Are you a Christian

and suffer from worry, often cuss and rarely tithe? You are suffering from low level atheism and to prevent the outset of a major atheism attack, you should repent.

About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

70 thoughts on “Are you a Christian

  1. John Faupel says:

    No, I’m not a Christian or anything else. The reason why the World and everyone in it is in such a mess is because most people feel the need to hide behind some spurious feeling of socially-conditioned identity, by claiming they belong to some religion, nationality, political party &c., &c. and start quarreling with one another accordingly.
    Signed ‘persona non-grata’.


    • makagutu says:

      Hello John,
      It seems our specie cannot think of a way not to fight one another

      Liked by 1 person

    • basenjibrian says:

      The universe is actually not “a mess”. The problem is when we try to assign human moral codes to a universe that is “cold and does not care”.

      As for the human world being a mess….we are a quarrelsome social species that is still trying to learn to live together. We are also too clever….ever since the invention of agriculture, we have perhaps gone too far.

      Liked by 2 people

      • judyt54 says:

        .we are a quarrelsome social species that is still trying to learn to live together
        this is the crux, basenji: we are descended from apes, who are, as far as I know, the only species of animal who wages war, actual war, on other ape populations. Gee, sound familiar? If we survive, or evolve a bit more, we will either improve or blow ourselves to bits, either way, a sigh of relief for the planet.

        Liked by 1 person

        • makagutu says:

          we will likely blow ourselves to smithereens. We are improving on the means of killing each other daily

          Liked by 1 person

          • basenjibrian says:

            Nah. Viruses! The ultimate expression of the uncaring universe. 🙂 I am in Northern California, and the media is full on panic mode right now.

            Me? Whatareyagonna do about it? I am certainly not stocking up on ramen and bottled water/


            • makagutu says:

              Two things are happening- panic and conspiracy theorists are already at work claiming the virus accidentally leaked off a lab in China. I don’t think you need to stock on those any time soon.


        • basenjibrian says:

          What about ants? I understand there are genetically related super-colonies of ants that cumulatively cover entire continents. And ant colonies do wage war? To total destruction of the competing colonies! Fascinating stuff!


      • makagutu says:

        I think we think ourselves too clever. I mean we still fight about who prays right or skin colour something we should not expect of clever people, I think.


  2. Arkenaten says:

    It reads almost like satire and if it wasn’t for the fact that we come across so many of these nutters on a daily basis I would previously never have believed otherwise.


  3. jim- says:

    “Lord, please heal my stinginess”. “Off yer knees mate, you’ve been healed through the power of the Pentecostal tithe! How do you say that in tongues?

    Liked by 2 people

  4. This guy states: “an atheist is a person who denies that God even exists.” Absolute bullshit. An a-theist is someone who sees no evidence for the existence of “God” or “gods”. For example, I do not deny bigfoot or space aliens that kill cattle exist. I simply see no evidence that they do. They might, I just see no reason to claim they do. This guy was a gem. I rather enjoyed reading his gibberish. Are you sure it wasn’t “Poe’s Law” satire?

    Liked by 3 people

    • makagutu says:

      With some of these believers, it’s pretty hard to tell. I hope he doesn’t his gibberish seriously. That would be a tragedy

      Liked by 1 person

    • Barry says:

      I suppose to some extent it depends on what one means by “deny”. I’m comfortable about denying the existence of a supernatural intelligent entity commonly referred to as God and likewise the existence of the Loch Ness monster. On the other hand I’m not willing to deny the possibility that Moa still survive in remote NZ forests or that intelligent extraterrestrial life has visited Earth, but I see no evidence to support either being true. There may well be phenomena that allows people to convince themselves that Nessie exists even though I have seen no supportable evidence for that. As for God, I’ve experienced situations which I perceive as being “divine”, but on the balance of evidence I have available, I understand them as wholly a human experience which I don’t fully understand rather than as a result of some supernatural force. I see no evidence that the experiences were anything other than “being human”. However, if someone has verifiable evidence to the contrary, I’m all ears.

      Liked by 1 person

    • basenjibrian says:

      I define myself as a MISOtheist. Even if their God exists, It is so awful that rebellion is the only (human moral code) right thing to do.


  5. renudepride says:

    I’m quite satisfied with me the way that I am. Thank you very much! 🙂 Naked hugs and have a great week!


  6. Nan says:

    We need to pin a rose on this guy’s nose because, as he states …
    I have only sworn two times since receiving the Holy Ghost.

    Wow! Whoopie! Takes away any doubt that he’s a True Christian™!

    P.S. He must like himself A LOT … notice his picture accompanies all of his posts?


  7. Barry says:

    Honestly Mak, I don’t know why you even bother reading such nonsense as it’s hardly representative of Christianity. Unless all you’re after is a bit of light comic relief, why not choose to read Christians who would be a little more challenging intellectually? Something from Geering, Spong or Cuppit for example, or perhaps an article or presentation comparing their theology such as this one that was presented just a few kilometres from where I live.

    But seeing you’ve invited comment, here’s my take:

    1. Worry By nature I’m intrinsically a non-worrier. I have a typical Kiwi “She’ll be right” attitude. I guess that\s one point to being Christian?

    2. Swearing and anger I never swear, never have, nor did my parents, and neither do my siblings, children and grandchildren. It doesn’t seem to be in our blood. I’m not against swearing, and if it’s not overdone, it can be a very useful tool. It’s just that whenever it might be useful, I’m usually rendered speechless.

    I’ve been told on many an occasion that I have the patience of a saint, and they don’t mean it in a complimentary way. It’s out of frustration on their part. The fact that almost nothing makes my blood boil is extremely annoying to many people. Another point to being Christian?

    2. Stinginess This seems to be in relation to tithing and nothing else. I belong to a faith tradition that has opposed tithing since its formation almost 400 years ago. It also advocates simplicity as a lifestyle. I have never tithed and I have no desire for an ostentatious lifestyle. One point to not being Christian?

    Let’s see: two points for being a Christian; one point against. Bugger! Does that mean I’m a Christian? BTW, after a complaint was made, the Broadcasting Standards Authority adjudicated that “bugger is not a swear word. It’s acceptable Kiwi slang.


    • makagutu says:

      Barry my friend, some of these articles provide comic relief. I would be distressed if their authors took them seriously. That would mean they really are off the rails. That’s why I share such posts without much of a comment because they don’t deserve any.
      You are a good christian. Now if you could only start tithing you would secure your place in heaven

      Liked by 1 person

      • Barry says:

        But tithing is against my religion.

        As for heaven, I’ve yet to find any convincing evidence that it exists.

        I’m sure many of those authors you link to do take themselves seriously – very seriously. During my mother’s funeral the pastor gave a sermon which was just as “comical” as those you often link to. If it wasn’t for the fact that it was the body of my mother in the casket and I was a pallbearer, I would have made a few (in)appropriate comments and walked out in protest at his message.


  8. shelldigger says:

    I am having an issue with worry. I’m afraid I don’t worry enough to be a low level atheist. Am I doing it wrong?

    I cuss plenty, and I do not tithe, so I at least have that part right…

    I got a chuckle when the guy claimed that not tithing is robbing dog. Stick em up dog! We are taking your $


  9. Rae says:

    Being a Christian isn’t about not worrying, it isn’t about how much you tithe or how good you are. It is the opposite, Christianity is not a religion, it is not about what you have to do, or how you have to be. Christians are not some holy or perfect people, we are broken, we are sinners, but we have Jesus. Jesus suffered indescribably and died on a cross, all the while thinking of each of you. All the suffering was worth it to Him because of how much He loves each of us. And then He rose from the dead so that you could be with Him forever. It is a free gift. It is about love. Christians are far from perfect, we could never be. But we rely on God’s grace, because no matter what we do or where we go He is always going to fight for us, to forgive us. God is love, not judgement like so many have been taught. He is not the judge who points a finger at you screaming “wrong!” He is the Father who holds His hands out to you, calling you home. ❤


  10. I am a Christian


  11. thetearwiper says:

    you said so much without saying so much. that’s a gift.


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