There is a god!

​God is alive guys. So my mother survived this with a scratched toe. JUST A SCRATCHED TOE. Its even the smallest toe

Anyone who lost a friend or relative in a road accident can file a petition against a cruel and unjust god.

About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

30 thoughts on “There is a god!

  1. Carmen says:

    God must’ve concentrated solely on the passenger and forgot about the driver . . . his legs aren’t moving. 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

  2. renudepride says:

    Fortunately the driver survived. However, was it truly divine intervention or just a ill-timed crash? I guess we’ll never know for certain. Cool reblog, my Kenyan brother!


  3. Wow. Just wow. I’m converted.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. atheistsmeow says:

    Naw…..I’m not believin’…………


  5. john zande says:

    The Stupid, it burns.


  6. Peter says:

    I like this video by Seth Andrews:


  7. Peter says:

    Sorry Mak I mucked that up, I wanted to post this video about the Bible in the fire, not all 191 videos on the playlist. Technology will be the death of me:


  8. shelldigger says:

    Don’t read the comments! I just got done barfing all over the carpet. You should have warned me Mak. You knew I would read the comments man!

    I believe mom is on the hooch… Drunks walk away from crashes all the time 🙂 Praise be to the hooch!


  9. Ron says:

    It’s just like the time when Katrina wiped out 20 churches but God spared the French Quarter where the Southern Decadence celebrations were taking place.


  10. I know there is a god and his name is The Golden Boot! I know this because…well…because I know it. People are idjits. Truly, they’re idjits.


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