I don’t know

What’s your favorite candy?

But that wouldn’t be interesting, would it?

I love sweet things. I don’t know how some people can’t stand sweet things. in fact, the sweeter the cake, cookie, sweet is, the happier I am. Maybe my happiness is tied to sweet noms. There have been hundreds of articles if not thousands written telling us how sugar is bad for us, how it is killing us slowly and I agree, especially if your source of sugar is coke. I don’t know what ingredients they use in that drink but, hell, man, it ain’t good. I have seen it used to clean battery terminals in cars, whiten toilets and so on. For me, I use it only when I have a stomach upset and no chemist is nearby. This is not to say you should remove sugar from your diet. You can’t, even if you tried. As long as you are eating carbs, you’re consuming sugar in some form or other. Only advice could be to reduce over processed sugars. They give you empty calories and may make you fat.

There was a magnitude 7.2 earthquake in Turkiye and Syria whose death toll keeps rising and it may soon be the worst such disaster from an earthquake in the recent past. If you are in a position to help, please do so. I think there are gofund me pages and other ways to help.

Meanwhile the war has not ended yet and is not about to end as long as there are weapons to be bought and sent to both sides. So we wait and count the dead once the war effort is done. It’s a shame we haven’t found peaceful ways to live as humans. Everywhere, as Peter Tosh sang, is war.

So back to the question, I don’t know if I have a favorite candy. If it is sweet, we are in business.