Are you a Christian

And going to college? Then here is help for you. A good Christian has written a book on how to stay Christian in Campus that will help you drive those secularists away.

I didn’t realise staying Christian in college was that hard. I know my friends who left campus as Christian as they joined it the first day. But it could be this advice ain’t meant for them.

Do you know any science teacher that would come to class and with a straight face claim science has shown life is meaningless? Well, there is advise on how to deal with such a science teacher.

Postmodernism is also addressed. So we can say all bases are covered.

If you are a parent sending your very Christian child to campus, this is the book to buy for them. That way you will protect their faith, adopted second hand from you who didn’t know any better having adopted the faith from your parents.

Christians try so hard.