
Many times we read about history but few times you have the occasion to participate in the making of history or to observe history being made.

Just like January 6th was a historical moment in the USA, 25th June was a historical moment here. In the 61 years of our nascent history, no protest has ever breached the not so honourable house but on that particular day, members of the public tired of hubris coming from that house breached the gates and had MPs running for dear life. As history goes, it’s a first and opens the window for other possibilities the government does not want to imagine.

The president was forced to eat humble pie and send back an act of parliament with the consideration that parliament deletes all clauses. Returning bills to parliament all the time but they are never bills the government is so invested in such as the finance bill. We think the president is trying to delay the inevitable thinking people will give up, but he may be wrong this time.

The president addressed the nation and 30 minutes later, his Veepee was addressing the nation casting blame on their ineptitude on the intelligence services instead of admitting they have been full of hubris. That the government is wasteful. That the people who support the regime are involved in daylight robbery and that this must stop. But we still only got more hubris. And more threats. Time will tell.

Apart from 1982 when servicemen in the airforce attempted to overthrow the government, the armed forces have never been deployed in the streets of Nairobi to maintain law and order. This government full of hubris is also full of fear that it deployed the army.

Let’s see how things go.

About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

14 thoughts on “Kenya

  1. shelldigger says:

    I heard about the things going on there and hoped you were home safe.

    I’m assuming you weren’t able to blog from captivity 😉

    Hope things stabilze, and get better. The whole world seems to be going to shit at the rate of a high speed train.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I was also wondering how you were doing. of course, here in the US, everyone is consumed with our particular brand of idiocy and I hardly hear about anything else. I have to go out to news sites outside the US to find out anything.


  3. Seems like everywhere is a mess right now. Stay safe.


  4. Those were disturbing news to watch! Kenya had been perceived for a long time of one the few stable Democracies arising out of the African chaos left by the colonialists, alas, it appears Kenya is joining the trend of the diminishing Democracies world-wide. We now become witnesses how Kenya’s elected leader shows us his arrogant streak, unaccompanied by either necessity or authority, insisting that as the leader of the party in government he has the right to change its policy to suit his preference. With trepidations one does observe the worldwide disappearance of the democracies. my heart goes out to you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • makagutu says:

      I think our ambassadors manage to misrepresent the country so well that people think we are a stable democracy. We are far from it and what keeps the country together is mainly fear and tribalism.
      There is no internal party democracy.
      Elections are far from free and fair.
      The government is not transparent.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Ron says:

    I’m shocked, shocked to find that uprising is going on in here. 😲


  6. Ron says:

    Correction: This is what happens when people vote for rulers To cast a ballot is to grant sanction to the commission of immoral acts.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Humans are war-like creatures. If we are descended from apes, as I suspect we are, our genetic makeup is warlike, as our ancestors were. When in doubt, throw a rock, a stick or a huge tree trunk. And there are times when it seems like everyone is fighting with or about or over their neighbors, endlessly.

    However, the only other ways to have someone in charge is by succession, armed combat, or appointment by as many people as you can bribe/err, convince…


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