for Pink

I thought you should know we have a few not so tall buildings and many of us ride bikes :). Soon we will evolve to cars and other means of modern locomotion.

Cycling to end pollution

the moment before we ended pollution in Nairobi

About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

37 thoughts on “for Pink

  1. Good idea, but too cold here for biking in winter.


  2. Sirius Bizinus says:

    Personally, I’d stick with bikes. Nairobi is too beautiful to see from behind a car window.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Peter says:

    Most societies would be improved if more people used bikes.

    I used to live in Melbourne which was a great bike city being flat and having plenty of bike paths.

    But alas where I live now, Hobart. is hilly and the major bridge over the river has a very narrow bike/pedestrian path. The engineers say the path cannot be widened as it would make the bridge unstable in high winds that afflict Hobart.


  4. john zande says:

    Sao Paulo traffic

    Liked by 1 person

  5. renudepride says:

    I trust you enjoyed your excursion to protect the environment! Great job, my Kenyan brother – and excellent photographs. It looks as though it was a perfect sunny December day! Naked hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. nannus says:

    Personally, I prefer bikes. Cars are not a good idea. Cities should be organized in such a way that anything you need can be reached on foot, by bike or by public transportation. Skip the car stage.


    • makagutu says:

      We skipped all those stages and landed on the car stage. You don’t want to cycle in our streets nor would you want to drive anywhere in our cities

      Liked by 1 person

    • basenjibrian says:

      Except we concentrate all of our commerce into a few “power centers” owned by one or two families-because the only legitimate grocery store has 6,000 square meters and a 2,000 space parking lot.

      Luckily, The Bezos will save us, and everything will be flown to us by drone and we do not ever need to leave our gated communities and carpeted “entertainment rooms”


  7. Barry says:

    Kenya has about 5 times the population density of Aotearoa New Zealand, so you should be able to bring about a viable public transport system before there are too many cars. We have 1.6 cars per household, so essentially we are a lost cause when it comes to developing a public transport infrastructure. High use of private transport means low use of public transport. Low public transport use means infrequent or no public transport. Infrequent or no public transport means a greater reliance on private transport. It’s a vicious circle

    Kenya on the other hand has about 0.06 cars per household, so you have a window of opportunity to develop a good public transport network. Don’t let the opportunity pass by 🙂


    • makagutu says:

      My friend, we don’t have public transport as it stands. We have individuals moving masses and I can tell you we are unfortunate to have in power thieves who do not care about the public weal


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