

  4. Liberty of Thinking says:

    So, where’s the comic, and what’s the relief, please?
    With a world still calling the pope and the dalai lama, “his holiness”, it looks we’re still ages from the comic relief prophesised by the anon…


  5. Nice post. I believe Anon was an Egyptian deity. She dated Amon Ra for a while, then decided to come out as a lesbian and married Isis. It was a gay “anon”ymous wedding, however, so we don’t have all the details on it. It’s rumored that Moses proceeded over the ceremony, but, as I said, that’s only a rumor. 🙂


  6. […] Source: comic relief […]


  7. aguywithoutboxers says:

    An excellent piece of truth. Christianity is the religion that practices everything it teaches against! Love this, my Nairobi brother! 🙂


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