
Camel, ready to go, but no tourist
It used to be said tired as an ox plough but now I can say, tired as a camel
I think this and the one below zinafanana
When I saw these mubabas struggling to swim, I stopped feeling bad about my non swimming ability

About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

18 thoughts on “Photos

  1. Barry says:

    You can’t swim? When I was young swimming lessons were part of the school curriculum. Every school had a swimming pool – even single teacher schools. Sadly that’s no longer the case. The powers that be consider a few additional drownings per year a small price to pay for the savings of not having to maintain swimming pools.


    • makagutu says:

      No, I can’t swim and I can bet good money that in my county of over 1 million people, the swimming pools don’t go beyond 20!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Barry says:

        My town of 17,000 has a public swimming pool complex that includes indoor and outdoor pools and a diving pool – 4 pools in total. There’s also several privately run pools as well. The high-school has 2 swimming pools and at least 3 of the primary schools have swimming pools.


        • makagutu says:

          That’s an oversupply of pools. Even my city has nothing on you

          Liked by 1 person

          • Barry says:

            Yet the public swimming pool complex is too crowded for my liking most of the time. Unfortunately the beach is a 30 minute drive away. Where I spent most of my growing up, the beach was less than a 5 minute walk away and in summer we’d be splashing in the ocean almost every day, rain or shine. That town had a population of just 4000 and even it had an Olympic size swimming pool and diving pool despite every part of the town being less than 2 km from the sea


  2. Susan Taylor says:

    I looked up the word zinafanana. Internet says it’s Swahili— makes sense. But gives English translation as sassafras, which does not makes sense to me.

    We visited “the Little Sahara” years ago. If I saw it now I’m sure I would be horrified 16 different ways. The camels were sleeping like the one in your picture. Glad to know that is a common camel behavior and that the ones I saw weren’t just despairing of life completely.

    Beautiful photos!


    • makagutu says:

      Zinafanana means look alike.

      No, that’s typical camel behaviour. These don’t do no work other than people taking photos with them or short rides along the beach front which is hardly 6km in length and no one goes that far.


  3. May as well snooze when you can.
    I loved swimming back in the days when I was willing to be in a swim suit.


  4. I learned to swim ‘backwards’, meaning, once I was comfortable with a snorkel and being totally submerged, I realized I could steer on top of the water as well.

    something to think about.


  5. Photos says:

    […] Photos on Random thoughts […]


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