72 thoughts on “Money matters

  1. ’Twas ever thus, with a few minor variations either way. Trouble is when you are rich, a minor variation is an inconvenience (if it’s even noticed) and ‘unfair’. When you are poor it could be starvation and/homelessness.

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  2. ladysighs says:

    When that video starts there is the most sad dreadful music. 😦 Fits the topic.
    I’m going to start charging for visits to my blog. 🙂


  3. Hariod Brawn says:

    Isn’t Neoliberalism wonderful?

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  4. Cara says:

    Wealth distribution…those who have the wealth are not distributing it.

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  5. This situation will not improve. I agree with you there, Mak. It’s all about the MONEY! Money is a god and those with a lot of it are envied, impervious to taxes, at least in the US they are, and considered better people, by far too many, than those without it. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to take a bath in my platinum bathtub.

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  6. This situation won’t change anytime soon. But, history shows us time after time that dire consequences will inevitably result if economic, social, and political inequalities are left unchecked. Just ask the French, Russian, Chinese, and many other peoples whose countries were torn apart by violent revolution.

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  7. “That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons that history has to teach.”

    ― Aldous Huxley

    Liked by 4 people

  8. charlypriest says:

    Something right they must have done and be doing for getting that wealthy, I look up to those guys while I´m literally cashing in my social security check. I´m quite sure they are more driven, more Street and book wise than most people for sure. And that is an atribute to admire if you ask me. And is quite ironic Hilary talking about wealth distribution, the Clinton foundation getting money from the rich arabs while she was secretary of state, FBI investigating not only her tenure as secretary of state and having a private email to do what she wants to do and not play by the rules now expanding the investigation into the Clinton foundation….. Am I going to take this lady lectures about wealth distribution? And what is wealth distribution? Why would a person that has gotten all that money through sheer work give it to a whole bunch of people that are lousy at their work and lives, dont want to work as hard, aren´t Smart enought, and I´m not excluded from some of those things I named. Life ain´t fair, you make your own choices, you always have the opportunity to influence any matter that comes up in your life.
    Hey, all the better for the rich folks. I´m not stealing from them (but I´m sure a great bunch of people think they are stealing from the middle lower class), good for them. You try to make them all pay their fare share and along the line I guarantee you that the middle lower class ceases to exist into all out poverty.


    • makagutu says:

      I don’t know if all of them worked hard or that they are book and street smart. The top rich people in my country are not there because of hard work; they plundered public institutions, grabbed land and have managed to politically protect their interests.
      The question of US politics is, at least, for this post not the question.
      And wealth distribution doesn’t mean the rich giving the poor their wealth, that would be a case of robbing the rich to benefit the poor. In my view it should include a level playing field for all, equitable access to resources and whatever it is that is fair and just that helps to check such gaps

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      • charlypriest says:

        “A level playing field, equitable Access to resources and whatever is fair…” In human history there has never been a level playing field nor equitable Access to resources for a very simple fact, because we are humans and imperfect and the world is imperfect. So for me that´s just living in “la la land”. I know, numerous examples of Friends and family that have grown in real poverty and now they are running businesses, consulting firms, e.t.c. So for me it´s all about the individual and what he makes out of his circumstances the choices he makes e.t.c. And you said “whatever it is fair” well, its quite normal for people with that train of thought to not be able what is fair or not, the word fair specially in the U.S is thown out here and there, like monkeys playing with a banana. It´s a fantastic trick from the politicians because people eat that like nothing, they really believe it if you say it again and again and again.
        “The fair share” “Fair education for all” I can go on, non of those things will be fair for anybody since at the end of the day someone has to pay for that fair thing that is going to those people and living in a socialist country like spain, at the end of the day in the long run the people who receive the fair thing, will end up paying too for it.
        To me your talking about a socialist communist system. And living in one myself, I can tell you from first hand experience all that you are saying, this eutopia you would like to créate it will never exist.


        • makagutu says:

          Well, it seems we are talking past one another. At what point have I suggested socialism? Not that I have a problem with it anyway?
          I didn’t say everyone who is successful had a silver spoon in their mouth. Some have worked their asses off. Majority of people work their asses off and still remain poor and these are the people I am talking about.
          In case you missed it, I wasn’t talking about America. It is possible people in America use fair left right and centre without giving a thought to its meaning, which is unfortunate.
          At least once in recorded history or maybe more, there has been level playing field. It just didn’t last long.

          Liked by 2 people

          • fojap says:

            We should have never come down from the trees. We could be living like bonobos today. 🙂


          • Noel, thought you’d find this
            article interesting. Especially the fact that the one percenters are not getting or remaining filthy rich because they actually work for a living. They use tax havens to protect their wealth from being subjected to their fair of taxes to the tune of up to $32 trillion.

            $32 trillion!

            In the article it states that the income of the 1% is mainly derived from capital gains, interest and dividends. It further states that for the past three decades or so, the share of income going to capital has been rising. But the share of income going to labor — that is, money from wages and salaries and benefits that serve as the primary source of income for most people has been on the decline.

            Sharp increases in pay have mostly gone to “workers” at the very top of the latter, such as executives. In the United States, over the past 50 years, CEOs have gone from making 20 times the pay of a typical worker to nearly 300 times as much.

            Since 2000 just 1% of the increase in global wealth has gone to the bottom half of the world’s population, according to the report which was addressed in your OP article. Over the last 25 years, daily incomes for those in the bottom 10% of the world’s population have risen by less than 1 cent a year.

            Nothing good comes from income inequality. Never has, never will. Here in America, we are acutely aware that if you want to live the American dream, you have to go to Denmark.

            Liked by 3 people

            • Good article, Victoria. This idiotic delusion that some have about the upper tier of the world’s wealthiest people making money through “hard work” is bullshit. Money makes money, not back breaking labor. While some of the world’s wealthiest may not have been born with a golden spoon to suckle, they most certainly had at least a silver or bronze one to nurse from. This is not the norm for the vast majority of the Earth’s population. Wealth doesn’t just trickle upwards, it pours there, and usually off the hard work of people who will never see a dime of it. The middle class is all but dead. The religion of wealth worship has become the fastest growing faith based belief since Islam quickly spread throughout the Middle East. The deification of the wealthy has caused irreparable harm to our planet from human caused global warming, and is the motivating factor behind war and destruction in many parts of the world. Hard work my doughnut-shaped ass. Greed, laziness, callousness, and inhumanity toward man by man is what keeps this disgusting system in place. Like Marylin Monroe once said to Marlon Brando, ” Marlon, conservative rich bastards suck.” I could not agree with her more.

              Liked by 2 people

            • makagutu says:

              Thanks for that link.
              Tax havens. I should have an account there too.

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  9. Tish Farrell says:

    And not only the too-much money, but the TOO MUCH power that such people wield in order to make MORE MONEY, often at the poorest people’s expense. Think corporations who want to control the seeds that peasant farmers sow, or those companies that leave massive oil spills that poison poor people’s water supplies and land…

    Liked by 4 people

  10. A further thought on this matter: It’s time we rip the wealth out of the hands of the lazy, petulant, spoiled rotten hands of the filthy rich and make these lazy bastards work for a living. The 62 on this list, the vast majority at least, inherited their wealth which they made bigger on the backs of others. Lazy, petulant brats do this–people who wouldn’t know true work if it bit them so hard in the ass it killed them. It’s time the anti-Democratic wealthy assholes in my country and others, pay taxes, stop being allowed to file bankruptcy on loans they take out for failed business adventures, loans that OTHER people, working people, then have to pay for, and become working, viable, decent human beings who actually contribute to the world. There is no cancer eating up this world like the rich. No sin greater than the idiotic idea these lazy, contemptible, cannibals are helping anyone but themselves. You can stop worrying about chasing a Social Security check in America. The rich will soon suck that money away like the vampire parasites they are. Too many working class folks feed them with their labor, their taxes, and their joyful outlook on them. The rich are deified; the working class and the poor demonized. The true definition of lazy, greedy, moral-less, scum are these rich parasites. Hard working my big fat white ass. Golden spoons and suction cups for mouths, that’s how these vampires got this rich. Like George Washington used to say, “the only thing worse than one rich conservative bastard is two rich conservative bastards.” And, in this case, we’ve got 62. In other words, we’re fucked as a people. Eventually even rich, lazy, conservative parasites will see this, but by then, it’ll be too late, even for them.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Real real me says:

    Nice illustration.
    I agree with you.


  12. Eric Alagan says:

    What is wealth distribution? How much “distribution” will be considered fair?” These are the questions that befuddle me.
    Provocative post, my friend, very provocative.


  13. How economic inequality harms societies.

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    • fojap says:

      And all the people watching the talk are probably wealthy and well connected. Then the foreigner giving the talk makes fun of Americans and the rich Americans all laugh. Irony on top of irony on top of irony. If they actually cared, they’d cry. But they don’t. They laugh. How I hate the educated elite who laugh at stuff like that.


      • The people watching the talk were most likely interested in the harm that comes from income inequality, and actually do care about humanity, whether wealthy or not. Not all wealthy people are “evil”. When he showed that picture of unhappy people in the beginning of the video, it sounded to me like nervous laughter which is a laughter evoked from an audience’s expression of embarrassment, alarm, discomfort or confusion, rather than amusement. People may laugh nervously when exposed to stress due to witnessing others’ pain.


        Liked by 2 people

    • makagutu says:

      Thanks Victoria

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