on hate

On Violet’s blog, there are theists who are busy pointing to each how wrong they are. And then there is that one theist who insisted le Ark is full of hate. Mencken has something on this that I find quite interesting. He writes

No combat set in this world ever grows more furious and extravagant than a combat between Christians. They seem to have a special talent for hatred, almost a vocation. Perhaps the fact that their creed denounces it specifically and is mainly concerned with putting it down- perhaps this fact has its significance for practitioners of the Freudian necromancy.

[..]In the course of them many a false-face and bed sheet is pulled off and many a fraud is burnt by the pitiless sun. It is a salubrious sport and diverting. Of it, one may say what one may say of all other varieties of war; that the offensive is more charming than the defensive. Neither side is very impressive when it bawls against the libels of the other. But both are thrilling when they lay on.

About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

107 thoughts on “on hate

  1. archaeopteryx1 says:

    Frankly, I love it when all god’s chillun’ fight amonst themselves!


    • makagutu says:

      Same here. You sit on the sidelines and wait for who will win


    • john zande says:

      Did you see I set SOM against Colorstorm?

      It’s a glorious thing!


      • makagutu says:

        Where was this? Two idiots battling it out


        • john zande says:

          Unfortunately, they didn’t come to blows personally, but I pasted SOM’s riotous assessment of Protestantism, calling it (and therefore Colorstorm) “an incoherent mess.”

          Poor Colorstorm, he was shocked to have another Christian lambasting him in such a way. Of course, he deflected it by saying man was at fault, not god.


          • makagutu says:

            Hahahaha. Colostrom defers everything to his imaginary beings. He is a fellow I hate to engage on any day

            Liked by 1 person

          • Ah. Keep pokin’ the bee’s nest, sir.


          • ColorStorm says:

            ‘Unfortunately they didn’t come to blows.’

            Of course not, some people recognize the intended snares laid by the devious of heart, and turn aside. Your attempt failed miserably.

            And quote exactly will ya, I said ‘there is enough blame to go round.’

            As to this post and hate: these comments here are a good indicator of what hatred looks like, for truth is hated at all costs. All here have signed the receipt by ‘towering’ over God. Nice work.


            • john zande says:

              Are you trying to suggest I somehow urged SOM to call your version of Christianity an “incoherent mess” ?

              So SOM thinks you’re an incoherent mess… well, so do I!

              By all means, however, take your gripe up with SOM, but don’t try and lay blame me your discomfort on me, Colorstorm.


              • ColorStorm says:

                Just calling to attention your motive to create a mini war, which you stated as much.

                It’s kind of obvious.


                • john zande says:

                  Context: You tried to claim there was no confusion or contradiction in Christianity.

                  I proved that utterly wrong, and when you raised the sola’s I had just read SOM’s post on it, so to further demonstrate the “truth” of the matter (of how wrong you were) I showed you his opinion of your evangelical “incoherent mess.”

                  Again, if you have a problem with SOM calling your version of Christianity an incoherent mess then please take it up with him 😉


                  • ColorStorm says:

                    Geez john-

                    I never said there was ‘no confusion or contradiction in Christianity.’

                    I said ‘there is enough blame to go around, but God is blameless.’

                    I also said ‘God is not the author of confusion.’

                    Back on point: Hate. I love ‘in the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.’


                    • john zande says:

                      Really? Tell me, just how much of “reality” do you have to shut out every day, Colorstorm?

                      To refresh your memory… Yes, it’s on the thread?

                      ColorStorm says:
                      March 17, 2015 at 3:29 pm

                      and just for kicks; the ‘bible’ has caused no confusion. IT is blameless, as is God.


                    • ColorStorm says:

                      Good gracious, the book is paper between covers. It is blameless. It is ‘people’ who are full of blame. geez.

                      The confusion comes from people who mock, debase, and usurp the throne of heaven by doing what they want apart from a Creator.

                      Scripture is rather clear actually.

                      Did the Amalekites have a bible?
                      Did the first murderer have a bible?

                      You as an unbeliever do damage with the bible, yet it is still not to blame.


                    • john zande says:

                      And to repeat your nonsense claim:

                      the ‘bible’ has caused no confusion.

                      Are you denying you wrote this on March 17, 2015 at 3:29 pm, Colorstorm?

                      So, when SOM calls your version of Christianity an incoherent mess it has nothing to do with his interpretation of the bible varying radically from your interpretation of the stupendously contradictory, historically unreliable, mixed-message bible, huh?


                    • ColorStorm says:

                      You may want to ask SoM if he in fact was speaking about MY version……as an incoherent mess.

                      But you will notice, your bait was refused. And my words are clear enough.


                    • john zande says:

                      What bait? I didn’t invite SOM over to your blog. He doesn’t even know I quoted his post… So, your little conspiracy falls quite flat there, Colorstorm. Sorry.

                      You really do live in a delusion world, don’t you? You make things up, you lie if you must, and fight imaginary battles.


                    • ColorStorm says:

                      Please john, a little intellectual honesty-

                      ‘I set som against Colorstorm….’


                      Made things up? Really? Perhaps some of your friends can encourage you to face your own comments.

                      By the way, if a man read a ‘Science’ textbook, and was inspired to make a bomb that would kill 10 million people, would the ‘science book’ be culpable for the ensuing chaos and deaths? 😉

                      Back on point: Buy the truth, and sell it not.

                      Good day.


                    • john zande says:

                      No science book details the mechanisms of bomb-making, or the necessary technology for detonation pins or bomb casings.

                      Nice try, but fail.

                      Yes, I set SOM (his words) against you to prove my point. My point was proven, was it not… or are you going to still try and claim the bible has caused no confusion?


                    • makagutu says:

                      You make things up, you lie if you must, and fight imaginary battles.

                      I hope you don’t find this strange. He believes in invisible beings, making things up is part of the trade

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • The dude bites at more bait than a hundred schools of salmon. He can’t stop himself. He’ll comment to say he’s not going to take the bait he’s commenting on, even when what he’s commenting on isn’t bait. (This, however, is). Loves the echo of his own delusional mind that much. Woof! Woof! Woof! Little doggie. Are you just gonna bark, or are you gonna take out your c*ck and play with the fellas? Fish Bait and Puppy Treat. Now those are great nicknames for ya. Woof! Spalsh! “Hey, Pa! I caught me one of dem der CS fish wit some silly shit bait I tossed out. Hee Haw! Fish like that ALWAYS bite! It’s in der genes.”


                    • makagutu says:

                      Colorstrom will not stop telling anyone willing to listen how good the bible is


                    • Same way a dog won’t stop barking when you hold out a bone, or, in CS’s case, a boner, for him. He’s been trained, indoctrinated, and has fallen madly in love with the sound of his own idiocy. hard to blame him for it. he has no will power over it. Woof!


                    • makagutu says:

                      It would be excusable if he wasn’t reading atheist blogs. He literally lives on them and still utters that nonsense


                    • It’s his pedigree. He’s a trained, indoctrinated mutt that thinks its bullshit matters so much it can poop in anyone’s yard and they won’t care. Kings had trained idiots and fools, you, Sir, have this guy. And don’t forget his attraction for men. That explains A LOT of what he’s all about. He’s been taught it’s a bad thing to be gay, so he takes his hostility toward himself out by, once again, pooping in yards where he’s not wanted. Woof!


                    • makagutu says:

                      He is the blog’s idiot. I don’t think I should look for another. His shit is enough to keep us wondering how much shit people believe


                    • I agree. He’s more than enough to entertain the readers here. And, he will never stop commenting because, like I said, he simply can not stop himself. He’s a dog. Dangle out the bait, and CS comes a-runnin’. He’ll pause form time to time, but he’ll never stop. Idiots never do.


                    • john zande says:

                      And yes, your words are perfectly clear! It’s there in black and white, although just a moment ago you claimed you’d never said these words:

                      the ‘bible’ has caused no confusion.

                      Lying for Jesus… a fun business, eh? 😉


                    • makagutu says:

                      In the OT god is reported to have caused confusion to the men who trying to build a tower to high heavens.


                    • ColorStorm says:

                      Close but not exactly correct.

                      God gave different languages, BECAUSE once again the misfits of earth (humans, not apes) had gone their own way.

                      And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.

                      And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.

                      And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.

                      Go to, let us go down, and there CONFOUND their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.

                      So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.

                      Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the Lord did there CONFOUND the language of all the earth: and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.

                      These are the generations of Shem: Shem was an hundred years old, and begat Arphaxad two years after the flood:

                      Btw, where do you think the word babble derived from?


                    • archaeopteryx1 says:

                      And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower” – Why would he have to come down? Couldn’t he see it from where he was? And why down? We’ve been to the moon, so heaven is clearly not up —

                      And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one” – What? So your god, he don’t speak so good the English?

                      Go to, let us go down, and there CONFOUND their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.

                      So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.

                      Why would it need to do that, when all it had to do was let them build it so high that they passed out from oxygen deprivation? Unless it didn’t KNOW that the oxygen content diminished, the higher one went above the Earth. But a real god would know that, wouldn’t it? OR – maybe the priest who wrote the story didn’t know that – What do YOU think, CS, after all, it’s YOUR inerrant Bible —

                      Btw, where do you think the word babble derived from?” – Critiques of your writing? Actually, it comes from Babylon. After all, that’s where the Great Ziggurat was located, upon which the fable was based.


                    • God bless repressed homosexuals like CS. May they stop commenting where they’re despised, and may they never be as openly queer as they are in private. I love you, CS, and I love all the sex we’ve had together. God bless your gay ass. I know I sure have. 😉


                    • makagutu says:

                      CS is trying to save your souls from ending up in hell


                    • makagutu says:

                      You don’t cease to confirm that you are the blog’s idiot.
                      You have here your excuse of a god saying he is going to confound language and then still have the audacity to say that ain’t authoring confusion!


                    • ColorStorm says:

                      Oh, so you are agreeing that God created the languages of the world….nice.

                      Maybe now you can understand what happened here, as a result of mans arrogance.


                    • archaeopteryx1 says:

                      Gosh, I thought you’d gone to bed, CS – now you have time to tell us why your god needs a penis. Until you do, rather than make unwarranted assumptions, I’ll have to begin referring to it as “it.”


                    • makagutu says:

                      You really are beyond help. Why would I believe such a story meant only for goat herders?


                    • makagutu says:

                      CS, your god is referred to as a he, does he have a dick and what does he use it for? or is your god a it?


              • makagutu says:

                John, don’t hate on the blog’s idiot. He is here to provide the much needed comic relief after a long day of work

                Liked by 1 person

            • makagutu says:

              Ah, the blog’s idiot makes an appearance and sees hate everywhere.
              You really don’t disappoint. Have you always been so stupid or did it catch up with you in adulthood?


          • archaeopteryx1 says:

            the intended snares laid by the devious of heart” – I’m curious, Colorstorm, does the waterpump on your car (if you even have one) lay “devious snares”? Pumps can’t lay snares – you keep assigning agency where there is none! I suppose that comes from overdosing on fairy tales.

            Liked by 1 person

          • archaeopteryx1 says:

            I love ‘in the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.’” – As I’ve pointed out to you repeatedly, and you can even read about it in The New American Bible, this was written by anonymous, superstitious, scientifically-ignorant Bronze Age Aaronid priests in captivity in Babylon in the 6th Century BCE. The truth is, Man created gods, in His own image.

            Liked by 1 person

      • Which blog is that on? I have to read it. Oh, you wonderful guy you!


  2. siriusbizinus says:

    I always miss the good exchanges on Violet’s blog.

    And Mencken is right. Two opposed Christians will say some really awful things. When the denunciations start, it’s go time. Although now I will say that there’s also nothing sadder to watch. Arguing over which person’s imagination is correct is just so pointless.


    • makagutu says:

      At least that is one time we can say they are both right, they tell each other they are all wrong

      Liked by 1 person

    • john zande says:

      Screw you, Siri! My unicorn IS better and its rainbows are longer and more vibrant than yours 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Barry says:

      I’m puzzled by by the term “opposed Christians”. Sure, I’ve met a very few fundamental Christians that claim the only “true” religion is their own, but from my own experience, nearly all Christians accept that their interpretation of the bible is simply one possible interpretation. Most Christians I know believe the bible is an inspired work, but not literally “God’s word”. But then I don’t live in the US, so what do I know.

      Liked by 1 person

      • “I don’t live in the US”. It’s a hot mess here with religion. Christians of this group say those of that group aren’t true christians, only they are, and most xtian sects really dislike the Catholics because they follow the pope. Thus, they’re supposedly not true christians. Others take the bible literally, Ken Ham is one such nutter, and try to get state funding to build religious themed parks that promote their glorified idea that Jesus rode around on a T-Rex. It is crazy here, especially for a country that has separation of church and state written into its Constitution.

        Liked by 1 person

      • siriusbizinus says:

        I’ve witnessed swearing contests. Like actual, cursing, red-faced, throwing things, swearing contests about doctrine.

        It’s not pretty.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Barry says:

          I’ll bet it’s not pretty. Over, here most Christians (apart from the fundamentalists/evangelical) accept that differences in doctrine are perfectly acceptable – It’s a personal matter. It’s not uncommon for individuals to change denomination whenever they move to another town. Simply find a religious community that you feel most comfortable in. Other times, a change in clergy, will prompt members to find a congregation more where services are more to their liking.


      • makagutu says:

        I don’t live in the US either but I know the Catholics here think the other Christians are wrong and all the others think the Catholics are wrong and the Muslims think all of them are wrong


        • Barry says:

          I’m sure there are some that think that way here too. But they would be a very small minority. One thing I have noticed is that laity tend to be less accepting of other faiths than clergy – with the exception of some some fundamental churches.

          The religious group I am associated with hire their building out at cost to other religions (Bahá’í, Moslem, Buddhist and non-religious peace and humanitarian groups come immediately to mind).

          Perhaps our society is more inclusive than that found in many other countries?


  3. ejwinner says:

    I loves me some Mencken!


  4. Tish Farrell says:

    Hm. Just thinking of all those human bonfires we had in England after Henry VIII set up his own kingdom of god and his kids got in on the act with their own interpretations of same. First it was the Catholics being burned, then the Protestants, and then…


  5. ladysighs says:

    My mother was hostile when I joined the Episcopal church after being a Methodist for years. I didn’t do it for any ideological reasons. Just thought I might meet a different group of men. God only knows what she would have done if I joined the Catholics. 😦 She probably would have been happier if I joined none of the above……which of course I did. 🙂


  6. A Guy Without Boxers says:

    Nothing invites more anger and venom than a believer scorned! Nice job, my Nairobi brother! 🙂


  7. See, Mak, CS made a comment. Just like I told you he would. He has admitted to me, privately, how much he craves cock. He is a repressed homosexual who uses the idiocy of the bible to rant and shit on your blog. You must pity him, for he can not help himself. He is a ragingly gay man who loves penis who can’t admit publicly who he is. He’s told me this in private in emails. And, believe me, he craves your dick. That is why he can not stop himself from commenting here. He fucking LOVES you. 🙂


  8. archaeopteryx1 says:

    BTW, CS – you crawled all over John on your excuse for a blog because he referred to your god as an “it.” I then asked you, if your god was a “he,” did that mean it had a penis, and if so, for what did he use it. You refused to allow my question to be published, and clearly declined to answer it, so I’ll ask it here, where I’ve no fear of it being deleted.

    What need would your god have for a penis, CS? It never has sex with anyone, even sends its Holy Spook to do it instead. So urination would be the only other possible reason it would have for having one, and if a god must drink, that would imply it could die from dehydration, which wouldn’t make it very god-like, would it?

    I’ll tell you exactly why your god has a penis, CS – because he was invented by men – women would have invented a god with a vagina.


    • His god has a dick because CS sucks it, in his mind at least. Don’t delude yourself into thinking you’re dealing with a semi-sane heterosexual man here. Cs has privately told me how much he craves man-cock. He’ll deny it here, but he and I know he lies due to his shame in admitting who and what he is: a gay troll who simply can not stop himself from dropping his shit onto blogs of those men he loves most. His shit isn’t about the bible, it’s about his gayness and who he wants most to fuck him. That is why he will continue to comment here. His gay, sick ass can’t stop itself. Once you see this dog for what it is, you’ll pity it. It can’t help itself. It’s a dog. Trained from birth to be a dog. Woof. woof little doggie. Woof, woof!


    • makagutu says:

      Arch, that is a million dollar question.
      CS should tell us what his god does with a penis


  9. Ron says:

    Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump.

    I said, “Don’t do it!”
    He said, “Nobody loves me.”

    I said, “God loves you. Do you believe in God?”
    He said, “Yes.”

    I said, “Are you a Christian or a Jew?”
    He said, “A Christian.”

    I said, “Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?”
    He said, “Protestant.”

    I said, “Me, too! What franchise?”
    He said, “Baptist.”

    I said, “Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?”
    He said, “Northern Baptist.”

    I said, “Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?”
    He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist.”

    I said, “Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?”

    He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region.”

    I said, “Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?”

    He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912.”

    I said, “Die, heretic!” And I pushed him over.

    ~Emo Philips


  10. archaeopteryx1 says:

    Come on, CS – don’t go into hiding! Tell us why your god needs a penis, or accept that it’s an IT.


  11. Sonel says:

    And then people wonder why I don’t believe in ‘God’? I know Atheists who have more love for others and nature than all these godforsaken theists! I hate the fact that they are so judgemental and self-righteous and because they can’t attack our beliefs, they do it personally and when you do the same, they blame it on the fact that we don’t believe and are full of ‘hate’. These folks should really grow up and get a life!


  12. jessearl522 says:

    I always enjoy reading your posts because they make me think about what I personally believe and how that compares with others. It is sad to say that what I believe is argued even among those I would call fellow Christians. It’s hard to believe in a religion that has so much hypocrisy among its followers. But lots of religions, philosophies, and faiths have hypocrites. Its just that for many the Christian group is the most annoying. Even to other Christians. We are all people, and the Christian is not superior, there is even a passage in a Bible that says so. We are told not to judge others, or else we shall be judged the same way. In a way it’s a little bit like Karma. This can apply to anyone of any belief. Also practicing what we preach. Another important philosophy to live by.


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