on why we need social infrastructure (parks and recreational facilities) in Nairobi

Public parks and recreation facilities are any and all buildings, lands and waters, including roadways, recreation equipment, structures and the flora and fauna therein, owned, leased or operated under the jurisdiction of a county or public institution as a park or recreation area and open to the general public for park or recreation purposes.

In Nairobi and other towns, majority of the residents live in slums and informal settlements where there are no parks or recreational spaces which harms the residents and creates substantial costs for the nation as a whole.

The benefits of parks and recreational spaces include but are not limited to

  1. public health benefits
  2. quality of life
  3. environmental benefits
  4. economic benefits
  5. social benefits etc.

If you are wondering why I am writing about open spaces, wonder no more. On Sunday I happened to find myself in a space an entrepreneur has created as a children play area and was astonished at how many parents (thank goodness there were as many fathers as there were mothers) had taken their children to play and I realized how much our planners, developers and counties have failed us in provision of places for rest and recreation.

While I laud this particular business (wo)man, I noticed also that they have opened themselves to a million and one lawsuits. And the county as a licensing agency would also be liable in the event there were any accidents. There is not one equipment on that site that could pass as safe for children’s use but I think the parents would rather a place for their kids to play than nothing

a mama pushing her baby on a pushcart

the only safe equipment was this inflatable whatever

even this one was not safe

the less said the better

parents and children having a good Sunday

And in other related news, yours truly had a great Friday evening with friends where we did a demonstration of how hell fire would be and other interesting things. All the furniture is made by my friend who played host.

demonstration of how some of you will burn in hell

if you rotate this photo, I asure you, you will see your gracious host

we had a sermon by candle light just before we tossed those who were to burn into the furnace

the miniature version of hell

And in very interesting news, my other friend has a farm in Nairobi and we visited.

from here, we got very fresh vegetables. watu wa nairobi you can all eat all the sewage mbogas you want, as for me and my family, we will eat organic

the yoghurt from these cows was delicious

i have not seen healthier hens in a long time