The three burials

Of Melquiades Estrada

I was advised to give movies a wide berth and recommend only books as that’s where I do well but I will pretend I didn’t hear Jim and recommend a movie I think was quite well done. And as is usually the case, I like oldies.

At the end one wonders whether without the thought that Melquiades had a family in Mexico, would Parkins have taken the trouble of this long lonesome journey on horseback? Was it worth it?

About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

14 thoughts on “The three burials

  1. jim- says:

    You may have redeemed yourself with this one. Carry on..for now. I haven’t seen this one but I think I might just do that.


  2. Ben says:

    That movie does look good. I may have to check it out as well.


  3. I’ll give it a look.


  4. renudepride says:

    It looks action-packed and very interesting. The captions were somewhat misrepresentive of the drama but it appears to be good. Have a great weekend, my Kenyan brother! 🙂


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