Would it be wrong to eradicate mosquitoes? – BBC News

When the animals went to the ark, two by two, god insisted mosquitoes must not be left behind. How else would yellow fever, dengue fever and malaria among others spread?

We are now at a stage where humans are asking whether we should swat them. What dost thou think.


About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

30 thoughts on “Would it be wrong to eradicate mosquitoes? – BBC News

  1. I just asked this question to a mosquito and it said, “Wipe out us? Naw. Wipe out humans. They cause far greater damage to the world than us.” This, I guess, goes to show us that everything is all a matter of perspective. Btw, the talking mosquito and I will be doing the talk show circuit soon. Look for us.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. archaeopteryx1 says:

    Scientists say mosquitoes don’t have an emotional response to pain like we do.

    Have you ever noticed, every time humans want to kill something, yet expect a backlash, this is what they always say? “It doesn’t feel pain like we do.”

    I’m no fan of mosquitos either, but you don’t have to use THAT tired old saw and demean my intelligence!

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Humanity is incapable of eradicating mosquitoes, but it shouldn’t even if it could do so. Mosquitoes, like all species, can pose problems when their populations erupt from ecosystem imbalances such as what is happening now worldwide (due to human overpopulation). That said, official mosquito abatement programs are imperative for public health.

    But personally speaking, any mosquito who dares enter my home with the aim of sucking my precious bodily fluids has signed its own death warrant. Swat!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. As has been said, removing something from the environment hasn’t worked out real well. If anything is to be removed, I’d be more inclined to try destroy the disease agent, not the carrier.

    Having been discussing intelligent design with some Christians, one wonders about the intelligence of making such things as mosquitoes and things like the Zika virus. John Z is right again, this god has to be a malevolent being.


  5. exrelayman says:

    A bit tangential to mosquitoes, but pertinent to your lead in concerning Noah’s ark:


  6. Scottie says:

    UHMMM sorry but I have to ask.. Mr. Noah as I understand was to take either two of each one’s, male and female, or seven each and I am not sure if they had to have mixed sex… but how did he determine the sex of the mosquitoes? Did he have like twenty or thirty show up and he had to sex check each of them… with what..I am not even sure where to look as I am not sure spreading their legs would show gender >>??? Sorry. Hugs


    • archaeopteryx1 says:

      That reminds me of the guy who wanted to smell moth balls, but couldn’t figure how to get it’s little legs apart —
      (pa dump pump ching!)

      Liked by 1 person

    • makagutu says:

      The case of the ark is puzzling now as I think it was when it was first told

      Liked by 1 person

      • archaeopteryx1 says:

        I’ve explained this before, but admittedly, it’s been a long time. (I hope I don’t bore anyone!)

        At least four individual groups wrote the Torah – the first five books of the Bible “According to Moses” – the Yahwist (J) Source was the first, a group of Levite priests, writing shortly after the Jews acquired the written language, wrote parts of the flood story around 950 BCE in the Southern Kingdom of Judea, at Jerusalem, based on the first known work of fiction, “The Epic of Gilgamesh,” a Sumerian adventure story written about 2750 BCE – obviously, by this time, the storyline was well known.

        About a hundred years later, around 850 BCE, the Elohist (E) Source, a group of Aaronid priests, writing in the Northern Kingdom of Israel, wrote their own version, with sevens and twos. About 60 or 70 years after that, the Assyrians besieged the city, and it looked like the city would fall (which it did!), and so they brought their sacred scrolls south, to the much better fortified city of Jerusalem, for safekeeping.

        Around a hundred years after that, a redactor combined the two accounts, the J Source and the E Source much like a patchwork quilt, into J/E, which is why there are so many inconsistencies in the Torah – where he came against conflicting stories, such as animals in twos, or in twos and sevens, not knowing which was correct, he simply included them both and blended them as well as he could.


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