On assisted dying

Recently I was reading an article on physician assisted dying becoming legal in California from June.

While one can easily dismiss any religious objections, for example, by telling Christians their lawd committed suicide by the centurion, other objections such as slippery slope arguments have been tackled by many proponents of the legislation.

Here is one objection that does not make any sense

Life is a terminal disease because all of us are going to die. Thus, by this logic the state of California should build in every district a suicide chamber with a professional assistant where everybody could easily committ a suicide without troubling the society.
Sorry for my cynism but I look with pity at the deterioration of Western civilization…

About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

19 thoughts on “On assisted dying

  1. I can only hope that the person who said this gets a long term, excruciatingly painful type of cancer and is forced to live for years with it before dying, awake and in agony. Fuck idiots like this. Hard.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. shelldigger says:

    That’s the best non-argument this dipstick could formulate?

    Sorry for MY cynicism but I look on with pity at the simpletons in Western society who are incapable of forming a logical argument.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. john zande says:

    It’s not spoken aloud, it’s not advertised, but terminally ill people are already given assistance to die. Morphine, in increasing doses, is administered, easing the person out out of this life in a humane manner.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Barry says:

    I think the slippery slope argument is a valid objection, and if this could be satisfactorily answered I’m in favour of legalising assisted dying. I think that would be the general consensus here in NZ.


    • makagutu says:

      I don’t find it persuasive. Most people love life. Very few even knowing they could end it at any time would actually consider it

      Liked by 1 person

      • Barry says:

        There is a thing called pressure. Think of the elderly or those severely disabled who might buckle under the pressure of others because they feel guilty that they are a burden on the family or society. I think that at the times I’m in intense pain and my cognitive skills are limited, it would be rather easy to persuade me to sign my own death warrant so to speak.

        What about those who are unable to make a rational decision? Or those who can make a rational decision but can’t communicate their wish? Do we give the ability to decide to someone else?

        Liked by 1 person

        • makagutu says:

          I think the decision should remain with the individual. I wouldn’t want my grandchildren deciding I should be dispatched.
          Though I will give a condition allowing someone to make that decision on my behalf when I an in a vegetable state and recovery would not be different from dying

          Liked by 2 people

          • Barry says:

            As I have said. I support assisted dying in principal. I just want to ensure that there’s absolutely no way a person could be pressured into making the decision, or that personal choice could be taken away.

            I think we’re likely to see assisted dying become legal in NZ within a year or two. The last bill on this was defeated principally because of doubts regarding adequate protection of the vulnerable. I’m sure wording of similar legislation from other parts of the world will be examined for appropriateness here.


  5. Nan says:

    It’s been legal in Oregon for several years and I haven’t seen any “deterioration of Western civilization.” But hey … maybe I’m just not looking in the right place.


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