Christian love at its highest

In this post, Michelle writes about the founding of America on christian values of charity, love and you know, good neighborliness. And among the people who comments, there is one christian, I think, who has shown the love I describe above.

In Religion and Sex, CC quotes Dean Milman on the first capture of Jerusalem in 1099. Dean writes

No barbarian, no infidel, no Saracen, ever perpetrated incidents of such wanton and cold-blooded atrocities of  cruelty as the wearers of the Cross of Christ (who, it is said, had fallen on their knees and burst into a pious hymn at the first view of the Holy City), on the capture of that city. Murder was mercy, rape tenderness, simple plunder the mere assertion of the conqueror’s right. Children were seized by their legs, some of them plucked from their mothers’ breasts and dashed against the walls, or whirled from the battlements. Others were obliged to leap from the walls; some tortured, roasted by slow fires. They ripped up prisoners to see if they had swallowed gold. Of 70,000 Saracens there were not left enough to bury the dead; poor Christians were hired to perform the office. Every one surprised in the Temple was slaughtered, till the reek from the dead bodies drove away the slayers. The Jews were burned alive in their synagogue. Even the day after, all who had taken refuge on the roofs, notwithstanding Tancred’s resistance, were hewn to pieces. Still later the few Saracens who had escaped (not excepting babes of a year old) were put to death to avenge the insults to the dead, and lest they should swell the numbers of the advancing Egyptian army. The ghost of Bishop Adhemar de Puy, the Legate (he had died of the plague at Antioch) was seen in his sacerdotal habits partaking in the triumph, and it appears, not arresting the carnage.

About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

116 thoughts on “Christian love at its highest

  1. Seems they haven’t changed much considering the rape and murder of babies and children against my people as well.


  2. Ah! I feel so warm and bubbly having read that. What LOVE! What JOY! Oh, what a spectacular faith is christianity! Bunch of twisted sick a-holes, then and now. Disgusting.


  3. john zande says:

    Pleasant time had by all, it seems 😦


  4. Powerful post by Michelle, I suspect we are all learning a lot about the injustices—to put it mildly—perpetrated against her people.


  5. archaeopteryx1 says:

    I ran across this today, thought I’d share —

    All parts of the Bible are true until it becomes obvious that they aren’t and then a miracle happens and they immediately become things that were never meant to be taken literally to begin with.


  6. emmylgant says:

    “The papist Catholics did it!!! Not true Christians!” I hear the disclaimer from here!


  7. […] Source: Christian love at its highest […]


  8. mclasper says:

    Love and charity are certainly not Christian values! It’s like saying morality is unique to religion – it isn’t.


  9. themodernidiot says:

    Well that was cheery lol


  10. A Guy Without Boxers says:

    Another shining and exemplary example of the goodness and sanctity of the faith of the Christians. A curse that has befallen the human race throughout the many centuries! Great post, my Nairobi brother! 🙂


  11. Peter says:

    The tragedy is that it gets worse. I will quote at length from Mark Noll’s Turning Points:

    Later Crusades only made matters worse. The Fourth Crusade of 1202-4 was a special disaster that so deeply poisoned relations between East and West that it would be justified to see it, rather than the events of 1054, as the final break between the two great traditions in the church.

    This sordid tale can be told quite simply. As in earlier crusades, high minded idealists were joined by others who took part entirely for material gain. This time the latter faction totally dominated the former. Under the influence of Venetian merchants, who were mostly concerned about plunder and power, the crusade turned aside from its supposed objective (to do battle with Islam) and came to Constantinople seeking what it could devour. In April 1204 an army made up of Venetian, French and Flemish soldiers took the city. The description of Steven Runciman, the twentieth century’s leading historian of the Crusades is sobering:

    “When the leading Crusaders were established in the Great Palace…their soldiers were told that they might spend the next three days in pillage. The sack of Constantinople is unparalleled in history. For nine centuries the great city had been the capital of Christian civilization. It was filled with works of art that had survived from ancient Greece and with the masterpeices of its own exquisite craftsman…But the Frenchman and Flemings were filled with a lust for destruction. They rushed in a howling mob down the streets through the hoses, snatching up everything that glittered and destroying what they could not carry, pausing only to murder or to rape, or to break open wine cellars for their refreshment…Palaces and hovels alike were entered and wrecked. Wounded women and children lay dying in the streets. For three days the ghastly scenes of pillage and bloodshed continued, till the huge and beautiful city was in shambles.”

    After this orgy of destruction, the Latins attempted to set up a replacement for the Byzantine emperor. They failed miserably. Within a few decades the city was regained by the Eastern Orthodox Byzantines. Even before the end of 1204, Pope Innocent III had condemned the murderous conquest of the city.

    But the damage had been done. Again the extreme but well-considered words of Steven Runciman are worth quoting at length:

    “There was never a greater crime against humanity than the Fourth Crusade. Not only did it cause the destruction or dispersal of all the treasures of the past that Byzantine had devotedly stored, and the mortal wounding of a civilisation that was still active and great; but it was also an act of gigantic political folly. It brought no help to the Christians of Palestine…in the wide sweep of world history the effects were wholly disasterous…When a new, more vigorous Turkish tribe appeared, under the leadership of the brilliant house of Osman the East Christian world was too deeply divided to make an effective stand…Meanwhile hatred had been sown between Eastern and Western Christendom…It was perhaps inevitable that the Church of Rome and the great Eastern Churches should drift apart; but the whole Crusading movement had embittered their relations and henceforward, whatever a few princes might try to achieve, in the hearts of the East Christians the schism was complete, irremediable and final.”


    • makagutu says:

      And these crusaders first paid tribute to their gods. All these was done under the guise of divine sanction.
      In the same book I have been reading, a story is told of tens of thousands of child soldiers who left for a crusade and only a handful returned to their homes.
      It is all a sad story


  12. shelldigger says:

    Good ole x-ian love.

    There ain’t nuttin that scares me more than a bunch of good (insert religion here)

    So Mak, how is the modern ISIS, ISIL, Boko Haram, etc etc etc any different today than the mighty fine x-ians of old?

    And the big question, how is it that all of the cruelty, hate, and destruction brough forth by the x-ian crusades so easily swept aside and ignored by its followers? How can one not know the true nature of the religion they hold so dear?


  13. PS Thank you for the link back. I like when people think my words were worth sharing. 🙂

    So thank you.


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