How to make money

Share a lesson you wish you had learned earlier in life.

Because I still don’t know how to and I am not sure whether reading poor dad rich son or whatever the title of the book will help me in becoming Bezos. Or whether what I want to be is a hybrid of Bezos and Musk.

I have read many a boring book but hardly any on personal finances. Maybe if I read a book on personal finance, I would have a cheaper hobby and invest the money I use to buy shoes in a stock and only use dividends for purchases. Most importantly, I think I should have been born in the right family so whether I studied finance or not, it wouldn’t matter.

I learnt many things in my childhood, especially from observation. Don’t say a thing about a person unless you are prepared to repeat the same in their presence. Don’t start a fight/ war when your chances of winning are thin

I still can’t swim. I have dropped out of swimming classes twice and of all activities, it is one of those I think learning would do me good. Maybe I would become a part time life guard at a pool near me or something.

I have been really busy last few days so I haven’t had time to visit any blogs or put up a post but I hope to catch up with all of your posts in the coming days.