37 thoughts on “What is time

  1. Mordanicus says:

    When I was young my brother used to express his believe that time did not exist and he even bought a copy of Julian Barber’s book “The End of Time”.


  2. john zande says:

    It’s nothing without matter that changes.

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  3. maryplumbago says:

    I read this book years ago and he has a good way of putting it in laymanโ€™s terms. I would imagine there are some newer ideas now too.

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  4. renudepride says:

    Time is a measurement that we use to explain ourselves. If I don’t have time, then that’s sufficient excuse to not do anything! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Naked hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. judyt54 says:

    The larger bits–sun, moon, seasons, the universe, if you will, operates whether we clock it or not. The miracle is, it all makes sense when you start measuring it with the right yardstick. It all fits.

    [Our own sense of time has been distorted by superstition (did you realize there are 13 moons in the calendar year? And 28 goes into 365 exactly 13 times with 1 1/4 extra days?), which results in the hash we now have, with strange longer/shorter months, and the need for a calendar to KNOW what day Christmas falls on and what day your aunt Maisie’s birthday comes on this year…]

    Liked by 1 person

    • makagutu says:

      We must know the exact day Christmas is , and Easter otherwise we might forget to celebrate very important events in the history of man, don’t you know? And then the Muslims need to know when to start fasting and all. Human beings seem to be slaves to their calendars


  6. maryplumbago says:

    Time could be just a repetition of patterns, be it looking at hands on a watch go around, following the sun from point A and back again and your atoms and molecules disintegrating in its present form simply to another form. And all the way to our present universe in a much earlier state of instability to somewhat stable now and back again someday to not only instability, but total disappearance, in which some of the elements may pop out anew somewhere else.

    So does time really pass in a forward direction or just repeat in a circular fashion and all of it being relative.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. judyt54 says:

    I like that sense of circular time. It gives me a headache, but I like it. It’s also our perception of time passing that messes things up too. Another thing to consider: time might not travel in a particular direction, or pattern, but travel in a spiral, the way the stars are apparently moving away from each other as the universe expands. And since we are part of that spiral, moving along with it, we’d not be able to see the spiral motion itself.

    I’ve always had huge flaming doubts about Methuselah and his amazing old age. There were no “years” back then, only phases of the moon and sun placement. If you divide thirteen (the number of moons in a standard year) into 969, it comes out to just shy of 75 years. Which would, considering the times he lived in, make methuselah still a very old man by ancient standards. Someone when first transcribing the bible could well have written ‘months’ and someone else misread it as ‘years’ and we are off to the races. It’s also much more dramatic to picture him as almost a thousand years old, innit.


  8. If science ever completes its work on the Unified Field Theory (a.k.a. “Grand Unified Theory” or the “Theory of Everything”), which would combine the four fundamental forces (i.e. electromagnetism, gravity, the strong nuclear force, and the weak nuclear force), then we should get a definitive explanation of time.

    Until then, Einstein’s theories will prevail. Time is relative to the observer; and, observers experience the passage of time differently depending on their speed and proximity to gravitational fields. For example, our satellite Global Positioning System (GPS) must include Einstein’s Special Relativity equations or it wouldn’t work. Since satellites travel at a speed much greater than objects at or near the Earth’s surface, their rate of time is slower in comparison. Without those equations, satellite clocks would quickly become out of sync.

    Although we may not know exactly what time is, we do know what it isn’t. Time is not the constant linear passage of existence commonly perceived by humans. Time is fluid and malleable.

    Liked by 1 person

    • makagutu says:

      So our common sense idea of time is misleading

      Liked by 1 person

      • Our common perception of time is misleading in an objective sense, but it works fine for our subjective lives here on Earth. Homo sapiens evolved without any practical need to understand how time is distorted by forces beyond their sensory perception. Only recently has our technological progress compelled us to understand it. Satellites and space travel didn’t exist until the late 1950s, and the first observations of black holes didn’t begin until a decade later. That’s just 70 years – a bare fraction of our 300,000 years of existence.


        • makagutu says:

          I think I will add Time to Tolstoy’s renunciations of immobility of space and that of freedom

          It was necessary to renounce the consciousness of an unreal immobility in space and to recognize a motion we did not feel; in the present case it is similarly necessary to renounce a freedom that does not exist and to recognize a dependence of which we are not conscious. And finally it is necessary to abandon our common sense perception of time (emphasis mine).

          Liked by 1 person

  9. jilldennison says:

    Time is a contrivance of humans who always seem to have some obsessive need to measure every single thing. Wolves do not worry about time … their instinct tells them when it is time to eat or sleep, and nothing else much matters. Humans could learn from wolves.


  10. Shankar says:

    Time is a measure of change.
    When change stops, time vanishes.
    Matter and its evolvement are entangled as space and time. Matter needs space and its evolvement needs time. If matter disappears, space and time disappears.
    In the nude space of unsticky dark gel, things are floating like sparkling dusts.
    check here to find the explanation of the “indescribable”


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