14 thoughts on “if this goes as planned

  1. Yep, we’ll be there soon! Oh, joy!


  2. renudepride says:

    “Fundamental extremists” a term used by many christians as a derogatory label towards all muslims. However, the acts they determine as evil in others suddenly become sainted when practiced by their own. I guess we’re all one step closer to oblivion. Naked hugs, my Kenyan brother! 🙂


  3. Nan says:

    This is ESPECIALLY scary …

    “If we’re going to save America, every church in America has to have a pastor, an elder, a deacon, or a congregant running for local office in 2022, 2024, 2026, and thereafter,”

    I swear … these people are bonkers! They are so brainwashed they long ago lost any sense of normal reasoning powers.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. jim- says:

    We are gaining on Kenya? Yeah baby! That’s pretty amazing. Your thoughts and prayers are received well in the south.


  5. Ron says:

    Will be a big church? I thought it already was.


  6. maryplumbago says:

    I can’t even read it, it upsets me so..and frightening


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