I love philosophy

And this statement is one of the reasons why

It is only certain that there is nothing certain and that nothing is more miserable or more proud than man.

The question is how would they confirm the first premise.

About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

70 thoughts on “I love philosophy

  1. Liberty of Thinking says:

    You see Noel, that’s the reason why I would never call myself an atheist. For my philosophical standards, an enunciation must be supported by proof. Proof in atheism’s case, is unfortunately no more than refuse/denial of the unproven existence of any deity, which cannot pass as proof.
    Thus uncertainty remains the only one “sure” thing.


  2. john zande says:

    The sentence proves itself, doesn’t it?


  3. Liberty of Thinking says:

    As for confirmation of uncertainty, it is unnecessary, as uncertainty needs no confirmation, being both self-relevant and self-sufficient.
    Please refute my statement, should you have certifiable proof for your statement(s). ๐Ÿ˜‰


  4. siriusbizinus says:

    That quote is exactly why I hate philosophy. Sometimes I think philosophy is just an excuse to use big words to confuse people until they beg for mercy.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. “Three hamsters are running in three wheels at the same time. The first hamster’s name is Joe, the second’s Pete, and the third’s Sally. It is uncertain which one is causing the other two to run out of sync with the ones running in sync with themselves. Which two are out of sync and why? Which one is causing the ‘sync’ issue, and how long has the problem been going on? How certain are you of your answers, and why? BTW, if you’re wrong, nothing will happen. No one will care. No wars will end. No illnesses will be cured. No stinky poop will start to smell like roses. BUT, what IS certain, is that a lot of fucking time will wasted on a fruitless exercise.” Sony Bono to Cher, circa 1972

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hariod Brawn says:

    Oxymoron rules?


  7. I’m with Sirius. I think philosophy is often used as a hammer.


  8. the human who says there is no certainty is always strangely reluctant to grasp ahold of a white-hot iron bar.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. shelldigger says:

    On the surface it appears to appeal to things in a broad sense. But it fails magnificently when you apply the white hot bar test.

    I love the comments thus far, and I fall in the camp of those who feel philosophy has a useful purpose, but only to a point of useful logic.

    Hamsters, wheels, and hammers. lol!


    • “Hamsters, wheels, and hammers.Oh, my!!! Look Toto, I see Aunt May philosophizing about where the fuck we are. God bless that old bitch! God bless ‘er.”


    • makagutu says:

      I. too, love the comments.
      What I find odd is most of them do a lot of philosophy daily.
      The Pyrrhonists[?] would tell you you can’t know either way


      • shelldigger says:

        As a pusuit of knowledge or sometimes just a critic of it, I don’t mind the implication.

        Let it be known however I am a lazy assed philospher with no desire to become a pro.

        I had to look up Pyrrhonist, but it doesn’t look half bad. There is some truth to the fact that we can be fooled. Our senses, our brains have blind spots. But empiricism I think has a way of rooting out imperfections through repetition, study, consensus, and some understanding of our faults.


        • makagutu says:

          We are open to error.
          This doesn’t translate to disparaging the fact that if I tried to jump off a cliff I would definitely go down, unless maybe there is a build up of air pressure enough to create buoyancy or uplift.


          • shelldigger says:

            Now I have to tell the stupid joke. Just remember you made me do it Mak.

            So a guy is in a bar on top of a 100 story building, he is drunk as hell, and he starts going on about how he can step out the window and come right back in. Another guy at the bar thinks he full of shit and tells him so. The drunk replies “it’s the updraft, it blows you right back up and into the window.” And he just keeps going on about how it works. Our skeptic finally tells the guy to prove it. So our obnoxious drunk steps outside the window, and immediately gets blown right back in. Amazed the skeptic tells him to do it again, the drunk steps out, and blows right back in. Then the drunk tells the skeptic to try it for himself. After some convincing, and another exhibition to prove it still works, the skeptic steps outside the window to try it, and immediately falls to his death. The barkeep looks up and says, “you are one mean drunk Superman!”


  10. shelldigger says:

    Oh, and white hot bars ๐Ÿ™‚


  11. Liberty of Thinking says:

    “It can’t be noon at midnight…” Hue-Xi Hao 457 AD


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