On book burning

Or banning.

It m7st have been Ray F of Farenheit 451 who wrote that those who staet by burning books end up by burning people. And i have said before i oppose book bannings. Now i have burnt a few books before. We had what we called academic fire at the end of high school where we would set ablaze exercise books we wouldnโ€™t be using in our next life. Now i am grown i use such pages to roll weed or light the jiko, same result but more subtle.

So you must have heard of the koran burning in Sweden. Now i have read of a number of muslims who are pushing for an international ban against burning the koran which i think is ridiculous. Last week a person was stoned to death in nigeria for blasphemy but there is no outcry to ban stoning others, but a book is burnt and they are shitting their pants! Whereโ€™s their sense of proportion?

Do you think we should have koran bonfires until the muslims can come to the table to talk?

About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

23 thoughts on “On book burning

  1. john zande says:

    If I burn a book I just know I’ll need something from it two weeks later. That’s my luck.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. A book is a book, we must no start to discriminate, no matter how much we disregard its contents, and otherwise we join the ranks of the religious rightist who perceive book banning and burning as their divine right.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I don’t think it’s as simple as that. The idea of burning books goes back, I believe to WWII, when the Germans were burning the religious texts of the Jews they were attempting to annihilate.
    It became a ‘thing’ not to do, because you were burning ideas in order to repress them. The idea of burning books, any books, has become so embedded in our culture that it’s close to spitting on a priest…or even worse.


    • makagutu says:

      This is a different perspective of looking at it. In this Swedish case, is it a protest? And against what exactly? Or is it to express frustration with Turkey over her reluctance to support their NATO bid?


      • rautakyy says:

        The Nazies burned all books written by Jews, not just the religious texts and they burned the books of all their political opponents, especially those of Communists, naming Communism, Socialism, Liberalism and a bunch of others as Jewish ideas.

        The Koran has been burned in Sweden by right-wing extremists, who have seen the ongoing NATO-application process by Sweden as an opportunity to increase friction between Muslims in Sweden and the rest of the Swedes.

        I bet the Russian trollfactories gave the idea to them and the right-wing nutjobs just walked into the trap. I base this “conspiracy theory” on few things. First: these right-wing extremists are not very clever or imaginative. As an ideology it appears to draw the discontents and in a high opportunity society, these are often people who would expect entitelment and social position by no other merit, than their place of birth, skin colour, parents religion, wealth and status.
        Second: the trollfactories are fairly well infiltrated in the right-wing discussion platforms, as our Nordic intelligence agencies report, and Russian government agenda shares a number of Conservative and Fascist values with people who frequent there – who are mostly easily manipulatable (see my first point).
        Third: Nazies represent the image of power, they would like to liken themselves, if they ever dared, as they can not see fault in tribal morals and as they face a frightening world in wich causing fear would somehow supposedly save them from others causing fear on them. So, they see burning books as a sort of cool thing, that reminds them of the old pictures with cool cats in those nifty Hugo Boss uniforms.

        Liked by 1 person

        • makagutu says:

          This burning incident means Sweden has to wait longer to join nato. Those right wing nutjobs are indeed not creative. They need help with that.


          • rautakyy says:

            Well, to be fair, I do not know the political affiliation of the latest burner (Momika), as they may have had other motivations, but if there is some winner in this game, it is Putin. The division between Islamic nations and the West only gets deeper by every incident. It is obvious, that altough the religious outrage may be genuine, the demonstrations about this issue in for example Turkey and Iraq, are about their own national politics. The leaders in the crowd that rushed the Swedish (and incidentally the Finnish) embassy in Baghdad were calling to the crowd, that even if you don’t support some local politician, you should join the demonstration. In effect, the mob was a group of supporters for that politician, who wanted to polish their public image and present themselves as a pious believer. Same with Turkey, where the whole Swedish NATO-application is just a needed distraction from badly run economy and a campaign asset to Erdogan. I bet to most Turks Sweden as a NATO member is a non-issue, or it would be, if Erdogan was not desperate to draw support for the elections. Of course it has been nagging at him, that Sweden does not recognice people as terrorists just by their Kurdish ethnicity, or even by political activism, but I guess the current right-wing government in Sweden is willing to barter a few Kurds to Turkey in exchange for the membership.


            • makagutu says:

              I think these tensions are only getting worse- a clash of civilizations and there seems to be no arbitrator.


              • rautakyy says:

                Hmmm…. Worse than the 9/11? Worse than invasions of Afghanishtan and Iraq? Such tensions are very usefull to the populist politician both in the “West” and in the Middle- and Near-East.


  4. Ron says:

    Swedes are willfully increasing their carbon emissions?



  5. shelldigger says:

    The day when religion fails to act on hate, is the day religion is dead.

    May it die quickly and in a biblical fashion.

    Liked by 1 person

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