Everywhere is war

Or rumours of a war.

The war in Ukraine is almost 2 years and still going on with no signs of abatement. Somewhere there must be an opportunity to consider peaceful resolution but it seems the Americans have deep pockets and will continue to fund the war effort. Russia also seems to have unending resources. Depending on the bias of your news source, you’ll have heard that Russia has run out of ammunition and are losing the war.

Iran has opened war fronts with Pakistan and Iraq. This one I don’t even understand. I thought they were all on the same side!

Israel is committed to removing all Palestinians from Gaza. And big brother is sending help.

Sudan is still at war with itself. Last I read some ancient sites are in danger of destruction as happened Aleppo making the world a poorer place.

The rest of Africa is fighting a general war of depreciating currencies, debt distress, poor economic performance and adverse weather conditions without proper mitigation measures.

Looks like we are not ready for peace yet.