in defense of alcohol

Teetolism does not make for human happiness; it makes for the dull, idiotic happiness of the barnyard. The men who do things in the world, the men worthy of admiration and imitation, are men constitutionally incapable of such pecksniffian stupidity. Their ideal is not a safe life, but a full life; they do not try to follow the canary bad in the cage, but the eagle in the air. And in particular they do not flee from shadows and bugaboos. The alcohol myth is such a bugaboo. The sort of man it scares is the sort of man whose chief mark is that he is always scared.

Mencken in Damn!

Waiter, please make it a double on rocks!

About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

105 thoughts on “in defense of alcohol

  1. john zande says:

    I’ll raise a glass to that!


  2. so, what are your favorite tipples? For spirits, I like Rye, and there is a nice small distillery’s gin I can get from Philadelphia that is not too junipery.


    • makagutu says:

      When I drink beer- I like to take malt
      For wines and spirits- Red wine
      spirits- Johny Walker,
      Vodka- smirnoff
      I don’t like brandy much


      • archaeopteryx1 says:

        Ah, first sip, not chug, then hold it in your mouth, blending it with your saliva, then allow it to slowly slide down your throat.

        I recommend Courvoisier VSOP


      • archaeopteryx1 says:

        And for an after-dinner sweet liqueur (again, for sipping), I can’t recommend Irish Mist too highly —


        • Maybe I’ll send Colorstorm a bottle. He’s stopped flirting, the tease.


          • archaeopteryx1 says:

            I’d like to think I’ve driven him underground, but just like Whack-a-Mole, he keeps popping back up. At least, since I’ve been pestering him, his posts have turned from sappy crap, designed to tug at the heartstrings, to vitriolic posts condemning those who criticize religion.

            In his recent post, about the Book of Esther, I proved that it is widely accepted that it is historical fiction, that Uncle Mordecai was so-named after the Mesopotamian god, Marduk, and Esther herself, after Ishtar, the East Semitic Akkadian, Assyrian and Babylonian goddess of fertility, love, war, and sex.

            The problem is, that in spite of proclaiming in his “About” section:

            “I have written elsewhere that drastic disagreements challenge our thinking. If something is sure and true, it can withstand the most intense scrutiny.”
            ~~ ColorStorm ~~

            He deletes some of my comments, redacts the names of authors in others (so his cult members can’t research for themselves that what I say is true), and adds editorial notes to still others – the shepherd must keep his sheeple at all costs, otherwise where will the kudos come from? And he LIVES for kudos and that dopamine (thanks, Neuro) rush that accompanies them.

            I can live with the honestly religious, like TruthTangible, YourModerateMama, and NewPolyanna, but I can’t tolerate hypocrisy!

            Don’t get me started on CS, it’s too early in the morning here to start drinking —


  3. Cheers to that! First time I got drunk was on alter wine. I and a fellow alter boy stole a bottle from church and got shit faced, then sick, in the alley behind the church. Puking up the “blood of Christ to be” was quite the initiation into the world of alcohol. $Amen$


  4. emmylgant says:

    A little wine makes the heart rejoice (Ps 104:15 for them who need justification) . A little more and the whole world is much more fun!


  5. archaeopteryx1 says:

    I’ll drink to that!


  6. violetwisp says:

    I completely agree, there’s something dried up and humourless about a life without alcohol. Unfortunately for me, over the last decade or so I’ve somehow destroyed my body’s ability to process alcohol. I tried having half a glass of beer on Friday (small post-pregnancy weekend reward) and am still paying the price today. Also, I just saw a drunk man buying a bottle of cheap vodka at 1pm, and felt sad.


  7. archaeopteryx1 says:

    Not to steer anyone away from your post, Mak, but has anyone seen this, from TA: Christians Against Dinosaurs … I wish I was joking

    You HAVE to check out the 3-minute video by the little Christian girl —


  8. I think part of the mystique around alcohol is the conviviality. For me though, I just think some drinks taste nice. I don’t have a sweet tooth, so Spanish lager and cava suit me fine.

    I use vodka (Smirnoff blue) for twingey teeth and mouth ulcers, loathe brandy and always have done, recommend Spanish gin, Larios, and think Islay single malts are the best. Except I normally stick to beer …

    But still, ’twill be a fine party.


  9. Ron says:

    I’ve committed myself to a lifetime of temperance following a rather embarrassing situation.


  10. archaeopteryx1 says:

    I think the definitive response to the title, in defense of alcohol, is that if you feel you HAVE to defend alcohol, you clearly haven’t had enough alcohol.


  11. As a former professional bartender, I say: “And good cheers to you, sir!”


  12. shelldigger says:

    Am I too late to get a seat at the table? If not standing room only will do. Till I fall down…


  13. ColorStorm says:

    Just a thanks for the pr,
    appreciate it.

    Some of your fellow travellers visit and see what it is like to live in the daylight. You are providing a great conduit.

    As to strong drink? Nothing stronger than living water.


  14. Veracious Poet says:

    What is “happiness”? Can anyone help?


    • archaeopteryx1 says:

      What is “happiness”? Can anyone help?” – There are some things in life, Poet (and if you’re a poet, you should already know this), that tend to defy definition, largely because they are derived subjectively, and vary from individual to individual.

      I’m reminded of what the late iconic jazz trumpet player Louie (Satchmo) Armstrong once said when asked, “what is jazz?” He replied, “If you have to ask, you’ll never know.”


      • Veracious Poet says:

        In my own definition, happiness is the perpetual absence of apprehension and the presence of an “oceanic feeling.” (I will have to explain that).

        What’s your definition my friend? I hope you are not trying to promote hedonism.


        • archaeopteryx1 says:

          I think we’re all hedonistic to one extent or another. But my basic philosophy, and I’ve said this before but not to you, is that the shortest path to finding one’s self lies in losing one’s self in the service of others.

          I find that works for me.


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