Random photos

Somewhere at a hydro plant
A sleepy town somewhere in ukambani
A passenger ferry somewhere on the shores of L Victoria
My primary school gate
The only car manufactured in Kenya to date
A wild zebra
Yes, we have tarmac roads
What do you call many giraffes?
Domestic zebras

About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

16 thoughts on “Random photos

  1. love the wild zebra, and isn’t it nice to actually have a ‘somewhere’ to look at…? I had no idea there actually was such a thing as ‘domestic’ zebras…


  2. Okay, somewhere, on a paved road by car, then on a ferry, after school, to see wild, & domestic zebras, & lotsa giraffes!…….right?


  3. shelldigger says:

    Always love your pics Mak.


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