44 thoughts on “what is philosophy for

  1. To try to make some sense out of why we live and what we are while we’re doing it. Though, I must say, Cicero has a great point. Die knowing a little more than when you lived. Kinda cool.


  2. Because many men have had way too much time on their hands. 😛


  3. siriusbizinus says:

    I study philosophy to remind myself of how little I truly know. That, and I need to know what all the cool kids are doing.


    • makagutu says:

      Have you been reading Socrates, or is it Plato? He of I know that I know nothing.

      Liked by 1 person

      • siriusbizinus says:

        I have yet to delve into the scholarship on whether Socrates was real or just a construct of Plato’s. It seems that he (Socrates) might be as real as Jesus. Tangentially, wouldn’t it be interesting if the disciples were aware of Socrates’s fictional nature and created a character of their own based on that knowledge…

        At any rate, I have read a little Plato here and there, along with a smattering of Aristotle. I always found it a bit ironic that Aristotle preached moderation in all things, but he couldn’t convince Alexander the Great of that virtue.


        • makagutu says:

          The question of whether Socrates lived has crossed my mind a few times. I have concluded that whichever way the evidence points us, the dialogues are great. And relevant.
          Seneca was Nero’s tutor. I think the adage you can take a cow to the watering hole but you can’t force it to drink holds true in this case.

          Liked by 1 person

  4. niquesdawson says:

    What if I don’t study philosophy. …?


  5. john zande says:

    I find it to be vaporous nonsense.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. A Guy Without Boxers says:

    Excellent quote. my Nairobi brother! But prepared or not, the inevitable will happen! Much love and naked hugs! 🙂


  7. Because knowledge is sweet! And all the sweetness in life ought to be enjoyed 🙂


  8. Witty Ludwig says:

    I think the quote might actually be a paraphrase made by Montaigne. The closest I can find from Cicero is:

    “Tota enim philosophorum vita, ut ait idem, commentatio mortis est.”

    I would translate it as “The whole life of the philosopher consists of, as the same man said, mental preparation for death”. It has almost the same sense but I think subtly different.


  9. nannus says:

    It looks like the way I am thinking is being called philosophy.
    It emerges from entereing a meta-level. You don’t just think about the things, but also about your thoughts about the things and about your perception of the things and about your actions in the world. This kind of meta-level or reflexive thinking develops into philosophy. I don’t want to reinvent the wheel, so I look into the thougts of others as well.


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