On men and women

Human creatures are never entirely male or entirely female; there are no men, there are no women, but only sexual majorities.
Find me an obviously intelligent man, a man free from sentimentality and illusion, a man hard to deceive, a man of the first class, and I’ll show you a man with a wide streak of woman in him.
The caveman is all muscles and mush. Without a woman to rule him and think for him, he is a truly lamentable spectacle, a baby with whiskers, a rabbit with the frame of an aurochs, a feeble and preposterous caricature of god.
H.L Mencken

About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

25 thoughts on “On men and women

  1. Couldn’t agree more. I need to read more of this fellow’s writings. I likes him. 🙂


  2. Alternatively:

    Find me an obviously intelligent woman, a woman free from sentimentality and illusion, a woman hard to deceive, a woman of the first class, and I’ll show you a woman with a wide streak of man in her.
    The cavewoman is all muscles and mush. Without a man to rule her and think for her, she is a truly lamentable spectacle, a baby without whiskers, a rabbit without the frame of an aurochs, a feeble and preposterous caricature of a goddess.


    • makagutu says:

      No, I don’t think that sounds like what he had in mind. I could be wrong but his point is we don’t credit women their dues as we should.


      • He didn’t. I agree. I merely changed it round to portray a common perspective. You getting into the fem thing Mak? Dangerous ground, I tells ya … crack open those beers, you’ll need them.


        • makagutu says:

          No ground is too dangerous to venture especially when you got my back to show me where I go astray.
          Beer we shall have as well


        • themodernidiot says:

          agreed. seems to me if there are no men or women, but both in equal parts, insulting men insults women-not only by criticizing their male half, but also by criticizing their choice of mate. his humor has good intention, but misses the mark.


  3. john zande says:

    Brazilian women are more manly than Brazilian men. Brazilian men a frightfully fragile creatures with enormous ego’s. The women, however….


  4. archaeopteryx1 says:

    Someone once said, “Woman is the soul of Man.”


  5. ColorStorm says:

    Yikes. Women that are more manly than males. Is there not a voice of reasonable protest against such a thought?

    I can see John Wayne saying ‘Huh?’ Up is down, and left is right apparently.

    Only in the world of illusion is this thought to be normal.


    • makagutu says:

      You don’t think there are women more manly than males?
      Or what did I miss?


      • ColorStorm says:

        That’s right, they may be more ‘manly’ than other females, but men?? Never.

        Even the poorest excuse of a male does not make his counterpart manly.


    • archaeopteryx1 says:

      Only in the world of illusion is this thought to be normal” – You should be quite familiar with that world CS, it’s the one you live in, peopled with gods and spirits, and zombies walking around after death and flying into the sky like Superman!


  6. Aquileana says:

    Again!~> an absolutely rad perspective… I wonder which is the equivalent for misogyny in the case of men (?)
    Best wishes! ⭐ Aquileana 😀


  7. aguywithoutboxers says:

    I think there are many cross-gender traits in all of us. Interesting observation, my Nairobi brother! 🙂


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