The uninhabitable planet

Is the book I am currently reading and to say that it presents a scary picture of our planet’s future would be an understatement.

The author argues that the climate crisis is worse than most of us think. And the worst bit of it all is that those countries that have ravaged the planet the most will not suffer the most, at least at the beginning. This is ironic justice.

Whether we should have children given what is coming? The author argues to not have is to surrender before even the battle has been won or lost. It reminds me almost of Albert Camus and his writings on the absurd life. Kirilov commits suicide because life is absurd. For Dostoyevsky, faith is what overcomes an absurd life.

Places in Kenya and east Africa generally have in the past month been receiving crazy rains. Some places have seen rains last seen 25 years ago and others received rains in one day they usually receive in a month.

While Ark doesn’t watch the news, Venice declared an emergency last week or the week before because of flooding. The water mark was last hit 100(?) or so years ago.

And below is a video of just how things are this side of the woods.