In memorium

It’s been many years but we still miss you.

There is a sickness spreading in Africa, West Africa especially that on the one hand is undemocratic but on the other hand seems to be the one redress people have against unpopular regimes.

While I support civilian transfer of government, and have come to the conclusion that violent regime change as in revolution would replace one elite group with another equally terrible and to ensure the survival of the regime, there would be purges for anyone who disagrees with the regime.

I need to be convinced that in the last 20 years, Putin has been the best thing to happen to Russia or that the Bongo family is the one great thing that happened to the people of Gabon or closer home, that without M7 and Kagame, Uganda and Rwanda will descend to chaos.

And as long as the AU remains a useless body, these coups will only increase. Maybe one day Kenyans will wake up and tell the ruling class to fuck off. It will not be a glorious day but it will be long overdue.

So long, so long

Any time I am awake

What’s your favorite time of day?

But mostly when I am with people I like and love,then that time of day is super. I am those all day persons. I wake up ready to go and I am still sharp when I join the half dead.

So, in short, any time I am alive and not at the doctor’s office, or police cell, I am good. I am a man of simple asks and desires and being alive makes many things possible. And while alive, potential for favourites are endless!

Have a good week everyone!

Like a city of the past

How would you design the city of the future?

With streets wide enough for two horse carts to just pass by. With more dramatic streets and open spaces.

There are those who argue cities should be left to grow organically only ensuring incompatible uses such as churches and residential areas are kept separate.

The city of the future should give preference to other modes of transport instead of the personal car. It should privilege bus, tram and penalise personal car. It should encourage human interaction by design.

Such as a city must also have the elements described in Kevin Lynch’s The image of the city and respond to the demand as expressed in Lefebvre work- right to the city. This right is a right to change ourselves by changing the city.

Have a good weekend everyone

John Wick 1

What are your top ten favorite movies?

2 and 3

The last castle

The green Mile

Showshank redemption

All the Kings men

3 billboards outside Ebing Missouri

Pirates of the Caribbean- all of them


The Stoning of soraya M

I don’t think I have a top ten list for anything. My tastes change with the weather and sometimes I find a movie with a title no one can remember and it is really good it can be a top ten contender. So the above list should only be considered as indicative of some of the movies that came to mind easily. I could add beyond the enemy lines, most Bruce Willis movies, Samuel L Jackson, musicals like Phantom of the Opera, sarafina and this list would have no end in sight.

should scripture be taken literally?

Jim has written a post on this subject that I find interesting. The basic argument being that scripture was never meant to be taken literally and this literal reading is only a modern phenomenon. Ken Ham of AiG would disagree with this and many other Christians would too. I, a non believer, wouldn’t care much either way. My friend Barry would agree with the non literal reading of the bible, I believe.

I suspect, however, that such a reading would leave some of my believing friends in a difficult place. So that, Genesis would be read as appearing as if god created man, and you know the rest. The “evidence” most apologists refer to in bolstering the resurrection event would then appear as as if creation. It would be considered as though there was an eye witness account of the doings of the man Jesus. These doings are not be to taken as having happened.

  • Does a non-literal reading of the bible and maybe other scripture present problems to the believers and what kind of problems?
  • Is it the case that literal truth is a modern phenomenon and that our forefathers only wrote myths?
  • Is it possible we could develop a system that allows us to distinguish between the literal and the non literal?
  • And if the bible and the Koran are miraculous in origin- that is- god(s) having to do something with their origin and composition, does it even make sense to discuss whether they are literally true or not?
  • Do you think Bernardo Kastrup who Jim quotes is right in his observations?


If you were going to open up a shop, what would you sell?

It sells like wildfire.

But that’s not what i am interested in this Sunday. UFOs or UAP and alien abductions have, to the best of my knowledge, been reported only in the US or Canada. Is there something about these regions that make these phenomena common? And why is it treated as national security matter? If these things were to pose a threat to humanity, wouldn’t be better to make this information public so we could crowd source responses? But then again, the west during the pandemic out purchased the global south in vaccine access. So maybe, the survival of those in the global south is not that critical and an imminent alien invasion is not something to be shared with them.

This would make sense though. We in the global south have hunger, civil war, dictatorships, coups and all to worry about that adding alien abduction and UFO sightings would be adding unnecessary stress to an already stressed population. Maybe it is a sign of care both by the UFOs and the governments that have been sitting on this information. But i kid. The US has space force that will take care of us should some misguided alien think it a good idea to invade the world. They will be met with such force they would wish they remained at home.

I have read news that some gun manufacturer in the US thinks its a good idea to have guns for kids in the true American tradition of the 2nd Amendment. Train them early to our way of life, the say. Is the gun lobby outta their minds?

I am of small ambitions

What change, big or small, would you like your blog to make in the world?

And it has never occured to me that this humble blog in a small corner of the internet can change the world. it was never started to change the world. It is a place for meeting with friends, each at their own time and convenience and to share my views, likes, and or opinions on subjects that interest me.

I also have a small ego. Not enough to make me think a blog post that gets read by less than 50 people on a good day can change the world. I have accepted my place in this world. That of an unwilling traveller here for a time. I must make the most of that time, but that is all.

This is not to be construed that i am disinterested in seeing some change happen. On the contrary, the list of changes i am interested in is long and is filled with mundane and not so mundane things. I am a dreamer, you see and dreams sometimes become true. Especially for those who dream with their eyes open. These are dangerous dreamers.

That said, i saw a post on Yahoo news that looks to me like how conspiracies begin. Do note that not all conspiracies theories are the same. And not all conspiracy theories are harmful. Some are interesting.

Happy weekend everyone.

I don’t keep tabs

What’s the most money you’ve ever spent on a meal? Was it worth it?

But I have spent 300/= or about $2.5 on plain eggs that I felt was a rip off. Or the one time I spent about $30 on salmons or something like that. I think it is easy to recall the occasions when one has paid highly for food that turned out to be not worth the amount paid for it.

I enjoy good food. I have found street food in some places very enjoyable. I have eaten in some not so high end restaurants and found their service and food drab. Almost flat. I should visit a high end restaurant with a Michelin rated chef to experience what such food is like.

In all, the best food I have eaten is with friends and family regardless of the cost. A meal shared in joy, for me, beats any amount I can pay for a plate if food while alone.