Tomorrow sex will be good again

By Katherine Angel

Is a book I would recommend for those still actively having sex or who plan to get some action in the future.

In it she addresses the issues surrounding consent especially following #metoo and other campaigns aimed at addressing sexual violence against women( especially women because they are overly represented in the number victims of sexual violence) and explored whether that active consent is a sufficient guarantee that women will be safe.

She explores arousal, desire, vulnerability and asks some very pointed questions. Many times men are won’t to say that women when they say no actually mean yes or that their bodies speak a different language which is not said for men. It is argued that the female body is disconnected from her person. And this unfortunately has been used in legal cases to argue against rape where defendants have said the woman was wet and so she must have wanted it, regardless of her protestations.

A very interesting question or theme that runs through the book is how can sex research which claim to be objective give us any results when sex is removed from its very subjective context of negotiation, desire, arousal and all those things we associate with sex?

Sex she argues is political. Especially in the manner in which the female body and desire is policed. And asks whether to demand that women be performative in the sex game will lead to any liberation? Is it the panacea to sexual violence? I don’t think so.

Go read the book. Happy week everyone and have some good sex while at it.

About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

14 thoughts on “Tomorrow sex will be good again

  1. renudepride says:

    As a same gender loving married man, I’ve only one thought to offer. There are many who argue that the physical response negates any lack of consent. This, as you acknowledged, is absolutely not true. The body responds to sensual stimulation whereas the mind knows for a fact that consent is not warranted or even desired. Have a wonderful week! 🙂 Bare hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nan says:

    Somehow, over the years, I seem to have forgotten what this word means. Does it have something to do with running? 😁

    Liked by 1 person

  3. a nice thought bubble, to be considered in case I get borne again, otherwise, I must agree with the comment above.


  4. Glad to see you recommending the book, too. I adored this book and wrote a review (of sorts) interweaving it with a commentary about the film Promising Young Woman. The film is well worth a watch (and my article about the book and the film is worth a read 😉.


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