
In the dear white people post I wrote a while back, there is this ignorant fellow who has written

You seem to have forgotten the endless flow of medical aid, vaccines, humanitarian volunteers, and tax deducted donations given to many countries.

When you look at natural population levels before and after European colonization, you’ll find increases of 400% in some cases. Almost as if our agricultural and technological advancements make it easier for people to live.

Yes, some European advancement was made easier by enslaving others. But, we also lead the charge in fighting slavery and are the most effective abolitionists. In contrast, Africa is still a hotbed of slavery, human trafficking, disease and ethnic cleansing.

We can withdraw our aid, our companies, our colonists, our technology and trade. If you want.

On diseases, I suspect Gentleman’s foundry hasn’t read any historical works that show many of the diseases for which Africans have needed vaccinations originated from Europe?

What quality of life are these large populations enjoying? I would rather a population of 200 well fed idiots than 80000 emaciated sick idiots, but that’s me.

Europeans did not lead the fight against slavery. That’s revising history. It’s only after the first successful black revolt against slavery in Haiti did some Europeans find the courage to join the fight. So please, shut the fuck up. You talk of ethnic cleansing as if that’s not what world wars were? Your ignorance and bias is showing but carry on. Human trafficking of Africans to Europe and Arabia. Maybe you should get a mirror.

By all means withdraw your aid, and stop the theft, we will do just fine.

About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

42 thoughts on “ignorance

  1. As a white-ish person of colonial roots, I feel I have the responsibility to take your narrative a step further. The wealth of the “civilised nations” was built on slavery. The universities, the streets and the lights to illuminate them, the hospitals – the gold covering the walls of churches in Spain, Portugal and Italy – were for the most part the result of colonial “profits” and the accompanying slave or indentured labour.
    The vast pools of money of the Latin American elites were built on the backs of exploitation. And the fruits of that exploitation are still enjoyed today in the forms of homes, jewellery and monetary fortunes. And the intentional exclusion and subjugation of swathes of people is still practised today.

    Liked by 9 people

    • makagutu says:

      White-ish? Are you saying you have some shade of Pink 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Interestingly the concept of white varies much more than people imagine. Historically in America it mean WASP (white Anglo Saxon protestant.) The Irish, Italians and Spaniards weren’t considered “white” on their arrival in the Americas. So the definition of white in America meant membership of a particular ethnic and socio-cultural group.
        In Brazil, it’s the other way around. Unless a person’s skin is very, very dark – they don’t refer to themselves as black. Neymar the football player,for example, defines himself as white.
        I’m Mediterranean, as Robert Vella mentions below, we’re a flexible category. People include or exclude us based on convenience and generally how secondary factors like beauty or wealth stack up 😉

        Liked by 1 person

        • I’m as white as freshly pressed tissue paper. As I get older, I’m still very, very white, but spots have popped up here and there that weren’t there before so now I kinda looked a tad bit like tissue paper that someone’s sneezed into.

          Liked by 4 people

        • makagutu says:

          Now that you say this, the concept of black varies so much here too. From Sudanese who are so dark you can’t see them to some very light skinned Africans. So yes, the concepts of black and white people are not so fixed as most people would like to imagine.

          Liked by 2 people

        • Lander7 says:

          I agree with you, the definition changes from place to place. I most likely is based on the level of hate and the love of suffering. A society that enjoys harm more will have less inclusion to create more conflict.

          Liked by 1 person

  2. keithnoback says:

    Wait, are you telling me that Africa is not a shithole made of shithole countries?
    Blasphemer. We need that narrative to be great again.

    Liked by 5 people

  3. john zande says:

    Well, that’s certainly some Grade-A Ignorance.

    Liked by 4 people

    • When I first read the comment Mak’s referring,too, I thought it was Poe’s law. Surely, no one could be this poorly educated, ignorant, narcissistic, and buffoonish. But then I realized, “Oh, Trump has millions of followers, so, yes, people are this f-ing rude and stupid without trying to be satirical.” I have the misfortune of being a middle aged white American dude who “looks” like the type of fellow who would make such a comment, defend it, and think YOU were the a-hole for thinking otherwise. Because of this “misfortune”, I very often have other white guys who look like I do share with me their lovely opinions on such topics. I’m telling you, the shit they tell me because they perceive me as being part of their brotherhood is stunning, offensive, and, mostly, frightening. And now, thanks to tRump, such people have become greatly emboldened. I just listen to them and try to remember it all because, one day, I may just write a book on it. Bigotry, racism, and blatant stupidity are alive and thriving in the world, and in the U.S. in particular. $Amen$

      Liked by 6 people

    • makagutu says:

      Mark Twain would have called it idiocy of the thirty third degree

      Liked by 2 people

  4. foolsmusings says:

    He may well have said “Sure I broke into your home, raped your wife and stole your children but insurance bought you a new door. You should thank me” Also this foreign aid is a pittance compared to the wealth of resources stolen from Africa on a daily basis.

    Liked by 8 people

  5. Agreed, it’s revisionist history at the very least.

    I’m not sure if my personal experience has any merit or bearing on the subject of race, but I’ll relate it anyway. My ancestry is Sicilian. We tend to have dark complexions compared to other Caucasians. In the summertime, I can get very dark – to the point where light-skin people take notice. Occasionally, I’ve been given advice that amounts to a warning. “Better stay out of the sun,” they have said, “you might be mistaken for Mexican, Muslim, or black.” Conversely, black people see me as a white person. If skin tone is a marker for kinship, which I believe is true for many people, then I am without… in America at least.

    Liked by 2 people

    • makagutu says:

      This is interesting Bob. Just stay indoors man.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Charity says:

      I’ve had Mexican and Black female friends who were told to stay out of the sun. Their mothers didn’t want them to get any darker. One Mexican friend’s mom made her put henna in her hair when she was young because she thought it was too dark.

      My father’s father’s side is Romanian and his mother’s side is Native American. I kept my maiden name until I married in my 30s. It was Romanian (Fantana). It meant “fountain”. I thought it was really beautiful. It actually suited my swirly features. It also matched my personality because I love water like a mermaid. It was a pain of a name to have though living in places like Tennessee, Georgia and northwest Florida. Between my name and features, I often got “you ain’t from round here, are ya?!” People often made me feel dirty or criminal. I dropped the name altogether because (to me) it represented my abusive father.

      Liked by 2 people

      • That’s so sad, Charity. I’m more concerned about these subtle forms of bigotry and racism than I am about the overt expressions.

        Liked by 2 people

        • Charity says:

          I really felt for the women I mentioned. One was a black girl and we were friends at 13. Her parents were super strict about her time in the sun, as well as her time on the phone. I think they were honestly trying to protect her, but to me it came across as teaching her self hatred. That was in the mid 80s though and things were still really difficult for the black population in southwest Georgia. Men also need to be made aware that, as women, we are often considered prettier if we’re fair. There’s an unwritten rule that women are to be lighter than the men we love. We have it backwards in my house. My husband can tan fairly well, but he’s always had light hair and light eyes. Our oldest is a spitting image of my dad. He has thick, dark hair and gets a tan just going for a drive during daylight!

          Liked by 2 people

  6. The bleeding heart do-gooders never seem to think other peoples can perfectly well function & manage their own civilizations without ”their” help!
    I still say butting out & minding their own backyards would make better sense.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Hey, give me some credit! I wrote that comment! I’ll be responding to your post in my original way to prevent censorship! Thanks!


    • makagutu says:

      Yes, I gave you all the credit. Called you ignorant. It’s there at the heading of the post. What more credit do you need?

      Liked by 2 people

      • I’ve just read his response to you and it’s hilarious 😀
        You just don’t understand *anything*, Mak. I suppose we could give him a little credit in that he’s right that sometimes the argument is presented as “black people, enslaved by whites, is the ONLY historical context that matters” – that’s of course only the tip of the iceberg. You have to factor in how Africans and their descendants were forced or coerced into converting to Christianity. The very Christianity that opposes birth control and contributed to the Aids crisis on your continent. Or how in many cases blacks were barred from education at large. Unwelcome at universities. Not allowed to vote. How to this day black people remain unrepresented in societies where they make up the majority of the population.
        As a child I was cared for by two women (one alone didn’t have the energy!) whose grandparents had been slaves. Keep in mind slavery only ended in Brazil 90 years before I was born, so that was a fairly normal phenomena. The majority of people in Bahia are black by a substantial margin. Over 80%. Then there are the mixed people and around 5% are white European. Guess who owns everything?

        Liked by 3 people

  8. Lander7 says:

    The human race will either advance together or die together. No argument on earth will escape that reality and if every man woman and child is not working toward survival of the human race we are all in trouble.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. […] something I wrote (word for word, btw..thanks Maka!)  So my rebuttal will be in bold red. May 27, 2018 by […]


  10. renudepride says:

    A very clever and effective rebuttal of one person and the whole nature of “Fake History.” Very similar to an old history textbook that was used here in the USA that insisted that the majority of the slaves were happy and content with their enforced servitude and station in life.

    I have one question for the commentor. Why were the inoculations and vaccinations against the diseases that Europeans brought to Africa denied to the indigenous populations? Were they not worthy of living a healthy and disease-free life?

    Naked hugs!

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Arkenaten says:

    In case it doesn’t come out of moderation. I left this on his post ….

    Interesting, Can you name a single country that was not colonized by Europeans that did not result in some form of subjugation of the indigenous population?
    I am unable to think of one.

    Irrespective of whatever eventual good that came of the European presence, ( a debatable point at the very least) almost every country that Europeans invaded or colonized or what ever adjective you prefer, by and large the indigenous population was decimated, either through slavery or some form of active genocide or disease and very often all of the above and more besides.

    The spirit of exploration may have driven the likes of Dias, Polo and Columbus but it was exploitation of what they found that predominated. And this very much included indigenous populations.
    And we mustn’t forget the Church, of course.

    In many of the wars across the centuries the initial aggressor is often forced to pay reparations when hostilities have ceased.

    I doubt such an action would be possible for the millions of Native Americans, north and south, that succumbed to the flagrant greed and avarice of European colonization.

    To try to justify such actions from any sort of humanitarian perspective is as worthless and disingenuous as trying to suggest Genghis Khan swept across Asia so he could demonstrate to those that he conquered the benefits of riding a horse.


    Liked by 1 person

  12. Charity says:

    What a goofy, goober pants! Yes, boo boo, whites save all brown and black people! 🤣

    Africa does NOT need the US. We need them. We’ve robbed the continent of human beings and natural resources for centuries. This person sounds like the Christianese here in Tennessee….” Slavery delivered black people from witchcraft and huts.” Really? STFU and take several seats!

    Liked by 2 people

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