
What major historical events do you remember?

The butcher of Gaddafi

The overthrow of saddam

The overthrow of Hosni Mubarak

The overthrow of Bashir

The Rwanda genocide

The Serbian war

The ouster of Moi


These are recent events that have happened in my lifetime and whose effects are still being felt or whose effects are still unknown. I could populate the list but the prompt didnโ€™t ask for us to mention all of them.

About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

26 thoughts on “History

  1. Susan Taylor says:

    Someday I would love to hear more about The Ouster of Moi.


  2. […] 10/25/2023vequinox History […]


  3. Assassination of JFK…..even though we are Canadians, we were dismissed from school after the announcement came over the PA.


  4. oh yes, I think anyone who was sentient that day remembers Kennedy’s assassination, and of course his brother’s, and Martin Luther King’s.
    We no longer have a television, and most of the smaller newspapers of the paper variety no longer exist, at least in this state, since most of the news now comes to us online.
    John Lennon’s assassination.
    I was about 13 or 14 when Buddy Holly died in that plane crash
    I remember the Iran hostages, the Twin Towers, Saddam Hussein, the Cuban missile crisis, Mubarak. I even remember watching Queen Elizabeth being crowned, on our new Dumont TV, lol. I was about six or seven.
    And the moon landing, the McCarthy hearings (on the news, they didn’t do live reporting in those days), and the Nixon impeachment scandal. It seems that what was televised then stays with me longer than what comes in over the net.


  5. renudepride says:

    Similar memories. Great minds remember alike? LOL! ๐Ÿ™‚ Naked hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I remember when Truman won the election in 1948, and the start of the Korean war n 1950. First six months of the war went pretty badly for South Korea and the United States.


  7. rautakyy says:

    In addition to most already mentioned the Perestroika. The fall of the Berlin wall and the Soviet Union. The following civil war in Georgia and unrest in Moldova and the human chain through Baltic states. The fall of aparthed policy. The Falkland war. The Grenada war. The Panama war. The Gulf War. The Tiananmei and Maidan square events. The Arab Spring. The rise and fall of the space shuttles. The building of the ISS. The deaths of Breznev and of Kekkonen and Finland joining the EU and later NATO.


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