of fundamentalists

we know a fundamentalist believer holds it that their particular god exists.

that their holy book and only theirs is the true word of this god

that their interpretation of the said holy book is the only valid interpretation

and if they believe hell and heaven exist, then everyone else is damned to eternal damnation.

I have read claims on theist blogs that there are fundamentalist atheists.

Am I a fundamentalist atheist for believing the word god is meaningless

for holding that religion* has no redeeming feature

for writing about atheism consistently

for asserting all religious believers are misguided?

How does one become a fundamentalist atheist?

*Religion here means the belief in the supernatural

About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

135 thoughts on “of fundamentalists

  1. Too much passion and zeal can lead to one-dimensional thinking (I think anyway just from experience)…
    I.e.: I had passion for my ex so much I didn’t see he was not only cheating on me but he was a thief and a crook and master manipulator (will spare details of why)- but because I asserted he was amazing and was “the one” life partner for me- I overlooked some key traits because of sexual passion I had for him.
    I think it’s ok to “assert” what one thinks- but to assume it is the only conclusion is dangerous.
    In terms of how a person can be a fundamental atheist- this can happen when they shut their minds eye to the possibility of anything other than unbelief- just like a religious fundamentalist shuts their eyes to the facts there are other explanations for the existence of humans and the world.
    Hope that makes sense 😊
    Thank you as always for open discussions where one feels free to express oneself and ones opinions freely without fear of personal attacks 😎❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linden, if I could ask you a question? If someone believes in something that has no evidence to support its existence, and there is evidence that something else entirely is going on, would you consider it delusional to keep believing in that thing?


    • makagutu says:

      I am passionate about the freewill-determinist debate. I am of the opinion the freewillers are wrong. I am open to being persuaded to the contrary unfortunately the more I read of the freewillers, the more I am convinced they are wrong.

      There is no amount of argument that will make believe there is a horse-goat.

      I like to get people talking. Thanks for your visit

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Well, can someone be a fundamentalist non-believer in unicorns, big foot, mermaids, fairies, the Loch Ness Monster, and Dracula/vampires? Or does fundamentalist non-belief only apply to people who do not believe in the christian god, and then a particular take on the christian god? The christian god, or any god for that matter, is no more real to me than Zeus or Apollo. Does the idea that they MIGHT exist in some improbable way make one a fundamental disbeliever in their actual existence? Because one sees no evidence for unicorns existing, does that make one a fundamentalist non-believer in unicorns? Of course not. This fundamentalist atheist bullshit is a label hallucinating christians have come up with to describe those who say, out loud, “I do not believe in your particular take on your particular god because you’ve provided no evidence for it other than your mindless, delusional ramblings on the topic and citations from your bronze age book which glorifies slavery and genocide.” I fundamentally stand by this statement. $Amen$

    Liked by 1 person

    • shelldigger says:

      Thank you. I need only agree with this comment without needing to think of my own!


    • “A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest of men.” Mak was literally asking how one can be defined with the title *fundamental* atheist. Anyone who strictly labels oneself or others is by definition *fundamental* in their approach. Though you are entitled to the emotion behind your declaration of facts- would you want someone accusing you of being an “angry asshole” because you label *every* single believer as *delusional* just because they explore that this creation might have something more than what science shows? Can a believer be someone other than a Christian (or to you) are all people that believe in deities delusional, ignorant and piss poor protoplasm?
      Are you asserting that only anti-theists hold true intelligence and knowledge and anyone else has shit for brains?


      • Ouch. Someone’s a tad angry. My comment was not directed at you. I do not know you. You also do not know me. If you did, you’d know I was taking a jab at a particular character named SOM who frequents some of our blogs and calls us delusional etc. Before taking things as personal attacks on yourself, when they are not, 1.) Be sure you are the person being addressed, you were not, 2.) Be certain you know the person you are addressing, you do not, and 3.) Chill out! We’re having a little fun here. Relax. Breath deeply. Not everything is about you and your beliefs. I don’t know you. I’m sure your very nice. Now, breath. 1, 2, 3. There you go,.


        • makagutu says:

          I think this settles the matter.
          You two are my fine friends


        • How about you be careful and not categorize people because I don’t get angry I get even lol. I didn’t see a SOM person and I don’t know you but you need to see how your hasty generalizations and typing in general can be taken wrong by anyone and seem like an attack. Now take deep breaths and quit worrying about what people believe or do not. Take a cue from Ark- take pictures- take in the scenery and enjoy life- I love his pics and blog btw…and no matter what the fuck we believe or don’t we all have a finite existence. Have a good night- stop and smell the roses every once and a while- it will take your mind off of being mad at people for believing in unicorns and dragons and lions and tigers and bears oh my lol 🌹


          • makagutu says:

            have you met SOM dear? He is the quintessential pain in the wrong places type of person. I don’t think even with your tolerance you would stand him.I can’t.

            You and inspired should get along. He has no problem with nice people regardless of their beliefs. Just as you don’t have any problem with nice people and you are all very nice people.

            Liked by 1 person

          • My comments are tongue in cheek. Take the advice of former President Jimmy Carter on this matter: “Man chill out. Get a puppy. Smile. Get a different sky fairy to worship. Yours is overly sensitive and rather immoral. Stop making generalizations. Drink de-caf. Avoid fast amusement park rides. Don’t J-walk. Pull your fly up or something might crawl in. Brush your teeth and floss regularly. Don’t eat too much sugar. Check under your mattress regularly for bed bugs. They’re a bitch to get rid of once you get them. Take up a hobby like photography. Wait! Better yet! Assume you know people you don’t based on silly shit they write on a blog. Yeah. That’s it! Very christian thing to do. Also, get a gold fish. Stare at it. Breath deep. Now, generalize some more. OK! Now, make more assumptions. Good. Remember, you’re christian, hyper-sensitive and very, very angry (see, I don’t really know that, but I’m gonna make that generalization just cause). Have a pleasant, very assuming day worshiping invisible shit and being very sensitive about how fucking stupid that is to do. Did I mention not to generalize? Don’t. I NEVER do. That’d be silly. Also, stop being angry. Your rage is unreal. Never seen anything like it. BREATH. 1, 2, 3. Nice. Now, pet a cat. If you’ve allergies, pet a mouse. They’re fast, so be quick. Man, you’re SO angry! I don’t know you, but, how could I possibly be wrong about this? Take two aspirin, flush them down the toilet and get some rest. And for christ sake, get anger management therapy! You’re gonna poke someone’s eye out with your rage.” President Jimmy Carter, November 6th, 1979 AD


      • “A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest of men.”

        “Nonsense my whole life is.” Yoda, 1982


    • makagutu says:

      I am fundamentally in support of this comment.
      I am yet to meet a fundamentalist non believer in the Loch Ness. Should I come across one, you will be the first one to know


  3. PS Mak- you are not fundamental just because you think the word *god* is meaningless. You are a very sound man with a calm, cool and collected approach at how you see and define our existence. You are also loving and accepting of others that do not think like you- and this is why I have mad respect for you!


  4. Hariod Brawn says:

    I’m a fundamentalist Anti-Flying Spaghetti Monsterist.


  5. tildeb says:

    How? Simple. By criticizing the pernicious effects of holding to religious beliefs as a justification for actions.

    The irony of this usage is lost on those who hold their fundamental beliefs in the highest regard while using the same esteemed term to be disparaging when aimed at those who hold no similar beliefs!

    Weird, I know, but hey: the thinking processes of fundamentalists have difficulty comparing and contrasting any two things without first subjecting each to a reprocessing and filtration by piety.


    • makagutu says:

      The fundamentalist sees everyone through a fundamentalist filter. It’s like reading a Ken Ham blog. He sees everything through the first chapter of Genesis


  6. fundamentalism [fəndəˈmentlˌizəm] NOUN

    a form of a religion, especially Islam or Protestant Christianity, that upholds belief in the strict, literal interpretation of scripture.

    from OxfordDictionaries (Oxford University Press)


    Atheism is NOT a religion, and it is NOT based on any scripture.


  7. Atheism has no fundamentals.

    A fundamentalist to me is actually (ironically) often an honest theist who believes literally what his holy book tells him.


    • makagutu says:

      You are right in both statements


      • I, too, respect the religious fundamentalist far more than the religious apologist who weaves and spins his way around the silliness in his holy book. If you’re gonna believe in in the damn thing, just believe in it. You don’t gain points in my book by trying to fit a square into a round hole. Now, I’m off to bath my pet spaghetti monster.


        • makagutu says:

          I agree.
          Rather the fundamentalist who says it says this in Genesis, I believe it and that settles the matter than an apologist like CS who pretends to know more beyond Genesis


          • Right. I mean, Ken Ham may be the biggest idjit there is, but at least he’s consistent and you know where he stands. He’s brave enough, and man enough, to say what it is he believes and stick by it. Granted, he’s a fool, but a sure footed one. The apologists like WLC who try to fit the Gospels into quantum physics and astrophysics are the biggest weenies I know. Beside that, they bother me, AND, they smell bad, nda like old moth balls.


  8. Arkenaten says:

    The word has Fun and Mental in it. This seems like a contradiction in terms, yet sits well with certain religious types.


  9. Peter says:

    To some extent I consider the fundamentalists to be the ones who actually buy into what their religion teaches. Those with a less fundamental interpretation tend to have developed a new form of the religion that differs from what was originally taught they takes the bits they like as literal and the bits they find troublesome are interpreted as ‘spiritual’.

    This is provides no comfort for those of us who note that it is those who interpret their religion seriously are prepared to pt aside normal human empathy and commit an atrocity because they think they are obeying the command of a divine being.


    • makagutu says:

      You are right on the fundamentalist. He takes his religion literally. Believes the religious book says all they need to know and are ready to die for it


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