30 thoughts on “We in Nairobi are racists

  1. Are you running? Good luck if so.
    On the other issue, many of us are racist, we just need to admit it and try and improve …


    • makagutu says:

      Yes, I did the half marathon. Took me forever. Next year I should do practice runs.
      You are right on that point. Maybe that’s the only way we can address racism.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Well done. Interesting we can be fit at one sport or at work, and not so good at others. Everyone I knew at work who did the local marathon practised beforehand. Took them around two and a half hours to complete.
        I see it like sexism. White people need to accept they are inherently racist, and then learn from black people so that we aren’t. Or at least, that we are less worse.
        I was horrified years ago when a rasta approached me in a quiet car park, because all black men mug/rape/murder white women don’t they? He offered me his ticket as the time hadn’t expired. What horrified me most was my reaction.
        I think he was the first person who had ever done that.


        • makagutu says:

          I think I am not doing badly. I took 3hr without any practice though someone would claim my cycling should count as practice. It doesn’t.
          That must have led to some change in perspective?


          • Yeah, I was thinking cycling and running aren’t the same. Partner was busy cycling and walking, both daily. Went to work full-time on a building site and couldn’t believe how tired he was.
            It did. Apart from anything else we always offered any tickets to other people 🙂


            • makagutu says:

              Cycling is easy on the body. Running not much so.
              That was a positive change. I think our biggest problem is tribalism. My interactions with other races are minimal. Though my friends who are employed by Indians and other Asians complain of racism at the work place

              Liked by 1 person

              • Agree on the cycling. Soooooo energy efficient.
                Tribalism is a good description. Or, as they say here, you’re not from my barrio (immediate neighbourhood). People can be racist without skin colour even coming into it, although old white colonialist views of black people is the obvious one. Which is why your tribalism comment is good. Gib is multi-cultural on the surface but there is inherent racism underneath, and it isn’t based on black/brown skin. Well, not always. As for your friends, sounds like the oppressed becoming the oppressor.


                • makagutu says:

                  Funny thing when the colonialist were here, the Asian was a class above the African. The mindset has not left us.
                  Interesting, so how does racism manifest in Gib?


                  • Yes I think that’s right re Asian racism. There is quite the hierachy in Gib. First, there are those who are pro Brit or anti Brit. Then, Spanish, even Gibbos who are part Spanish can be anti Spanish. Then, Portuguese. And Indian. And Moroccan. And Eastern European. And Jewish. But it’s covert. You need to know people before they say what they think. Apart from one govt minister. The current govt is anti Brits in Gib and anti Spain generally!


  2. Arkenaten says:

    In the day, I ran more marathons and half marathons than I had hot dinners.

    I must be missing something; why is this post racist, Mak?
    It’s Sunday and I am still half asleep!


  3. shelldigger says:

    You racist bastard 🙂

    I love word play and shabby puns, it is a sickness.

    My hat is off to you for doing the marathon. There was a time I enjoyed running but ain’t got the back or the legs or the stamina for it anymore. I’d be huffing and puffing and bent over with back issues at the first 500 feet. I’ll ride the bicycle when I feel the need to exercise. Or do a mild weight training regime.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Love the title, and congrats on running a half marathon.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. atheistsmeow says:

    Arthritis has destroyed my hips, so the only racing I do is trying to get rid of agonizing pain.

    As for word play…..that’s fun!


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