If you are Jewish, you need Christ

And before you come crucifying (no pun intended) me pick it up with the pope.

Maybe the pope was misquoted [(is he a politician?) since that’s the line our politicians use even when quoted verbatim] when he said

The Law, however, does not give life, it does not offer the fulfillment of the promise because it is not capable of being able to fulfill it. The Law is a journey, a journey that leads toward an encounter… Those who seek life need to look to the promise and to its fulfillment in Christ


We are hoping to hear the pope’s response soon after he consults with Peter. Stay tuned brothers and sisters not in the law 🙂

About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

133 thoughts on “If you are Jewish, you need Christ

  1. Or, like I love to say, “If you’re Christian, you need Islam and Allah or you’ll burn forever in Hell for being a lying infidel!!” 🙂


    • makagutu says:

      So basically, each religion is damning every other person to hell


      • Especially the correct religion: Islam. Allahu Akbar


        • makagutu says:

          Ah I see. So are all muslim sects going to heaven or are there infidels among the muslims? It must be the case that some muslims don’t believe correctly


          • All who don’t believe EXACTLY as I do, are gonna BURN!! May the peace and love of Allah be with you. Always.


            • makagutu says:

              For the sake of our souls, can you in as few words as is possible and without ambiguities tell us how we should believe


              • You’re questioning attitude has outed you as a heathen and an infidel!!! Those who believe “correctly” KNOW it because they’re enlightened to the TRUTH!! You gonna burn, brother!! BURN!!! May the love, joy, and peace of Islam be with you always.


                • makagutu says:

                  I just want to be certain i haven’t missed anything. Eternal life is at stake, my friend

                  Liked by 1 person

                • I think it’s so crazy deflective for a heathen to wish others to be heathens.

                  What would the world be without that good old crazy femininity. 🤪


                  • They have certainly disbelieved who say, ” Allah is the Messiah, the son of Mary” while the Messiah has said, “O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord.” Indeed, he who associates others with Allah – Allah has forbidden him Paradise, and his refuge is the Fire. And there are not for the wrongdoers any helpers. They have certainly disbelieved who say, ” Allah is the third of three.” And there is no god except one God. And if they do not desist from what they are saying, there will surely afflict the disbelievers among them a painful punishment. So will they not repent to Allah and seek His forgiveness? And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. The Messiah, son of Mary, was not but a messenger; [other] messengers have passed on before him. And his mother was a supporter of truth. They both used to eat food. Look how We make clear to them the signs; then look how they are deluded.
                    — Quran 5 (Al-Ma’ida), ayat 72-75


                    • The Law Of Manifestation – http://thomas-sparrow.com/the-law-of-manifestation/

                      Everything manifested begins as a thought, an idea. Ideas and experiences create beliefs which in turn creates your reality. If you were unhappy with your current reality, you must change your beliefs and your behavior.

                      Beliefs can be changed when you recognize and change those beliefs that are not working for you and begin programming what will create success and harmony in your life. The unlimited creative power of your mind through dedication awareness and training, can be the wisdom to rise above your karma.

                      Within physical laws, you can manifest any reality you desire to experience. In regard to changing your behavior, you must decide which disharmonious behaviors you want to eliminate. Then be aware that you don’t have to change how you feel about something to affect it, if you are willing to change what you were doing.


                      I think religion is a great start to knowing who you really are. After you realize the very reason why religion involves metaphors and why it’s customary for you stand and call on it, somewhere after you find what inspired religion, you will no doubt come to know what is myth and what is truth. You gotta respect both.

                      #TrueSupremacyUsurped #SomebodyHadToSayIt

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • makagutu says:

                      Is this *the secret* we are reading again?


                    • makagutu says:

                      I wonder what they are using as fuel for this fire


              • #ForgiveYouFirst, for believing everything you were taught. Believe nothing, know more. Be your own god…


                • makagutu says:

                  It seems everything I was taught was wrong! 2+2=4 was always wrong


                  • Not math itself. Math is true logic. Math is universal. What was taught to us about who and where it was first discovered is not likely to be the truth. Math falls into place where it doesn’t require belief, This is what ” know more” means.

                    #YourOwnPersonalWiFi #YouShouldShareThis


                    • makagutu says:

                      Does anything exist before it is discovered and named by a white man? In fact does anyone exist before they are named by some white man?


                    • Yes… Just about everything was named, discovered, thought of, perfected, created, mapped out by the pure hue-mans before the true populators of the entire planet left from “Africa,” around 70,000 years ago. The “white man” is also not true; it’s also false indoctrination, used so well as a divide and conquer motive. The “white man” is a recent concept.

                      Those who hold the truths of humanity feel the need to control everyone who chooses belief over knowledge. All that we believe is just an acceptance, a contract by belief. There is no right or wrong, up or down, or black or white, until you believe it is. Those who control your education and knowledge need you to have a emotional believe system. So they can flourish by keeping you brainwashed…… Funny who parasitism works.


                    • “The “white man” is a recent concept.” This is SOOOO true!!! Until I was 56 I fully believed I was an Asian woman named Mary!!! Imagine my shock when my DNA test came back confirming I am, indeed, a white male named “Harry”. Sweet JESUS!!! What a shocker!!!


                    • makagutu says:

                      Hahahahahahaha! You, my friend, are the best.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Why not be more truthful and write that all you’re capable of is humor. I do appreciate jokes all the time, but please do better next time

                      I’ve heard your joke before. Hearing a recycled joke is so extremely boring. Be funny, not a joke….


                    • My, my. Someone’s panties got into a bunch. Why not be more honest and say the only things your capable of are very poor, sophomoric attempts at insults to strangers on the internet and writing meandering tripe that would bore the knobs off of doors could they read? My word, what a hyper-sensitive fella you are, Jimmy. Now get those panties outta yer ass crack before you get an infection.


                    • Sorry, but I’m not the one who owes you any child support. So instead of crying to me, you can go order a pacifier, or snuggle up to a warm milky nipple…. Over there hollering like a hurt dog. Looks like I just made you my footstool…

                      By now you should have learned to deal with your PMS cramps. I’ll have my twelve year old daughter coach you on cramping, I gotchu. All of a sudden I stepped in your mouthy bowel movement and with no delay, your whole existence is plucked from the bottom of my shoe. You can have it back now. Bowel movements are so important. You should keep them for yourself.

                      Don’t be so willing to get your feeling hurt be someone you do not know. That is so bitchy.

                      That’s it from me. #ThoseWhoMatterDontMindThoseWhoMindDonMatter


                    • Nan says:

                      Ooooo-weeee! Aren’t we the touchy one? And nasty on top of that!

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Nasty was necessary. Thanks. That’s how capricorns do it. 🤪


                    • makagutu says:

                      Nasty is never necessary as a defence of truth, whatever you conceive it to be. Nasty is also not necessary in polite conversation.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • There are no such saints to ever live, any where. I can guarantee that you’ve done the same. I guarantee that the other person would never have said what they wrote to me, in person.

                      Judging without knowing is a sign of weakness… Stop that! You are not a saint. You and the other person, need to appreciate a good lesson…. Mind Your Own Business.

                      That’s it from me.


                    • makagutu says:

                      There are no saints, except if you are Catholic, then there are a mass of them.
                      I mind my own business and this happens to be my blog where I mind my business. And to say nasty isn’t necessary applies all ways. Unless you are saying nasty is necessary for polite conversation?


                    • Mind Your Business means to be vital reason for why your family is successful.

                      That was the last pearl I will give to swine.

                      Sometimes I miss being stupid, when I had many admirers, when I was a soft and weak democrat…

                      No reply necessary. #GoSitDown


                    • makagutu says:

                      You really are a piece of work

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • makagutu says:

                      Who are the holders of the truths of humanity and what are these truths?
                      I had a book I started reading a while back, the invention of the white race. I should probably finish it.


  2. Barry says:

    As a devoutly religious person, I endeavour at all times to follow all the rules required of my religion. They are:

    Liked by 2 people

  3. renudepride says:

    Actually and honestly, a better response is instead of any faith community, all that’s necessary is the service of cocktails at happy hour. That being the case, everyone gets to order their favorite and indulge themselves! 🙂 Naked hugs!


  4. kiabooks says:

    That is what the nt says though. Galatians 3, christ is the fulfillment of the law. The law was just a “schoolmaster” added because of disobedience until Christ the messiah came. So, strictly from a Christian perspective, jews… Muslims, hindus, buddhists… all need jesus.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Ron says:

    Colo(u)r me shocked. From the pre-1960s Good Friday Missal:

    “Oremus et pro perfidis Judaeis: Ut Deus and Dominus noster auferat velamen de cordibus eorum ut and ipsi agnoscant Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum. (Non respondetur Amen, nec dicitur Oremus aut Flectamus genua, aut Levate, sed statim dicitur 🙂 Omnipotens sempiterne Deus qui etiam judaicam perfidiam a tua misericordia non repellis; exaudi preces nostras quas pro illius populi obcaecatione deferimus, ut agnita veritatis tuae luce quae Christus est, a suis tenebris eruantur. Per eumdem Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum Filium tuum, which tecum lived and regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen .”


    “Let us pray also for the perfidious (unfaithful) Jews, that our God and our Lord may take away the veil from their hearts so that they may acknowledge Jesus Christ our Lord. (Amen is not answered, nor is it said, Let us pray, or let us bend our knees, or Lift up; but it is immediately said:)

    “Almighty and everlasting God, who do not reject even the Jewish treachery from your mercy; Hear our prayers, which we give for the blindness of that people, that, when the light of your truth which is Christ is recognized, may be rescued from their darkness. Through the same our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lived and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen .”

    Is the pope Catholic? Does a bear shit in the woods?

    And on an unrelated note: why is the Vicar of Christ using a smartphone to deliver his message? Couldn’t he just channel God’s message telepathically?


    • makagutu says:

      Wow. This is interesting. Colour me really shocked.


      • Nan says:

        Now why in the world would you be shocked??!? The Catholics are the REAL believers … those nasty Jews didn’t know what they were talking about when they started this whole thing about God. Only “Pope Paul” had the inside track because, well, because he had “seen” Jesus, the REAL God.


        • makagutu says:

          As a former Catholic, I didn’t meet that part of the missal but then again 67 is a long way back.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Ron says:

            That’s probably because Vatican 2.0 wanted to tone down the anti-Jewish rhetoric in order to advance its ” interfaith dialogue” with other religions. But every once in a while the Church of Rome’s core dogma (if you ain’t one of us you’re doomed) percolates to the surface. And biblically speaking, the Jews brought it entirely upon themselves. (see Mt 27:25)


  6. I love it that nobody knows the pope, but are so eager to give it clout all because you were told to.

    #CriticalThought- 790


    • makagutu says:

      Tell us who the pope is. We all that he was Catholic and Argentine. A Jesuit priest but maybe we are all wrong


      • The “pope” is just one of the very many symbols of mind control. Catholic, Argentine, Jesuit, Heaven, God, Black, White, New Genders all of a sudden and every other popular item lives because of ignorance. None of it is real…


        • makagutu says:

          This is re-education! So the category catholic or argentine is a chimera?


          • Indeed, the true meaning of all things became definitions once a place was conquered. Any Greek Or Roman symbol was an “African” symbol ages before there was any Greek or Roman person to ever exist. When places like “Africa” were conquered, the conquerors helped themselves to what they knew would give them control over others. They claimed it and renamed it all. They destroyed heritages and legacies and renamed it “History.”

            The meaning of symbols are hidden to feed you the illusions of meaning, when all that we were/are taught is nothing more than opinions, feelings and narratives. if all you know is that same as what you have been taught, only proves that you possess a greater emotional, opinionated level of knowledge other than what is truth.

            #Alkebulan #AmenRa #Àṣẹ!


  7. […] it, comes from god. And to receive it, you need faith in the gospel message. And in case you are Jewish and still confused, the Pope ain’t making this up. He says pick your battles with St. Paul, […]


  8. Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the law, and He alone gives us righteousness, and makes us reconciled to God! If you understand Judaism and the law, read Hebrews chapter 7. The whole book was written to show how the forefathers Law and the prophets and the Psalms are really an image of Christ!

    Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them.
    Heb. 7:25


    • makagutu says:

      There is no evidence for your Christ. Maybe you should deal with that first


      • I am not one to argue with you, but your comment is misinformed and might I say skewed. Even secular scientists don’t disagree with the life and death of Jesus, nor the history of the early church. I am not a historian, but I urge you to put your faith in Christ. The days are evil, and nobody knows the day they will die. Christ alone gives freely to us the hope of everlasting life, and through Him and His shed blood we may be free from Sin. It is all God’s power to save, not our own!


        • makagutu says:

          I will be glad to hear who are these secular scientists who believe in miracles.
          It is evident you are not a historian but you also don’t seem to read much that makes you a preacher.


          • Well there is only one book that is required to preach, and that is the bible. All other books are optional (albeit important). Ancient Jewish and Roman historians recorded and concurred with His life. All of the old testament is about Jesus. I can’t make you believe anything, but don’t attempt to make authoritative claims based upon solely your opinion.


  9. Well I think I’ll stay with hopes that someone would hear it. But I am glad there is a platform for discourse


    • makagutu says:

      Discussion is allowed but your contributions are taken less seriously by most rational people once you begin that there is only one book to be read. That’s a good way to start a auto de fe(?) Or an inquisition


    • Ron says:

      I think most of us have heard of Jesus. But the real issue is that we haven’t heard from Jesus. Why is that? Where is this Jesus fellow hanging out? Why won’t he make an appearance?


      • Well, I can tell you, Ron, the change in my heart that He has made, in giving me a new heart speaks to me. His forgiveness and mercy speaks to me. The bible says that while God spoke in ancient times to the prophets and the forefathers (Abraham Isaac and Jacob) He now speaks to us (being Christians) through His son, Jesus. So while God doesn’t come down and talk to us right now, He has given us His word, the bible, to know Him. He will someday return to the earth to make it right with Him again, and to judge the unrighteousness of man once and for all.


        • Ron says:

          I’m familiar with your explanation, but it doesn’t really explain why an all-powerful being that desires human interaction refrains from manifesting itself in physical form as it (supposedly) did in earlier times. Can you name any other relationship in which you devote your attention to someone you’ve never seen or heard from?

          Liked by 1 person

          • A valid question. I don’t claim to understand the fullness of God; nobody ever will. I think what we’re missing here is an essential characteristic of God, and an unfortunate one of man. All of creation manifests the glory of God, and it was made to praise Him. However, God is completely Holy. His character is perfect, and He cannot defy his own character. The rebellion and sin of man keeps us separate from Him. God walked with Adam in the cool of the day, but not after they sinned. So too, does the sinfulness of the world, their hate for God, keep Him from coming to dwell with us. When we repent of our sin, and put our faith in Christ, He wraps us in His righteousness, and makes us to God as if we never sinned. He gives us His Spirit to be with us and help us.

            I hope that gives some light to the situation here. Our sin keeps us from God, because He is good; light cannot coexist with darknessm


            • makagutu says:

              You are here repeating the often made tropes by others of your persuasion of not knowing god and without introspection tell us god is holy, perfect and whatever. How do you know?


            • Ron says:

              You response raises another difficulty I have problems coming to terms with: from whence did mankind derive it’s sinful nature if God is intrinsically perfect and humans were created by God in God’s likeness?


              • Nan says:

                Sheesh Ron! Doncha’ know???!? It’s that apple in the garden that started it all!


              • Well the sinfulness comes because Adam chose to disobey God, and all people come from Adam, so the curse is passed on. As far as tropes, just because it is often repeated doesn’t mean it isn’t true. I have come to these conclusions yes by teaching of others, but also by studies of my own accord. I know these things because I have read, and what I’ve read is evident and confirmed in my life.


                • Ron says:

                  Yes, I know the bible says that Adam and Eve partook of the forbidden fruit after being goaded into it by the crafty serpent. But that doesn’t address my question: why would God (a perfect being that cannot tolerate sin and disobedience) create humans with a sinful and disobedient nature contrary to it’s own? It’s like saying a master carpenter who detests shoddy workmanship constructed a piece of fine furniture with wobbly legs.

                  Furthermore, God is often presented as a loving father. Which prompts me to wonder what kind of loving parent would leave their child unattended in the the presence of a bad influence? Would you tell your kids “don’t do drugs” and then leave them alone in a room full of drugs and a drug pusher? I know I wouldn’t.


                  • I understand your point, Ron. As far as I understand it, God did not create sinfulness, but instead He gave His created beings, man, free will. We are created in His image, and we’re made with free will so that we would love Him. Sinfulness is just a cyclical event from generation to generation, as well inevitably choose to forsake God. I do it on the daily, but living a life of repentance towards God means humbling myself, and resting in His grace to save me, for only the shed blood of Christ can pay my ransom and save me


                    • Ron says:

                      Can there really be free will in a relationship in which a much stronger party reserves the right to punish the other weaker for failing to make the right choice?

                      Consider a situation in which the male suitor asks his prospective love interest to marry him. “It’s your choice,” he says, “I won’t force you to marry me; but if you decide not to, I will beat you up.”

                      Technically, the other person is granted the ability to make a choice — but in reality, it’s a forced choice in which the person presenting the offer sets the rules and determines the outcome.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Consider another situation – does not a master painter have the right to paint as he chooses? Or if a master builder builds a house, does he not have the right to design it as he will?

                      If someone were reckless and crashed their Lamborghini and destroyed it, or died, would we argue that the car’s builder was wrong to build it?

                      I believe that all you’re seeing from your perspective lacks the grace and kindness of God. He didn’t have to make me, yet He did! And He didn’t have to save me, or anyone else, but He did. I can accept the authority of God because I’ve seen how He loves me. I know it may sound as tropes and cliches to you, but I do believe in free will, and I do believe in the sovereignty of God also.


                    • Ron says:

                      I fully agree that both the painter and the builder reserve the right to design and produce things to meet their exacting standards without deviation. But then where does that leave room for free will?

                      And why would such a thing be considered desirable, anyways?

                      Imagine talking to an engineer who says, “I really want this structure to safely bear the loads it’s designed to carry, but I will grant it the ability to exercise free will and collapse if it so chooses?

                      Or an auto manufacturer who tells you he’d prefer to design cars with a functional braking system, but doesn’t want to create an autonomous robot that stops just because you step on the brake pedal, so he gave it the free will not to engage the brakes whenever it chooses to do so?

                      You’d deem both of them to be insane. And more importantly, you’d hold them fully liable when their product malfunctions.

                      As to your second point, a gift with strings attached is no gift at all, because what you’ve described is akin to someone buying you a watch for your birthday and then demanding you thank thank forever and a day for their generous gesture. They didn’t have to buy you a watch, yet they did! They didn’t have to wish you happy birthday — yet they did!

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • I understand that free will comes because we are not paintings, and we are not cars and not buildings, but emotional creatures made in God likeness; not that we are gods, but we were made to follow His character. Love isn’t love if it is compulsory, rather it is a choice. I don’t let strangers live in my home, but those who know me. We have a choice to love God and to follow Him.

                      I don’t think you understand our human condition. It’s like a shepherd looking at his sheep against the grass: he says they look quite clean. But then fresh snow falls, and he sees how truly filthy they are! The Bible is a mirror, and we examine ourselves against it. If we see truly how it speaks, we should be made aware that God’s standard for righteousness is so utterly unobtainable for us! We think bad people, people worthy of hell are murderers and rapists. In reality, bad people are you and I! The Bible says that all have sinned and don’t measure up to God’s standard. Because of that, we will one day receive the wages of the work of our life, our unrighteousness: that is, death. We deserve it. That’s why all people die, and why we fear death. It is appointed to every man once to die, and after that is the judgement of God.

                      If we look at our lives before God and humble ourselves, we will know that we deserve fire and death. No gardener lets rotted fruit stay on the vine forever.

                      The only hope for humanity is the shed blood of Christ. Because of His love, God sent Jesus His Son to lay down His life. He bore in his body the payment for our sins. Because of His sacrifice we can be reconciled to God. Death was what we owed, but Jesus paid the fine for us! So we can stand innocent before God on judgement day! All that is required is to repent, and turn from our sins, and put our faith in Christ alone for salvation. Religion can’t save us, only Jesus. He will give you a new heart and a new mind, with new desires!

                      I can’t prove God to you, He has already done that. Look around and tell me that all you see was an accident! I have delivered my message: repent, because Jesus is the only one who can save you from eternal judgement! This is the gospel of God, the good news of Christ Jesus! I have said my part and done my work. I say these things out of compassion and not of hate; I don’t want you to perish in the fire, but to be saved! Turn from your sin, and turn to Christ!


                    • Nan says:

                      MAK — who opened the church doors and let these home-grown preachers in??!!?!

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Sorry man, but that’s how it’s supposed to be 🙂


                    • makagutu says:

                      We don’t like preachers here.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Well I’m not going to apologize, but I didn’t come with the intent to stir up anything… I stumbled upon the article and didn’t quite understand what their views were. But I’ve said my part and am happy to go back to my own site and continue to write the words of God.


                    • makagutu says:

                      That is highly encouraged. There are Christians who are missing your preaching while you are here

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • makagutu says:

                      Ron has been engaging the preacher man, giving him rope to hang himself but he doesn’t seem to realize

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Ron says:

                      “We have a choice to love God and to follow Him.”

                      . . . but those who don’t will be tortured for eternity.

                      Ponder upon that for a moment. It’s no different than the scenario I described two comments earlier (Marry me or I’ll beat you up) or the option given by a street thug (Your money or your life).


                    • The difference is that God as our creator, perfect and without darkness in Him, has the right to make that distinction. We choose to dishonor Him, and we receive the reward for the life we choose.


                    • Ron says:

                      The Christian conception of God is a flawed construct. If God commands worship and adulation, then God cannot be perfect, because a perfect being has no needs or desires — not even the desire to create things.


                    • makagutu says:

                      they have redefined perfection to include needs money and unending adulation


                    • makagutu says:

                      In fact, we are all going to hell whether we love him or not


                    • makagutu says:

                      It is like you don’t really think about what you write. take for example this

                      but we were made to follow His character

                      in one of your earliest response, you said we can’t know the character of god. now you want us to follow its character. if we take to the bible for directions, it would mean drowning those children we don’t like, putting them out of house for small infractions and killing the best children as an example to the rest.
                      Please stop preaching here. You really need to think your answers through.


                    • Not so, sir, but anything I might say otherwise will not change your view.


                    • makagutu says:

                      I am glad you know that


                    • makagutu says:

                      No one asked god to be made and therefore no one need ask god for forgiveness. If god were responsible for our being, then it is his problem not ours and it should put its shit together


                    • makagutu says:

                      The freewill defence eh. Inadequate in so many ways


                  • makagutu says:

                    I, too, wouldn’t.


                • makagutu says:

                  God had a once in a lifetime opportunity to end all this but chose noah and his family to repopulate the earth through incest! Elijah you need to take your blinders off. They are between you and reading


              • makagutu says:

                If the bible is to be believed, Adam only became like the gods after eating the fruit of knowledge. So in whose likeness was man created?


          • makagutu says:

            God works in mysterious ways, don’t you know?


        • makagutu says:

          How do we know the bible is the word of god? Or that it is what god wants us to know


      • makagutu says:

        Have you not read that he is somewhere in the cloud?

        Liked by 1 person

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