Solve the religion problem

You have three magic genie wishes, what are you asking for?

But seriously, I don’t know. I was listening to an episode of cautionary tales or revisionist history, I don’t recall which and there is this talk about magic wand experiments. And the question was imagine you have carte blanche to carry out an experiment, money and ethics are not a problem, what would be the choices you make?

And today’s prompt is of the same kind. End ignorance. End greed. Breed tolerance. I think all our present challenges would be addressed by these 3 actions.

But then again, I might be wrong.

Killers of the flower moon

Is a hard movie to watch.

It is a reminder of tue clusterfuck and cruelty that has been the empire, and land grab that has been mainly European in many parts of the world. And while American propaganda is that of freedom and rule of law, the reality is always that this depends mainly and to a great extend, the skin complexion of the victims.

Martin Scorcese does a good job in this epic drama. The murders of the Osage tribesmen and women is juxtaposed against the Tulsa race massacre that left little Africa ruins and several African Americans dead.

The war in Israel and Palestine, the mind fuck that is the middle East is to a great extent the creation of Britain, France and bankrolling by the Americans. As long as oil flows from the middle East and Aramco remains profitable, the US will not lift a finger to annoy Saudi Arabia.

Maybe I am crazy.


What is your favorite form of physical exercise?

To conclusions. Nothing burns as much calories as not given a subject sufficient thought before jumping to a conclusion and sticking to that conclusion regardless of how wrong one is. In fact, the more wrong, the more confident one is by the conclusion they jumped to.

Running, cycling and hiking come as second runners up. I enjoy any of the three and can do all three on a single day weather and energy levels permitting.

In future I will incorporate strength and resistance training to the regimen to help with weight control. I have noticed aerobic exercise is not sufficient for weight management.


Camel, ready to go, but no tourist
It used to be said tired as an ox plough but now I can say, tired as a camel
I think this and the one below zinafanana
When I saw these mubabas struggling to swim, I stopped feeling bad about my non swimming ability


What alternative career paths have you considered or are interested in?

Pedicure and manicure.

If this is not possible, I would venture into long distance haulage. I love driving and can drive long distances.

Coxswain on a cargo ship would be on the list though I would need a lesson in patience before I took this up.


What major historical events do you remember?

The butcher of Gaddafi

The overthrow of saddam

The overthrow of Hosni Mubarak

The overthrow of Bashir

The Rwanda genocide

The Serbian war

The ouster of Moi


These are recent events that have happened in my lifetime and whose effects are still being felt or whose effects are still unknown. I could populate the list but the prompt didn’t ask for us to mention all of them.

on the humanitarian crisis that is Israel- Gaza war

I have seen with dismay, people on either side of this conflict, falling over themselves in how this madness can and should be written about. I admit at the outset that I have nothing really new or revolutionary to say about it only to recognize that it is a complicated. What shocks me is the fact that so many well meaning people have not found courage to admit that the killing of civilians by Hamas was and is despicable. And that Israel’s destruction of Gaza and sending an eviction notice is also despicable.

This article is a way to discuss the conflict/ war without soiling your shoes with vomit. Should we take sides in a war of attrition? And how should we decide whose side we are on? The one who is like us, or all the civilians on both sides whose lives have been upended? Is there an end to it? Or is it as many observers have said, a clusterfuck with no solution in sight for the foreseeable future? I don’t know, except to hope that it will someday end.

The list is endless

What’s something you would attempt if you were guaranteed not to fail.

Resurrect the dead.

Dive to the mariana trench

Go to the sun.

I mean, there are so many things to do if failure is out of the question. In fact, I would go blindly into some of them. Failure hangs over many of our endeavours and for it to be removed, adventure almost loses the thrill but it would still be tempting to try complex things.

Imagination is the only thing that would come between me and what I attempt.

Or maybe I didn’t understand the question.