where to search for truth and other stories

I know you have been wondering where your search for truth should begin. I have the answer for you, even you Jeff. The whole truth and nothing else is to be found in the bible. Every other book is fiction. And wait, this is big. In fact, we can prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that every word in the Bible is true. I want proof that the ass spoke with Balaam. Barry, like you, I wonder if these people believe what they write.

I didn’t know Imagine by the Beatles is Atheist National Anthem- that is, I didn’t know there is a nation of Atheists. But it does seem some unhinged fellow took umbrage with the song because a version of it was played at the Japan 2020 Olympics Opening ceremony. Even the comments on that site are unhinged.

Americans must be at a loss where there is polarization at home. I got the answer. It is in sex/ sexuality. The nation has accepted the atheist view of sexuality and it is wrecking havoc. You should adopt the Mormon view or the Islamic view. This will help heal the rifts in the nation sooner than you can say sex.

But the best is this 2013 article from AIG on the flood. The good fellows at AIG say of the gods in the Epic of Gilgamesh that they are

capricious, cowardly, and dependent upon humans for either worship or nourishment. Because the gods cannot “tune out” human noise, they have to seek ways to reduce human population

forgetting that the god of the bible destroys the tower of Babel because it can’t tune out human noise, chases the first family out of Eden because they have become like the gods, and is dependent on human worship. There are laws/ commands and punishments for worshiping other gods among other things. Maybe the good fellow didn’t read those parts.

They tell us the story of Noah bears internal consistency. How many pairs of birds boarded the Ark? I will wait.

I like how the writers dismiss the similarities between the Epic of Gilgamesh and Noah’s flood by saying the 300 year gap between when they were written means they were all written close to the actual flood.

The best part is this

Moreover, the rest of Scripture considers the events of Genesis 6–9 to be factual history. For example, the writer of 1 Chronicles records Noah as being the ancestor of Abraham (1 Chronicles 1:4, 1:27). Jesus mentions Noah as a real historical person and the Flood as a real historical event (Matthew 24:37–39). Luke includes Noah in the genealogy of Christ (Luke 3:36), while Peter twice mentions that Noah built the Ark and was one of only eight people saved (1 Peter 3:20; 2 Peter 2:5).

How do you know the bible is true? Because the bible says in this part that it’s claim in an earlier chapter is true. Jesus whose historicity is doubtful is called upon to support Noah whose historicity is even more doubtful. I love these fellows at AIG.

Have a great week everyone.