should da Vatican ordain women as priests and allow priests to marry?

I agree with Makau Mutua on the matter but find this

Let’s separate man-made religious law from holy text. In the Church, canonical law are rules made by ecclesiastical authority, or Church leadership, for the governance of the flock. It shouldn’t be confused with the Bible. In the same way that sharia or Islamic law shouldn’t be conflated with the Quran and the Hadith. Sharia is man-made law even if the religious authorities and scholars derive it from the Quran and Hadith. That’s why using canonical law or sharia law to deny penitents basic rights of equality can’t stand scrutiny.

indefensible. Is holy (sic) writ not equally work of men? And does this claim not weaken his argument? In the NT, women are told to keep quiet in church. How then would he justify having women priests when the bible forbids it? Paul says marry only if you can’t control your urges.

Anyone with some time in their hands should read William Cussel’s supernatural religion.

I think he would make a stronger argument if he argued that holy writ is work of men. The rules can be changed.