
Most of you, except Ark know that the Olympic games are on in Japan. I didn’t watch the opening ceremony yesterday but I have heard it was glorious. Again for Ark’s sake, these games were put off for a whole year due to covid and there are very few spectators if any at the games and me wonders whether a non rich country would have managed to host the games without revenue from ticket sales.

I found myself watching two sports; Brazil vs Netherlands women football ( replay) I don’t know how it ended so don’t ask me. The second was weightlifting again the women trials or whatever they are called and man, don’t they lift heavy stones. And while at it I checked Wikipedia on the sport and a fellow lifted 256kg (?) At Rio Olympics and that’s amazing. The heaviest I have lifted that high is a spoon full of rice and it was a struggle.

So all the best to all the athletes participating in the games. I await to see Simone Biles wow the audience and the world stage.

A sporty weekend to you all and a great Olympics to all.

About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

3 thoughts on “Olympics

  1. Well that spoonful of rice should get you some sort of medal after the struggle, dontcha think?

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