Two developments

The first is that this blog is 5 years old.

It started out as brief and humorous reflection on the bible. I got bored at leviticus though I hope to someday continue with that line.

I have written on array of topics. Freewill, god, Jesus, refugees, posted photos of my travels or bike rides, movies and songs I like, written about my late mother and many more. 

I have benefited from comments and insights from a diverse group of people whom I cannot name all at this point but will name a few whose presence has been enduring.

But before I name the living, 2 fellows whose memories still live on; myatheistlife a brilliant fellow and Arch, the bird. I knew him before I started this blog and I am glad I knew him.

Pink who thinks I am sending this using drums, jz my friend who got lost in Brazil and decided to stay on, Ark the stone god from down south, shelldigger friend who we have had many a discussion, tildeb who we have had heated discussions on matters war, sb, Nan, Ruth,  RS,  Violet, Charity, Carmen,  my nude friend who inspires my nudist dreams, Brian, Bob V, Jeff the resident satirist, Victoria our walking reserviour of information, Tish, Paulette who has asked very challenging questions,  Peter, Esme, Swarn, and many more I am unable to name who we have interacted with here and elsewhere. I sincerely thank you. You severally and individually have built this blog to what it is.

There have also been new followers whose presence is as valued as those named above.  Again thank you. 

Luckily there have been few assholes. 

The second development is we have a plebiscite in 15 days. My posting here maybe intermittent as I am busy tweeting 🙂 but I will continue to visit your blogs and say my 2cts or if I can’t afford 1ct. 

That marks the end of this broadcast. May golden boot kick you and keep you alert. 

The year that was

Friends, followers and all those who have been part of this blog, thank you very much and I hope we will continue to fly together. Yesterday we received a notification from WordPress that we have been flying for a year now. So we thank the good guys at WP

Thanks for flying with us. Keep up the good blogging!

and we will keep it here. We, thanks to you have had over 20K visits, 5K comments, 500+ posts and still counting and we hope you will continue to honour us with your visits.

As a round-up, I will list some of the posts that yours truly liked.

Confessions which is a short narrative of where I have been

What happens after the death of god which was a reflection of what I have come to learn in the time I have been without gods

On morality which is a work in progress

Is the universe proof of god which was a rebuttal of an a formulation of the cosmological argument

Is science and religion compatible where my answer is a definite no

The things I believe is a work in progress

What’s in a name

I have also done a few book reviews, basically telling you what I liked about the books.

On the future of our educational institutions is not a review per se, but a link to the lectures by Nietzsche. This is for my friend

The god beyond belief which is a book on the problem of evil

What happened to the US of A is a review based on some speeches of Col Robert G. Ingersoll

and since it isn’t my intention to bore you, below are movies or music videos you may enjoy listening to

The lord of the rings complete symphony

Albert Einstein: How I see the world

and lastly the phantom of the opera.

Thank you very much friends, you have been great company!