We often say

There are things we can’t wish on our greatest enemies. But I think this is usually just a saying. I would wish my enemy, if I had a great enemy, bad luck, to be attacked by safari ants, to have the wind on his or her face and all. And that’s not all. I would still think of other unsavoury things to wish them.

To our friends, we always wish them joy, happiness and peace. I think we should add to the list of things we wish our friends pain, loneliness and desolation. There is no gain without pain. So in our wishing them all these, we are not being malicious, we are acknowledging the place pain plays in our growth.

This is not to wish them suffering. Though, if Schopenhauer is to be believed, suffering is the way of life. A life without occasional suffering is not even possible and may not even be desirable.

How would a post suffering world be like?

About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

25 thoughts on “We often say

  1. Arnold says:

    ‘Let me fall into the hand of the LORD and not into the hand of fate.’ Life is full of calculated risk plus suffering awaits our birth.


  2. It’s as much about your own personal viewpoint and attitude as to what suffering is. For some, it’s physical pain that never lets go. You learn to work around it, or through it.
    For others, it’s having to get up every morning and work at a job you hate to feed the family you didn’t want in the first place, and to afford the house you will never fully own.

    But I agree, a certain amount of pain, distress, difficulty helps to stiffen most of us up very quickly. It also weeds out those lost souls who just don’t get it, don’t care, or are already on the edge…


    • makagutu says:

      Some people have said suffering is in the head. I doubt it. Many people suffer a great deal but are resigned to it. The worst kind of suffering is that which is senseless- like that described in the Life of Ivan-


  3. I have a different opinion for our friends, on the list of discomforts, I think they already have the sense of loneliness and pain by the fact that they admitted the friendship. The whole experience is a package of many good things and some some bad ones, that make it beautiful and worthy of pursuing. For the enemies, I just want their front teeth removed for easy identification when I subject them to a smile


  4. shelldigger says:

    I can think of a few people I would recommend visiting the Titanic with OceanGate. (too soon?)

    There are some, the world would be a better place without.

    …pain is a constant friend of mine. There are ok days, there are really bad days, there are no days without it.


  5. Ron says:

    Cant’t say why, but I find it difficult to wish ill upon anyone.


  6. small things to wish upon the enemy:

    pebble in the shoe (and you can’t get the shoe off and you’re already late for work)

    an itch you can’t scratch

    a triple dose of asperger’s and a rattling window

    confined to the house while the neighbors have a cookout with a Chubby Checker imitator belting out “Twist Again” over and over and over…

    New car. Flat tire on a busy highway. No phone, no card, no money. And it’s raining.

    The phone rings. ‘where ARE you? Everyone’s here, are you okay?” and you just realized it’s your wedding day in the next state. (see above, ‘new car”.)

    Liked by 2 people

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