On moral bankruptcy

I recently wrote here regarding the person of the president appearing as caricature for the incompetent and stealing father before him.

And while still on the 18th Brumaire, Marx said of the bourgeoisie of France that

It was forced by its own class attitude, on the one hand, to destroy the conditions for all parliamentary power, its own included, and, on the other, to render irresistible the executive power that stood hostile to it.

Now, those more eloquent than I have said of our political class as a morally bankrupt sort. Nothing makes this evident than the recent reports that they were bribed in the lavatories with as little as Ksh 3000 to alter or approve a report on illicit sugar into the country.

Of relevance to the above statement by Marx refers to the failure of the August house to pass legislation to bring to life the 2/3rd gender rule as enshrined in the constitution. What this has done to the morally bankrupt house is to make it a puppet for the executive, filled as it is, by a protege of the nation’s first big scale thieving family. This house cannot even if it tried, check the executive.

The chief justice has by failing in his constitutional duty to advise the president on the illegality of parliament, has made the courts equally subservient to the executive so that where the constitution envisages three centres of power, working together but also as checks, we have the executive led by an incompetent and a thief lording it over all of us. If there is a royal screw, we are being screwed royally and without the benefit of lube.

There’s nothing so annoying as to know you are being led by your inferiors.

About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

38 thoughts on “On moral bankruptcy

  1. “There’s nothing so annoying as to know you are being led by your inferiors.” and we surely do feel that here in the US.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. “There’s nothing so annoying as to know you are being led by your inferiors.” Yep. Absolutely true.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. renudepride says:

    I’m somewhat confused here. Are you referring to contemporary Kenya or to the present-day USA? Your writing seems to describe both! Have a great weekend! Naked hugs! 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  4. john zande says:

    There’s nothing so annoying as to know you are being led by your inferiors… ain’t that the truth.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. basenjibrian says:

    John: I would love to hear you expound (your own blog! What a great topic!) on why Lula is so bad, especially in the context of Brazilian politics. It doesn’t sound like his competition is great, either. I know he is corrupt, but aren’t they all? Given that “conservative” in Brazil means effectively neo-fascist, didn’t his at least….crocodile teary…concern for the “workers” make him the better choice? Just like I…sympathized…at first with Chavez!!!!! Even though I should know better!!!!


  6. ehudhacohen says:

    Im at the same situation. but this year im deleting my depth also to my self – new chapter in life – more here : https://wordpress.com/post/tabularase.wordpress.com/46


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