The resurrection didn’t happen

Doubt as sin. — Christianity has done its utmost to close the circle and declared even doubt to be sin. One is supposed to be cast into belief without reason, by a miracle, and from then on to swim in it as in the brightest and least ambiguous of elements: even a glance towards land, even the thought that one perhaps exists for something else as well as swimming, even the slightest impulse of our amphibious nature — is sin! And notice that all this means that the foundation of belief and all reflection on its origin is likewise excluded as sinful. What is wanted are blindness and intoxication and an eternal song over the waves in which reason has drowned.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche, Daybreak: Thoughts on the Prejudices of Morality

In our present times, when a dead man walks, the entire village is in shock. There is anger and disbelief. That is in my view the way things should be.

Human nature has remained the same for thousands if not hundreds of thousands. A dead person coming back to life would leave the who village shocked. And it would be accompanied with disbelief.

Get your bibles out, I will wait. Open the page on Lazarus, a guy dead and buried for four days. Were they shocked? No one is shocked. Others believed him and others went to the Sanhedrin. Nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

The goddites insist the gospels were written by eyewitnesses. This story and many others like it appearing in its diverse pages betray the fact it is a book written in a very superstitious age by very superstitious people. There was no critical examination of reports.  I don’t know what the authors were after, but reporting on reality wasn’t one of their aims.

To expect us to accept such claims is, to me, madness.

Goddites can say whatever they want, they can shout all day but I insist it is an insult on our collective intelligence to continue to believe in these superstitious reports from the days of lore.

About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

59 thoughts on “The resurrection didn’t happen

  1. archaeopteryx1 says:

    One is supposed to be cast into belief without reason


    • makagutu says:

      I see. Reason should be thrown outta the window or in this case the door


    • Barry says:

      That’s the most stupid sign I’ve seen in a long time. I think that even the fundies would be reluctant to display such a message here (although now that I’ve said that, someone is bound to prove me wrong).


    • exrelayman says:

      Yes, but lol, how did he figure out that reason was the enemy of faith?


      • Simple.
        Most Christians can’t reason the old testament = the Torah and Talmud. They don’t understand those books use the word Shoel which means grave and theirs uses hell. A 100% mistranslation that changes the foundation of their faith entirely.

        But try explaining that to a Christian. The can’t “reason” it out. No logic skills at all it seems.


      • Feel free to read the facts here:

        It then doesn;t take a rocket scientist to say because the written work Shoel was mistranslated the spoken word would be similarly mistranslated. What was Jews? A Jew. What is the language of the Jews? Hebrew the same the Torah and Talmud are and have always been written in.


        • It’s actually very simple.

          Faith is belief without the need for proof. A true faith can’t be reasoned. I believe in the great spirit father. Why? Just look around and that is why. Nothing more needs proving or defending. Not for me anyway. Can I prove to anyone else he exists? Nope. Do I desire to? Nope.

          My god won’t send you to hell for not believing. Nope, he looks at your life and if it was moral and decent then viola you go to heaven. He doesn’t care if you are Atheist, Christian, Mormon, or Wicca. He only cares how you lived and the things you did to help others, help his gifts to us (the earth, ect..) and that is it. Nothing more. There also is no hell. My father wouldn’t punish you like that. Why? He loves you because all are his children and that is why.

          So even for me reason can’t prove what I believe. Faith alone that it is true is all I have and faith defies reason because it doesn’t need proof.


          • makagutu says:

            Faith and reason sit opposed to each other as water and oil.
            I have very little problem with two sets of believers, the deists, though I disagree with them and those who recognise their beliefs are personal and no one can be expected to believe on the same grounds.

            Liked by 1 person

            • I think I am the later. I can’t explain nor defend my belief. I just believe. /shrug


              • makagutu says:

                That explains why I got no problems with you


              • Question for Michelle: does your god have a penis? 😉


                • Well he is the great spirit father, guessing he is a father then we presume he is a he and therefore yes I believe he may or would if gods had need of such things


                  • I was just curious, as it seems humans tend to attach gender/sex with deities. In times past, women were the protectors and nurturers, the givers of life. Men were often out hunting and warring. but rarely had a hand in parenting until relatively recently. Also, humans start out female. So I just find it curious that people associate god with maleness. Well, Arch will share his macho monkey video — so yeah, I get the ape shit stuff. Again, I was just curious about the psychology behind your assumption.


                    • It’s fully untrue father played little role in their children. In Lakota society dating back 10000 plus years the males had equal roles involving children as the females. True more men hunted than women but we women were taught to hunt in case it became needed. We were taught to fight, shoot bow and arrows and boys were taught gardening, sowing, and cooking as well. Every child was taught every role because it was needed in life to know these things.

                      Fathers took equal responsibility with children and teaching as the woman. Did we still have generally accepted roles? yes. But Lakota also recognized the woman as speaking for the family in matters of civil and educational importance. The men were generally recognized as speaking for the family in matters of hostilities. We never really knew war until white men came, to us war could last years, even decades with fewer than a handful of deaths and most of those were accidental to be honest.

                      But to say fathers didn’t play a role in children for white civilization is possibly true. I am no expect on what they call civilized.


                    • It is good to know that patriarchy didn’t play a major role in your tribe. There are a couple of monkey species that share equal responsibility is raising their young, and they are generally peaceful. I just wonder why someone who has a background where both sexes were equal, that you would put a male figure as a deity and not both.


  2. Barry says:

    You have to be kidding me!


  3. I think my wife may have died. The sex is the same, but the dishes are piling up. 🙂 Hopefully she’ll resurrect and they’ll get done.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. There is debate if he raised from the dead. He was crucified on the first day following Passovers first night. During this seven days Jews are not permitted to handle a dead body. Jews took him down from the cross on the third day, so the fourth night of Passover had passed and 3 remained. Was he dead or alive if Jews handled him?

    It is an interesting question. /shrug


  5. A Guy Without Boxers says:

    I’m no longer shocked, surprised or even amazed at what is proposed by the believers. The most stupid sometimes display their most endearing yet ridiculous quality: stupidity. Thank you for reminding me of this, my Nairobi brother!

    Didn’t they make a movie about a decade ago entitled “Dead Man Walking?” I never saw it but was it about the rumored resurrection?

    Much love and naked hugs! 🙂


  6. That is an excellent quote, and a great post. Spot on. I can remember when I was a Christian how the preachers told us that to doubt and/or question the bible was lacking faith. By lacking faith you were coming out from under the umbrella of god’s protection, therefore, at great risk to becoming prey to Satan, who is as a roaring lion roaming about seeking whom he may devour. 1 Peter 5:8

    Yep, they put the fear in followers to curtail questioning biblical rubbish.


  7. shelldigger says:

    As for the Nietzche quote, no matter what profound notion I may stumble across, there will always have been someone who said it better. 🙂

    Every frigging year I see the “He is risen!” signs in the church yards. I always wonder if “He” was bread? Or perhaps someone’s Viagra is working?

    Yes, you would think a walking talking zombie from the dead might cause quite a stir in the village. I’d expect a torch and pitchfork mob to put it down quite hastily.


    • makagutu says:

      I would think they mean someone got a boner.
      These people all acted cool like you would when a person recovers from a toothache. It must be they had so many zombies back then, no wonder Mathew has a whole town of zombies and no one seems perturbed


      • shelldigger says:

        If I ever see a walking talking zombie I will have to take it upon myself to kill it, before it becomes a religion. 🙂

        There seems to be no end to the absudities one must believe in to be religious. The power of “everyone else” believeing in something unseen left me around the time I let go of Santa Clause. I have often wondered why the church(es) never decry Santa much, I believe because it suits their purposes.


        • makagutu says:

          I think so too. Santa and magicians suit the purposes of the church. They can’t rail against them so loudly and consistently.
          It will be a service to humanity to kill a zombie


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