the christian argument against reincarnation

The one thing I like about religious discussions is how each religion/ religious person is able to see the absurdity in the other though in this case, I think the Christian is a little confused. So without boring you fine people to death, I present the best argument against reincarnation I have found.

For us Christians, that idea is not possible ever no matter how hard you look at it and here is why. All of the facts you stated above is true for a lot of people but isn’t proof to anything. There is a scientific explanation to them that does not involve supernatural stuff, just ask any good psychologist and the will tell you how. Ecclesiastes 1v9 the world is a circle things come and go and that’s just the way it.That being said that does not mean reincarnation is involved. Humans have been the same since the begin we make the same mistakes over and over again. As christian we live and die and go to heaven (assuming we died in the hands of God). Just think simple logic here people. if we just kept reincarnating over and over then what was the point of Jesus coming to die on the cross to save us from sin? He wouldn’t have to because we could have saved ourselves by just coming back over and over again until we lived a good life. Revelation 5v4 and with so many and many another verse in the bible shows us that no one and I mean no one is worthy to go heaven or see God because we are so sinful. I could spend all day telling of verses in the bible that tells us that we can’t make it alone no matter how hard we tried. No one can save us but God. If that wasn’t enough proof to bury your little theory God specifically said to let the dead bury the dead in Luke 9v60. Do you know why he said that? because once you are dead there is nothing you can do to save yourself because it’s all over. Read Psalm 115v17 or even Isaiah 38v18 to help you understand how wrong you are about all of this. It does not get much clearer than that. We should read our Bible to find the answer to tell of our questions or else we get confused. I pray that God opens your eyes to more questions that troubles you 🙂

That will be all for today.

About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

33 thoughts on “the christian argument against reincarnation

  1. Linuxgal says:

    Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment…

    For a Christian that should be sufficient.


    • makagutu says:

      And am asking myself what then this

      19 For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast: for all is vanity.

      does to the Christian. Does he throw this part of the bible out? Or does he accept there is a heaven for cats?


  2. john zande says:

    What. The. Fuck?


  3. “I mean no one is worthy to go heaven or see God because we are so sinful.”

    I realize this is about reincarnation, but the quotes is a recurring theme among Christians and to be quite frank, it pisses me off because this emotional manipulation is how Christianity sucks people in.


  4. “I could spend all day telling of verses in the bible that tells us that we can’t make it alone no matter how hard we tried.” That’s enough proof for me! I’m in! Einstein and Hawking be damned. THIS is real science. What kind of an idiot would not believe the babble is true after reading such a well argued, highly scientific, irrefutable statement? I hereby renounce my die hard Muslim faith and accept the babble and Jeebus H. Crash as my deity. $Amen$


  5. Mordanicus says:

    >>how each religion/ religious person is able to see the absurdity in the other

    something about the the splinter in another’s eyes, but missing the the beam in one’s own…


  6. Tish Farrell says:

    Planks-in-eyes syndrome all round. As I’ve said before. I like the idea of recycling. So maybe all my cells will decompose into, well, a toadstool. And then the toadstool will be eaten by a slug or two, that with luck they will be eaten by a toad or a hedgehog. So the energy gets re-used, repurposed. Much more exciting than the kingdom of heaven. So dynamic and life enhancing for starters. My afterlife as compost…


  7. golly poor little Christian
    ” Just think simple logic here people. if we just kept reincarnating over and over then what was the point of Jesus coming to die on the cross to save us from sin?

    Since there is no evidence for Adam and Eve, and evidence that something else entirely happened, what’s the point of Jesus coming to die for an original sin that never existed?

    What hypocritical idiots.


  8. Ron says:


    Reincarnation… that’s crazy talk.

    But Jesus on a white horse, wearing a robe dipped in blood, flames shooting out of his eyes and a sharp two-edged sword dangling from his mouth… now that’s totally for realz!1!!111!.

    Who’s that trippin’? John the mushroom eater
    Who’s that trippin’? John the mushroom eater
    Who’s that trippin’? John the mushroom eater
    On the Island of Patmos.


  9. archaeopteryx1 says:

    Latest words of wisdom from Colorstorm – should we carve this on a plaque somewhere?

    Whales do not belong in bird’s nests.
    I kid you not! Quick, somebody make a note of that – “no whales in bird’s nests!” Got it!

    PLEASE, don’t anybody try to put a whale in a bird’s nest, you could be in big trouble!


    • “Whales do not belong in bird’s nests.” And children do not belong at the adult table, Cs.


    • makagutu says:

      Arch you are generous, you call the ramblings of Cs words of wisdom


      • archaeopteryx1 says:

        Sarcasm, Mak, sarcasm.

        Oh – there was a discussion going on at Nate’s Finding Truth site, in which an actual attorney (claims to be an international attorney, with law degrees from both sides of the pond), who calls h imself “Crown,” was trying to create a courtroom setting in which he hoped to prove that the Shroud of Turin was really Jesus – you might find my reply to him amusing:


        • makagutu says:

          I saw that and arch you should play fair. I have not read his comments though. I will find time to do so. I have read a bit of unklee and Peter the rest are too long


        • Nice reply, Arch. Have they considered the image on the shroud might just be that of a crucified adolescent Bigfoot? 6ft tall is just about the height a Bigfoot would be at age 11, and, in antiquity, Bigfoots where known to shave their body hair and leave the hair on their heads long. Thus, all this “evidence” I just fabricated off the top of my head points to the image on the Shroud of Turin to be that of an adolescent, crucified Bigfoot, either that or the image is an artistic forgery. Now, there’s no way THAT could be true.


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