of dingbats and asshats

t’is the common vice of nature, that we at repose most confidence and receive the greatest apprehensions, from things unseen, concealed and unknown- Caesar

In the post I wrote on 9 people sentenced to death for blasphemy, I did ad after the name Mo-piss be upon him; a play on the word peace that the goddites- especially of the Muslim variety add to the names of venerated religious leaders. It is impossible for me to blaspheme. Only a goddite can blaspheme especially when they think their all-loving deity will punish me in hell for eternity plus one for not believing in it. There is, in what I have read so far, no evidence of Moses of Jesus or Mohammed in history except in the religious books. To take offense because you think I have insulted an important religious figure is beyond me. Whenever I write a post, someone is going to get offended. A christian may get offended or a Paulite or sometimes even a Buddhist. This blog is like a house. In my house, you can disagree with me all you want, I expect it, but you can’t insult me or my friends who you come and find in the house. It is a sign you lack mannerisms and or are a philistine to not know how to conduct yourself civilly. Maybe I am being too harsh, maybe how to behave is not covered in your holy book and the deity hasn’t sent directions on how to behave while on the internet, especially given, the internet is a modern invention. I would be the last person to deny that the Arabs by translating and storing the tomes they had collected from the different Greece and Roman cities as the two empires were falling were instrumental in getting Europe out of the dark rule of the church. However, it is massaging history to claim that Islam was the driving force. In the peaceful religion of Allah, there were falsafa schools which lost to the more dogmatic brands. And whereas most Arabs were Muslims, there were a number who were critical of the faith. Al Razi, a great scholar who lived a few hundred years after Mo is said to have lived, wrote

You claim that the evidentiary miracle is present and available, namely, the Koran. You say: “Whoever denies it, let him produce a similar one.” Indeed, we shall produce a thousand similar, from the works of rhetoricians, eloquent speakers and valiant poets, which are more appropriately phrased and state the issues more succinctly. They convey the meaning better and their rhymed prose is in better meter. ,  By God what you say astonishes us! You are talking about a work which recounts ancient myths, and which at the same time is full of contradictions and does not contain any useful information or explanation. Then you say: “Produce something like it”?!

If the Koran was a science book, why is the Muslim world full of creationists? To accuse me of ignorance about Mo or any other prophet simply because I have written piss be upon one of them is the height of arrogance. You don’t know what I know and I don’t care about your little prophets and silly gods. I don’t want to make this post longer than this. It is a dedication to Tonymarshallword and whitemagic who for some reason got offended about blasphemy. I am almost certain if they had the power, they would have hauled my ass to a court or killed me on the street for writing about their silly religion. Whitemagic in praise of Tony, writes in a comment

Bravo bravo Mr Tony. Finally someone with intelligence and who isn’t filled with blind hate!! At a time when Europeans were fighting off diseases, Arabs had already named most of the stars in the sky. Actually, the Islamic holy book contains many scientific facts which today’s scientists have only just discovered. It’s truly amazing! I was watching a fantastic show where a British scientist said Muslims should be loud and proud of all the science that’s In the Quran! Bravo ! Others on here can continue making jokes about God on a bicycle. Says it all….

it should always be remembered that most of the stars and heavenly bodies have Greek, Roman or Egyptian names, these being the first people to name them. The Arabs, who for most of their early beginnings were barbarians only learnt to philosophize or write when they met the Greeks. We thank them however for being custodians of knowledge when the priest was in charge. And Tony in his great eloquence writes

Stop trying to justify what is clearly obviously the contrary! I wouldn’t expect you to understand my post. You ONLY raised awareness of the sentence of 9 people? Oh please, even an underdeveloped brain like yours can understand that has clearly got nothing to do with you modifying peoples post to amuse your sad little mind. You insult religion and therefore many people’s beliefs. Be ashamed and learn to accept criticism if your insulting, being rude and spreading hatred! Tell your ignorant follower that Allah is word that means God in Arabic.

Tony here is complaining about comments being modified. His comments stand as he wrote them. There is none in which he responded to the barbarity of sentencing people, 9 people to death for blasphemy. No. He takes issue only with what he thinks is an insult to his demigods and gods. He calls me sad and an excuse of a human being for pissing on Mo, who actually deserved to pissed on anyway. Here is a man, who if he lived, was shagging a 9-year-old, had no problem with killing those he thought did not agree with his teachings and had so much lust whenever he saw a woman he wanted to shag, an angel of the lord always appeared to confirm his choice. I make no apologies for pissing on your non-existent prophet. You can throw a tantrum all you want. Insulting me will get you nowhere. And I am not ignorant as you may think. Dispute among Islamic scholars- did Mo really exist? Did Mo exist? Scandal– a must read Did Mo exist?

Postscript: In the post I wrote the names of the stars were Greek or Roman. I have learnt from several comments they are actually Arabic.