This post is in need of a title

In the ages past, there have been very articulate men and women who spoke for non belief. I don’t know whether such persons were known to the general public or was it just a small section, the elite, that knew them?

France had its Voltaire, Diderot. The English had Percy B Shelley. In the US of A they had Ingersoll, Ernestine Rose, Thomas Paine and I would add Joseph Lewis in East Africa we had Okot p’Bitek. I don’t think I have read any works from Latin America, Asia and China on non belief.

Who would our descendants name as the most articulate advocates of non belief? Who would we say used his wealth & influence like Voltaire to make the world a better place? You know an Ingersoll type?

Whether it is necessary that each generation produces a Darwin, a Newton or Eugenia is altogether open to debate. Maybe the example of these fellows, among others, is sufficient. Who knows. Or maybe Mark Twain was right when he said nature once it finds a product that works produces it en mass with slight variation.

Or maybe I am not making sense.

About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

33 thoughts on “This post is in need of a title

  1. Ron says:

    Our descendants? If current trends are any indication, it’s doubtful that future generations will possess the skills required to engage in any kind of meaningful discussion, let alone those involving deep philosophical thought and introspection.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Christopher Hitchens.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. you are in want of an oracle?


  4. Sirius Bizinus says:

    Future generations will hold in esteem those who speak to the pressing issues of their time. As the world becomes less religious, champions of secular thought will have to answer a question Nietzsche couldn’t: what next?


  5. renudepride says:

    I proudly nominate YOU! 🙂


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