the god excuse and other stories

Some sheeple having read Dawkins’ God Delusion felt obliged to write him a letter to express what he thought he, Dawkins, did not get right.

This sheep is for once quite charitable. He is not wishing Dawkins a painful death and other niceties the godcultists are known to promise all heretics and blasphemers.

The sheep, for lack of space of time addresses three areas of disagreement with the book.

  1. Dawkins is wrong about faith. He says faith is belief with evidence. Why call it faith then?
  2. Evolution. I don’t understand evolution, so you are wrong.
  3. Divine command theory. Here there are several arguments

a. read the bybowl in context

b. foreign language for example in biblical times kill all the children didn’t mean kill. It meant slaughter, you get what I mean?

c. god’s hand was forced. After giving his creation 1000 yrs to change, he became impatient and felt killing was the way to go.

I don’t know how a rational person can believe this.

On the other stories, IB, writing about the rational atheist almost shocks me that for once she has seen the light only to finish her post thus

So, I am a firm advocate of the non reasonable, the illogical, the emotional, the Spirit led.

and this is just after she wrote, bold face by us, ignore that she talks to god and he answers such trivial issues as what to do with a book,

Then God quietly asked, why are you allowing someone who calls himself the Voice of God and a Supreme Dark Lord  define what is rational? And in that moment I realized that atheism really is quite rational, logical, and reason based. It is actually Vox Day who is emotionally driven, irrational, his broken bits cloaked behind a mask of intellectualism, moral superiority, and reason. Trapped in a deception he cannot even see. Irrational, emotional, rhetorical.

And friends, had she stopped there, I would have toasted to her.

About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

20 thoughts on “the god excuse and other stories

  1. john zande says:

    Actually already commenting on Inanity’s post. It’s dangerously strange, which is to be expected, i guess.


  2. Violet says:

    I’ve tried to communicate with IB a few times…her screen name fits as she’s completely insane, which must bite for her big-time. I use her solely for entertainment purposes, of which she delivers in spades.


  3. Barry says:

    I’m rather fond of IB in a strange way. We’ve crossed swords a number of times, and yet there are times when I get her. Most of the time we are able to agree to disagree, which I find refreshing for someone with such strong beliefs. She’s treated me with more courtesy than some atheists (including some that frequent your blog Mak).

    I found myself almost agreeing with her, and if she had stopped at the point she had you applauding her, I would have thought she had arrived at appreciating alternative viewpoints. But her conclusions about what rational thought must inevitability lead to contradict my observations to such a degree that the sanity of one of us must be in question. I hope it’s not mine.


    • makagutu says:

      Barry I don’t think it is yours.
      From her conclusion, I think she means to say those who are rational are incapable of love, emotional attachment and so on, which I think is a strange thing to say

      Liked by 1 person

      • Barry says:

        That’s what I thought she was saying. While I’ll concede that can be a possible outcome it’s by no means the natural or inevitable outcome. From the rhetoric coming from some fundamentalists I can only conclude that they are more likely to be incapable of love etc.


      • Peter says:

        I think she has Mr Spock in mind.


  4. Sirius Bizinus says:

    I commented. IB got done trying to say that killing people is reasonable. All of that just to defend her position. Amazing.


    • Violet says:

      I read her comments, and I think she’s saying ISIS kills because they don’t have faith in the right deity. That the attacks on brussels were done by men who used their reason instead of their faith.

      Of course translating the rants of a mad women are tricky and I could be wrong.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Sirius Bizinus says:

        No, she’s throwing digs at atheists, trying to compare them to terrorists while absolving faith from its part in contributing to the attacks. She’s quite intelligent, but she uses that intelligence to lie for Jesus.


        • Violet says:

          Oh I see, she’s comparing atheists to ISIS…of course we all know that christians are exempt from showing brutality.

          I find the word salad of IB and CS to be somewhat confusing…for all their “intelligence,” those two simply cannot put together a sentence that is concise, clear, and succinct. I guess they like to speak in a manner similar to jeebus. *eyeroll*

          Liked by 1 person

        • makagutu says:

          I am not sure intelligent is the right word.


        • Peter says:

          To those terrorists attacks by people who adhere to a religion as a basis of attacking atheists truly does suggest insanity.


      • makagutu says:

        You are right, understanding a mad woman is tricky


    • makagutu says:

      Just seen your comments.I think her first response is a deflection. The people who bombed Brussels are godcultists. Her argument holds no water and is reprehensible


  5. “c. god’s hand was forced. After giving his creation 1000 yrs to change, he became impatient and felt killing was the way to go.” This statement proves there’s no god. If there were, it would surely be impatient waiting for the sheep who so blindly follow it to change and become decent, nice, empathetic human beings instead of the bigoted, biased, illogical critters they are now. Another world-wide flood would have drown them all eons ago with no chance for any of them to have survived. For surely, if god exists, idjits are on its list of things it dislikes.


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