Some people say an idle mind is the devil’s workshop

Describe your most ideal day from begining to end.

But they are wrong on two counts. The first is that the devil has been demonised for long for no fault of her own. And two this line has been used to justify slavery- in whatever form you want to think of it. You know, like indentured slaves and so on. I refuse to believe we mustn’t be idle. In fact, I posit that to be idle is really good for us.

So with that introduction, I can describe what my ideal day would be. But before we get there, you know there are some people who live a full life in a day and others who are alive for many years but haven’t lived a single day well- if you get what I mean.

Not having to make breakfast, or any meal, have a book to read, go for a ride or a run or a hike, chill with family, friends, sex on da beach, bbq and a drink, some weed then this day begins to look ideal. No stress. No running in pursuit of making ends meat.

You could be wondering what my regular day looks like and I am sorry to disappointed you, my dear listeners. There is hardly ever anything to write home about it. Wake up, shit, dress for a run or ride depending on day. Breakfast after workout, shower, leave for work- rinse repeat.

Occasionally I have my ideal days, without the sex on the beach of course. But the elements are present in some measure which makes these days beautiful and memorable.

To an ideal day for all of us.

About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

35 thoughts on “Some people say an idle mind is the devil’s workshop

  1. Great ideal day, Mak! Mine would be the same only I’d have a nice stuffed pizza with extra cheese, garlic and jalapenos right after the sex on the beach. Don’t want it before as…well…I wouldn’t want to belch up garlic whilst having great beach-sex with the woman of my dreams! Nothin’ sexy ’bout that, eh.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. ladysighs says:

    My ideal day would be to sleep past 3 AM.
    And be able to mop the floor every other: day/week/month? And be able to get up off the floor if I get down on the floor to pick up something that should be mopped up. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ


  3. Barry says:

    Ah, but is a mind ever truly idle? Occasionally during a Quaker Meeting my mind might become restful for a short while, but even then it’s not idle. And it’s not likely to become idle until shortly after I have taken my last breath, at which time my mind will be of no use to anyone, including the devil.

    As for my ideal day, I’d like it to be one where my autistic differences are embraced, although I’d settle for being accommodated without complaint or criticism.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. shelldigger says:


    A light southerly wind, 75 degrees, sunny, no threat of weather, and 5 hours of downtime.

    A bad day diving is better than a good day doing anything else. It is what keeps me looking for tomorrow. Is spring here yet?

    That is my ideal day.

    Idle minds being the devils workshop? Perhaps, but my mind is rarely idle. Even if I look idle, I’m usually thinking of something regarding how to do this or that effectively, how to best maximise my time. And I’ve no fear of the devil.


  5. As an idle devil, can’t you people just leave me alone?


  6. Wow, what a dreamy and relaxing ideal day you have described! It sounds like the perfect balance between adventure, relaxation, and spending time with loved ones. Your perspective on life and the importance of truly living each day is inspiring. We should all strive to have more days like the ones you describe, even if it’s just once in a while. Cheers to the simple pleasures in life!


    • makagutu says:

      In the song, Guantanamera, the Sandpipers say the streams of the mountain please me more than the sea. It is the little pleasures that bring joy to our lives.


      • Thank you for sharing your perspective on the song “Guantanamera”. I completely agree with you that it’s the small things in life that bring us the most joy and it’s wonderful to see that the streams of the mountain bring you happiness. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.


  7. WE & LAW says:

    Reason behind the saying is when a person is not engaged in positive work, Surely he will join the company of devils.


  8. […] Some people say an idle mind is the devilโ€™s workshop […]


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